Chapter 69 Fujiwara no Fuhito.

Although a hundred miles is far, it is not out of reach.

With everyone rushing on without stopping, the large army arrived outside the bamboo forest at noon on the third day.

After arriving at the bamboo forest, there was another wailing.

Because they are very tired now.

They brought a lot of gifts and money this time, and these things need to be treated with caution.

If they are not careful, they will be damaged.

In this case, they have to rush on with almost no rest.

After arriving at the bamboo forest, all the accompanying personnel were exhausted physically and mentally, and had no strength to move.

Looking at the servants lying all over the place.

The five nobles were also very angry. If they continued like this, what would they do if they missed the time?

But without these servants, they had no way to bring the gifts in, and entering in this state was really a loss of status.

So while it was still early, they decided to set up camp outside the bamboo forest and go in after getting enough rest.

But when the people in the bamboo forest saw this scene, they felt very angry.

“What a rude bunch of guys, setting up camp at the gate of someone else is just wanton.”

Wu Bie looked at the people outside with disgust.

It’s not that you can’t set up camp outside the bamboo forest. In fact, over the years, there have been many immortal seekers who have set up camp.

It’s just that these immortal seekers are in awe, so they are either hundreds of meters away or in the woods nearby.

No one is like them, directly blocking the entire entrance.

The demons on the side were equally disgusted. Not only did they set up camp at the door, but they also ate and drank here. They really didn’t take them seriously.

If it were normal, they would definitely not let these rude people enter the bamboo forest.

But today is a day known to the world after all. If they were just turned away, it would be against etiquette.

After calming down, Wu Bie left the courtyard and walked out.

As Wu Bie approached, the bamboo forest in front of him made way for him, and the fog moved to both sides.

Wu Bie walked very slowly, trying to give them some rest time.

Time passed little by little, and half an hour later

“”Hua La La~”

The rustling sound of leaves came from the quiet bamboo forest, which made the people who proposed marriage look over.

At the same time, the people accompanying them took out their weapons, and the Yin-Yang master drew a magic circle.

Although the bamboo forest is the territory of immortals, everyone knows that immortals and monsters have a good relationship.

So it is not surprising that monsters jumped out of the bamboo forest.

These behaviors are understandable, but they are not what I want to see.

“Pay attention to safety. It’s understandable to be vigilant, but this is my home after all, and this is an important day.

So you don’t have to worry about your safety today. I will keep your weapons for the time being, and Yin Yang Masters should not use magic easily.”

The ethereal voice continued to sound, and before everyone could react, all the weapons in their hands disappeared.

Even the magic power in the air was imprisoned.

This made it impossible for the Onmyoji to use magic.

Just when everyone was terrified because they had lost the power to resist, the unfathomable bamboo forest in front of them suddenly moved to both sides.

A young man with extraordinary appearance walked out of the bamboo forest, and many weapons lay quietly at his feet.

A pair of starry eyes looked at them carefully, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Everyone was attracted by this young man.

At the same time, the line of sight passed him and saw the bamboo house hundreds of meters away.

The bamboo forest behind him had all been cleared, and a path leading directly to the bamboo house appeared. There were still dense bamboo forests on both sides of the road, and the thick fog was still in the bamboo forest. Not a trace could be seen inside, and it did not dissipate outward. With such means, coupled with a stunning appearance, the identity of the person in front of him was about to be revealed.

While everyone was still surprised, the young man with extraordinary appearance had taken a step forward, clasped his fists and said in a gentle and elegant manner.

“I believe this gentleman must be the Immortal of the Bamboo Forest. I am Fujiwara no Fuhito, also known as Prince Karamochi.”

He was neither humble nor arrogant, and his posture was elegant.

Although he was introducing himself, his tone was friendly and approachable, making it difficult for people to feel distant.

At the same time, his words also revealed his respect for Wubie.

Hearing what the other party said, Wubie also smiled and nodded.

Seeing Wubie’s smile, Fujiwara no Fuhito couldn’t help but feel a little proud, and the smile on his face became even brighter. The other four people on the side felt a little regretful.

One careless move allowed him to be the first to steal the limelight.

So they followed closely behind and began to introduce themselves.

However, what they didn’t know was that Wubie was not laughing because of Fujiwara no Fuhito’s self-introduction.

It was because Wubie noticed Fujiwara no Fuhito’s hair color.

The silver-white hair was so conspicuous, just like that child.

(It seems that there are more interesting things in this marriage proposal.)

After slightly restraining the smile on his face, Wubie nodded and said

“Thank you all for coming, and welcome to the bamboo forest. I didn’t expect that after so many accidents, there would still be so many people participating in this marriage proposal. It really makes my little bamboo house shine.”

“No, no, we are.”

Hearing Wubie’s words, the five people also said with a guilty conscience.

Although it sounds nothing at first, all the parties involved know that Wubie is mocking them.

Because the culprits who caused the chaos in Kyoto yesterday were the five of them.

But they are not afraid. Although Wubie mocked them, in their opinion it was just a normal means of competition.

And the immortal did not show obvious disgust.

Seeing that the few people were just a little guilty, but did not have any regrets, Wubie nodded.

If other things are put aside, Wubie would not be angry.

Although the means are not very glorious, it is indeed a normal means of competition.

It should be said that these five people have been very restrained as no one was killed.

So Wubie smiled and said

“Well, after such an accident and a long journey of one day and one night, I have seen your efforts and sincerity.

Then I will not waste any more words, please come in, it will be bad if you miss the auspicious time.”

I am not going to continue to lie to these people.

It is not good to make a habit of lying too much.

And instead of wasting words with these people, I might as well go and see the child who interests me.

“”Everyone, please come in.”

Wubie made a gesture of invitation and then made way.

Looking at the broad road and the bamboo house in the distance, everyone was very excited.

No matter if they were the ones proposing marriage or the people accompanying them, they all wanted to see the beauty of the fairy’s daughter as soon as possible.

After Wubie said a simple greeting, most of them moved forward again.

The people who stayed behind were responsible for taking care of the heavy luggage, and the property had been taken in.

In addition to the fairy, the mysterious bamboo forest also made them curious and a little excited.

After all, they were the first group of humans invited by the fairy to enter the bamboo forest, so they were curious and prepared to look around.

However, at this moment, Wubie’s voice came from behind.

“By the way, there are other monsters living in the bamboo forest, so please don’t walk around after entering the bamboo forest, otherwise we can’t guarantee your safety.”

After hearing Wubie’s words, those who were about to reach out to touch the bamboo withdrew their hands, and at the same time leaned towards the middle in fear.

Because this group of people have no weapons or spells, it is better to be more disciplined.

So the whole team is much more orderly than just now.

At the same time, the people who were originally left behind by Wubie also drove the carriages and horses to follow.

Since there are monsters here, it is better to follow the main force.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, your life will be in danger.

After all, the outside world is not Gensokyo, and the relationship between humans and monsters is still in dire straits.

After meeting, it is basically a life-and-death struggle.

Watching everyone leave, Wubie also showed a sarcastic smile.

They didn’t know what they would face next, nor did they know that their future was already doomed.

But these are none of Wubie’s business, these are their own choices, aren’t they?

You know, at any time, opportunities and dangers are always there.

Shaking his head and no longer caring about them, Wubie turned around and looked at the child behind him with a smile.

“What? Little girl, don’t you want to go in and take a look?”

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