“”Sui Xiang, are you here to drink again?”

Wu Bie said with a smile, feeling the strong smell of alcohol behind him.

Seeing that he was discovered, the person behind him did not hide and said

“Hehe, there is nothing I can do. After drinking the wine you brewed, other wines have no taste.”

With a little drunkenness, he staggered to Wubie’s side and then lay on Wubie’s back.

“Hehe, come on, little brother, have a sip too.

Although it’s not as good as your fine wine, it’s still pretty good compared to the random wine out there.” He directly brought the Ibuki gourd to Wubie’s mouth, not caring at all that he had just drunk it.

Wubie naturally didn’t mind, and opened his mouth to drink a sip of Suika’s wine.

The taste can’t be said to be very good, but it is indeed much better than the random wine in the countryside.

The ghost tribe has three major wine vessels.

They are Ibuki Suika’s Ibuki gourd, Hoshiguma Yugi’s Hoshiguma cup, and Ibaraki Hanasu’s Hyakuyasu. The Ibuki gourd has wine worms living in it, which can produce fine wine. The

Hoshiguma cup, any non-wine liquid poured into it will turn into wine.���Rice brew, the fine wine will be upgraded to a higher level.

Baiyaomao, the fine wine poured into it will have the ability to heal all external injuries, even broken limbs.

However, its essence is to allow people to temporarily have the recovery ability of the ghost clan, so there is a risk of turning into a ghost.

Seeing Wubie drinking the wine, Suixiang also smiled and continued to drink.

There was no intention of drinking for free, but it seemed like she was here to flirt.

She was seen lying on Wubie’s back drinking, and from time to time she would offer her lips full of wine.

Wubie also bit it gently, and then tasted the fine wine in it, and at the same time could not help but explore more.

But after that, he would say helplessly

“If Huashan sees this, she will say something bad about you.

Wubie himself is not worried because Huashan is reluctant to let go.

But Cuixiang said indifferently

“Hehe, what does it matter? Anyway, we ghosts don’t care about this kind of thing. What’s more, the young man is in line with our view of choosing a partner.”

He simply sat in Wubie’s arms, drinking and talking.

“Besides, it’s Huashan that’s the one who’s so shy that Yongyi and I can only relax like this.”

As he said that, he also dripped the wine on Wubie’s neck, and then buried it in it to enjoy.

Wubie had no choice but to lie on the floor, letting Suixiang drink well, and he also enjoyed the wonderful touch.

Now it has been the third year that Wubie, Suixiang and Yongyi have known each other.

In the second year after Huashan became his disciple, Suixiang came to find him.

After all, a good friend left two years ago and never came back, which was really worrying.

And the little ghosts under his command can’t be left alone, so it’s impossible for both of them to come.

So Yongyi was responsible for managing everyone in the clan, and Suixiang came to find Huashan.

Fortunately, Huashan said that he was going there before leaving, so Suixiang He also went directly to the bamboo forest to look for her.

Otherwise, he didn’t know how long it would take to find her.

Wubie knew it the moment Cuixiang stepped into the bamboo forest. However, the other party was looking for relatives, so Wubie didn’t stop her and asked Huashan to pick her up.

After bringing Cuixiang in, Cuixiang began to look at Wubie.

Because she heard a lot about Wubie from Huashan along the way.

The words expressed her admiration for Wubie.

But she herself didn’t realize that there were other feelings mixed in this admiration.

Cuixiang didn’t say it, but she was still prepared to help her bestie check it out.

And there were things she was very interested in.

(This is the person who can fight with Huashan. Apart from being very good-looking, there seems to be nothing special about him.)

While observing Wubie, Cuixiang thought about this, and at the same time, she felt a little itchy.

After all, this is a person who can fight with the ghost clan.

But in the end, she endured it.

Because regardless of whether Wubie agrees or not, if he proposes it himself, Huashan will definitely not agree. What

‘s more, it’s not good to fight on the first visit.

But, there are other ways to compete.

“Since you are Hua Shan’s teacher, you naturally have to pass the test of me and Yong Yi, so let’s compete in drinking.”It was a completely impromptu reason.

Wu Bie and Hua Shan looked at her speechlessly.

Although there were indeed these reasons, they just wanted to drink more.

But this is much better than fighting.

There are two ways for the ghosts to make friends. If fighting doesn’t work, then naturally they compete in drinking.

After hearing what Suika said, Wu Bie also thought about it.

Then he nodded and agreed.

“Yes, but if I win, I hope you can bring the ghost tribe to join Gensokyo and help me deal with some things.”

Through Huashan, Wubie already knew what kind of tribe the ghost tribe of Oeyama was.

They were very suitable to join Gensokyo.

At the same time, Wubie did have some things he wanted to ask the two ghost kings and their little ghosts.

Hearing Wubie’s words, Suika was inevitably alert.

Even with Huashan’s guarantee, it’s always better to be careful in this era.

“What’s the matter?”

Wubie said with a smile

“I would like to ask you, the ghost tribe, to help manage the monsters in Gensokyo.”

Wubie always remembered what he promised to the demons.

Now the monsters in Gensokyo are already saturated, and if the Tengu deal with them all, it will be difficult to handle.

Since he was given a pillow when he was sleepy, Wubie naturally had to seize this opportunity.

After hearing Wubie’s explanation, Suixiang was relieved and did not refuse.

After all, it was just a small matter, just a favor.

And she heard about the situation in Gensokyo from Huashan, so there were not many people here who needed them to take care of.

This kind of small matter naturally did not matter.

And strictly speaking, they took advantage of it. It was suitable because the ghost tribe had a place to live.

In the end, Wubie won.

Although Suika could drink a lot, she couldn’t get drunk with ordinary wine.

But Wubie was not bad either. There were many races in the world who were born to drink.

As for wine, the wine brewed by Wubie was enough to make even gods drink, so why would he be afraid of Suika, a ghost?

So the ghost tribe joined Gensokyo.

In the past three years, Wubie had fought and drank with Suika and Yugi.

Otherwise, how could their relationship progress so quickly.

After Suika drank the last sip of wine from Wubie, Wubie hugged her and said

“So are you really here just to drink for free today?”

“No, I came here today to report that we have resolved the matter of the Monster Mountain.”

“Well, I heard that several kings have come to the Monster Mountain recently. I think it should be you and Yugi. Thank you for your hard work.”

“It’s not hard, it’s not a difficult thing anyway.”She shook her head indifferently, it was just a small matter.

Then she patted Wubie’s hand, signaling him to let go, and then lay on Wubie’s legs.

“Compared to these little things, you provided a place for us ghosts to live, so we should say thank you.”

Wu Bie smiled and said

“That’s not necessary. After all, I have already received the thank-you gift. The three ghost kings are all mine now.”

“That’s different, this is just our personal matter.”

She stretched out her hand and pinched Wubie’s cheek, feeling the smoothness of his face.

“So is there anything you want?”

“I want it……”

Wubie was a little lost in thought, wondering what he wanted.

Haha, it’s actually quite simple.

“Then next time when I go there, please don’t keep forcing me to drink. And, please help manage Gensokyo.”

“No, helping with management is our job, and it is impossible not to force people to drink. It is impossible in my lifetime.”

“In that case, let’s keep it for now and talk about it later. Okay, I’ll help you clean your ears.”

As she said that, she took out the ear spoon from the gap and lay on her side.

Feeling the tingling in her ears, Cuixiang also closed her eyes comfortably.

The two of them fell silent, and the courtyard returned to peace again.

After finishing one ear, Cuixiang turned around tacitly.

They just quietly enjoyed their free time until…——

“Hmm? This is… an intruder?”

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