“”Father, let Kaguya handle this matter.”

Kaguya looked into Wubie’s eyes and said seriously.

Wubie was also slightly startled and looked at her with some doubts.

Seeing her serious expression, Wubie took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart, and asked in his usual gentle voice:

“So, then Kaguya, do you have any good ideas?”

Everyone looked at her.

Feeling Wubie’s tolerance towards her, Kaguya felt warm in her heart, and then smiled and said

“My idea is, don’t reject them.”


Everyone made a puzzled sound.

Although they were a little puzzled, they did not doubt Kaguya’s idea.

Everyone knew that this girl’s feelings for Wubie were no less than anyone else present, and even higher.

So how could she ignore those who insulted Wubie? Therefore, she must have been up to something when she came up with such an idea at this time.

And it is foreseeable that the fate of those people will definitely be worse than death.

Wubie also asked in confusion

“Why do you say that and what are you going to do?”

“Hehe, of course, we should give him back in his own way.”

Kaguya said with a smile.

“Since they look down on us, let them also have a taste of being looked down upon.”

“Look down on… You mean to embarrass them, no, you should say you want to ruin their reputation.”

Zi quickly understood what Kaguya meant, and then continued

“Are you also planning to let them experience something during this marriage proposal process, and then become disgraced and fall from the high platform?”

“Well, you are worthy of being Sister Zi, you guessed it right away.”

Kaguya clapped her hands and praised, but Zi stretched out her fist, tapped it lightly and said

“If you want to call me mom, tell me what you are going to do.”

Kaguya covered her head and stuck out her tongue at Zi. She would never call me mom, not in this life.

After sticking out her tongue, she began to explain.

“This time they came to propose marriage with the permission of the Emperor, which means that everyone in Kyoto will know about this.

If they return empty-handed without any complaints, they will definitely lose face.”

That’s indeed the case.

There is a disadvantage of being well-matched, that is, the failure will bring shame to the other side.

What’s more, on the surface, this matter is beneficial to all humans on the island.

The Bamboo Forest Immortal is famous, and even many masters can be considered disciples of the immortal.

So this time the royal family or Kyoto nobles will marry the immortal, which is definitely a good thing for the humans on the island.

And now the emperor is involved, it can be said that the whole country is working hard.

If it can be successfully completed, then the reputation will be passed down through the ages.

But at the same time, the higher you praise, the worse you fall. If you fail, then you will be infamous for thousands of years.

In this way, these people will be ruined.

What’s worse, they can directly deal with the emperor.

After all, they are well-matched, and there must be a reason for failure, so this side can naturally use this reason to deal with the other side.

And the righteousness still belongs to them, and the other party can only bear it silently.

Kaguya said sarcastically

“At that time, we will choose to stand on the enemy side of mankind because of this matter, and throw the responsibility of the society to him.

I believe that the entire human beings in Kyoto will be completely disappointed in him, and may even raise the banner of resistance and kick him down from his high position.”

Thinking of that scene, everyone smiled happily.

The emperor who was originally high and mighty, but in an instant became a rat crossing the street, I am afraid this is the most terrible punishment.

After taking a sip of wine, Yongyi also said

“It is indeed a good idea, and if he wants to use his funny identity to pressure us, we will have a legitimate reason to deal with him.”

After hearing what Yongyi said, Hekatia on the side continued

“And we don’t have to resort to violence.”

Hekatia shook her finger and said

“You know, the emperor’s power is given by God, so I can call Amaterasu over when the time comes.

By the way, my husband, didn’t you give that guy Tsukuyomi a good lesson? You can call her over for help when the time comes.

He wants to compare status, so we’ll have to see if it’s the right given by God or the right of God.”

After hearing what Hecatia said, everyone began to imagine the scene at that time.

If that guy got angry, they would just put the two great gods, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, on his face.

I’m really looking forward to that scene.

While they were giggling, Kaguya scratched her face awkwardly.

“Well, there is no need to trouble mother with this matter.”

Hearing that Yue Ye Jian was going to be called down, Kaguya couldn’t help but tremble.

It was not because she was afraid, but because she felt embarrassed.

From Kaguya’s way of addressing her, it can be seen that her hatred for Yue Ye Jian is not as great as it was at the beginning.

After all, the culprit of the Penglai medicine incident was the four princes, and Yue Ye Jian was only resented because of improper management.

Now the four princes have been abolished by Wubie.

In addition, after living on the ground for so long, and living so happily every day, the hatred for Yue Ye Jian has disappeared a lot.

Now I can call her mother as usual.

It’s just that I still don’t dare to meet her.

Understanding Kaguya’s feelings, Wubie also nodded and said

“Don’t worry, this matter will not affect your mother unless it is a special case, but we still have to make backup measures.”

Although we can turn over the chessboard, since everyone wants to play, Wubie doesn’t mind playing with them. But if you want to play well, you have to be prepared.

Amaterasu and Yue Ye are backup measures without turning over the chessboard.

“The method of dealing with the tricks is ready, so we need to discuss the details.”

Wubie said, and then looked at Kaguya.

“Kaguya, please share your thoughts on this matter. If you need any help, please tell me directly.

Kaguya nodded and said

“Well, I do need the help of my father and sisters.”

Looking at everyone present, Kaguya said with a smile

“I have already thought of a way to defeat those people in a normal way. I will keep this method secret for the time being, and please trust me.”

Everyone nodded without too many questions.

Kaguya had two good teachers, one was Eirin and the other was Mubie.

Both of them were extraordinary in terms of wisdom, and even the always famous Yukari was ashamed of herself.

As a student, Kaguya was naturally very intelligent.

So everyone had no doubts about this method, and after nodding, they did not ask too many questions.

Seeing that no one asked, Kaguya nodded and continued.

“I hope all the sisters can do me a favor, that is, spread this matter, I believe it will not be troublesome for you.

Since I want to make the other party lose his reputation, then it cannot be just in Kyoto, I want him to be famous throughout the country.”

At this point, Kaguya also showed a dagger in her eyes.

Although the whole world is unlikely, it is still no problem for an island country.

At that time, they will become rats crossing the street.

You must know that the terrifying strength of the people present is only a part of it, and their connections are also quite terrifying.

As long as they pass the message, no one will not know it.

At that time, humans will be excited about the news at first, and monsters will be worried about it.

After all, if it really succeeds, the meaning will be different.

In this way, everyone’s expectations can be raised to the highest, and then they will be kicked down from the top.

Humans will be desperate and hate it.

The monsters will take the opportunity to add insult to injury, and will voluntarily attack humans under the banner of Wubi.

At that time, whether humans defend successfully or not, those who participate in this matter will become sinners, and that time will be the time when they will be ruined.

After understanding everything, everyone also showed the same smile.

At the same time, the world will become very interesting for a period of time.

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