“Dear guests, isn’t it a bit too much to brandish swords and guns in someone else’s home?”

A voice with a hint of anger sounded in the bamboo forest.

As if it had magic power, it made everyone stop and look to their left.

A handsome young man came with a petite ghost. He also walked into the middle of the crowd and divided the escapees and pursuers into two sides.

After the two stood in the middle, the temperament they exuded made everyone dare not ignore them. They began to look at them and began to wonder who they were.

And the emperor was the first to notice what Wubie had just said.

“Other people’s homes… Could it be that you are the Immortal of the Bamboo Forest?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Wubie in surprise, but they were not terrified. Although the Immortal of the Bamboo Forest was famous, no one had ever seen him take action.

The reason why he was so respected was that he often solved people’s doubts in the image of a wise man.

Warriors can shock people’s hearts, and wise men can calm people’s hearts.

Therefore, as a wise man, Wubie makes people admire him more, rather than fear him.

But at the same time, he also lacks deterrence.

Therefore, these Yin-Yang masters and monsters did not put away their weapons after hearing Wubie’s identity.

Seeing the reactions of these people, Wubie did not get angry directly, but smiled and said

“Well, because of the kindness of others, I got the title of immortal, but I am not an immortal.”

This is indeed the truth, and most people in the outside world think so.

After all, becoming an immortal is not a trivial matter. When you become an immortal, the world will undergo some changes, but this has not happened in recent years.

Therefore, the Bamboo Forest Immortal is more speculated to be a man-made title. Now that it comes from his own mouth, it verifies this fact.

So after hearing Wubie say this, the Onmyoji and the monsters were relieved.

Because in their opinion, the last uncertain factor has also disappeared.

You know, when they broke in just now, they were also frightened.

If it weren’t for the fact that they absolutely couldn’t let the rabbit go, they wouldn’t take risks and walk into unknown places.

Wubie and Suika naturally saw all this, but they just smiled and asked indifferently

“So can you tell me, can you tell me, why did you come to my house and brandish knives and guns?”

“”Your Excellency, we have no intention of offending you. It’s just that our pet escaped, so we came to hunt it down. Once we are caught, we will leave immediately.”

One of the leading Yin-Yang masters said respectfully.

Although they thought Wubie did not have a strong military force, he had a ghost by his side.

Moreover, he was a highly respected person among humans and monsters.

Connections were also part of strength, and they did not want to offend such an immortal unless it was necessary. Wubie nodded, and then looked at the little rabbits behind him.

“Cute little rabbits, are they telling the truth?”

All the rabbits looked at the Emperor in the middle.

She was their leader, and no matter what decision she made, these rabbits would not object.

Looking at the inquiring eyes of her people, Emperor did not answer directly.

She was a little helpless now. She originally thought that she only needed to gamble two games this time, but she didn’t expect there would be a third game.

And it was a game within a game.

Should she believe in the strength of the immortal?

Emperor didn’t know. After all, Emperor had no way of knowing whether the immortal was their opponent.

If so, how would they deal with the immortal later?

If not, where would they escape to?

And she had no real confidence that the immortal would help them.

It could be said that it was a gamble without any information at all, which made Emperor confused.

However, there was not much time for her to think now. Now everyone was waiting for her reply.

So after only a second, Emperor spoke

“It’s not like that. It’s because I have the ability to give others trust. These people are here to catch us because they covet my ability.

Immortal, please save us. If you are willing, I am willing to obey your orders and become your servant.”

The emperor said sincerely, and then knelt on the ground.

As the emperor knelt down, all the rabbits knelt down and asked for Wubie’s protection.

Seeing the emperor’s actions, Wubie and Cuixiang were also a little surprised.

They didn’t expect that they deliberately showed weakness, but this special rabbit still chose to believe them.

And the power to give others luck.

It’s really a special ability. No wonder these humans and monsters would put aside their prejudices and capture together.

Compared with their surprise, the onmyoji and monsters were as gloomy as water.

Because they really didn’t expect that the emperor would choose to expose his abilities in order to get Wubie’s protection.

In an instant, everyone was ready for battle. As long as Wubie agreed, they would definitely attack.

Looking at their little movements, Wubie and Cuixiang didn’t care, but looked at the emperor with some curiosity.

“The ability to give luck to others is indeed a very powerful ability, and it is very practical.

This is what I am curious about. If you are willing to be driven by me, doesn’t it contradict your original idea?

Just changing a master, I think this is not what you want.”

Di nodded. This is indeed not what she wanted.

But then she shook her head and said

“But I know better that if you don’t have enough strength, this kind of power will only bring disaster.”

Looking at the tribesmen who have been with him for decades, the emperor smiled bitterly.

“Although my ability started to become powerful and useful, it could only affect my luck and could not change my strength.

Therefore, my ability was coveted by a lot of people, and my people were also affected.

So I deeply knew that I needed someone to protect me, and so did my people.”

This is the nature of the jungle in this world.

An innocent man is guilty of possessing a treasure.

The Emperor, who possesses such a powerful ability, is the”sinner” of this world.

So if she wants to live better, she must find someone who can protect her.

Wubie couldn’t help but nodded at the other party’s awareness.

Because Wubie knew that the facts were not as she said. If she wanted, she could live more freely and happily.

The ability of luck is powerful. Since she can give luck to others, she can naturally control her own luck.

This extremely weird ability can naturally guarantee her survival.

So as long as she is a little heartless and doesn’t care about those tribesmen, she can live a free and easy life.

It’s just a pity that she is still a person with conscience and responsibility.

She is not just a person, she also has a group of tribesmen who believe in her.

After understanding the nature of each other, Wubie and Suixiang smiled at each other.

Such a person is indeed suitable to join Gensokyo.

And just when they were thinking this, the Emperor spoke again

“But even as a pet, I am qualified to choose my master, so if the master is not suitable, I will still run away.”

After these words came out, Wubie and Cuixiang were suddenly stunned, and so were the others.

Obviously now she needs help from others, but she said something that is completely contradictory to what she said before. Isn’t this courting death?

Even the rabbits who have always believed in her didn’t know how to express their current feelings. They could only stare at their leader blankly. Can you really make others agree with your contradictory statement?

The outspoken Di also realized what he had just said, and was inevitably embarrassed.

But this was indeed her idea, so she didn’t plan to change her words, but still turned her head away awkwardly.

Looking at his expression, Wubie couldn’t help laughing

“Hahaha, you are really funny, little rabbit.”

It has been a long time since I met such a funny person. He said such words at the moment of life and death.

After hearing Wubie’s laughter, Di felt even more embarrassed.

Then Wubie suddenly said at this time

“Okay, little rabbit, I like you very much. I accept your loyalty. From now on, I will guarantee the safety of your clan.”

Turning around and looking at the Onmyoji and monsters behind him who were ready to fight, he smiled and said

“These guys are my people now, so please go back, but of course I know you won’t give up. Besides

, we are not so easy to be bullied. You guys can’t just ignore your invasion of my home.”

The original smile turned into a sneer.

Suika also clenched her hands and showed a cruel smile. As long as Wubie gave the order, she would take action immediately.

At this time, Wubie also stretched out his right hand and said coldly

“But this is my home after all, and it is not suitable for fighting, so let’s go to another place, Ancient Dreams, Barren Mountains and Dry Seas!”

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