Heian-kyō, Saigyouji’s house.

At midnight, Yoki suddenly woke up after feeling the noise outside, picked up the Bailou sword beside him and rushed out the door.

However, just as he rushed out, he stopped because of the scenery in front of him.

The cherry tree in Saigyouji’s house was in full bloom again.

Yoki remembered that when Wubie moved out half a year ago, he once said

“When the cherry blossoms bloom again, that will be the moment when Yuyuko’s fate comes. On that day, she will sacrifice her life.”

And now, the cherry blossoms that have not bloomed for half a year have actually bloomed.

The blooming cherry blossoms at night are shining with dazzling light, soft and reassuring, but it is because of this light that Yaoji’s whole body is tense.

Because he can feel the death contained in it, the hidden murderous intent

“”Old man, you are awake.”

As always, the reassuring voice always sounded when they felt danger.

The voice dispelled death, and when Yaoji woke up, he found that there was already a person under the cherry tree.

Looking at the figure of the boy, his originally tense nerves also relaxed.

This boy has such magic. As long as he is there, all difficulties will be solved.

So after seeing him, Yaoji also smiled and greeted him.

“No, you’re back.”

“Well, I’m back.”

He nodded gently, and then continued to look at the cherry tree in front of him.

Yaoji also walked to his side, turning a blind eye to the death around him, and there would be no problem with him.

He and Wubie looked at the beautiful cherry tree together, and then Yaoji asked

“Now, you can tell me everything.”

“Well, the time is almost right. I will tell you that this is the doomed disaster that belongs to Youyouzi.……”


Looking at these four words, Yao Ji felt that they were so dazzling, and at the same time, he looked at Wu Bie who had remained calm with confusion.

“Yes, it is destined.”

He smiled bitterly for the first time and shook his head.

“Old man, I can indeed change this part of fate. I can even remove the Saigyouji demon when she is born, so that what happens next will never happen.”

This is not a difficult thing. He has such ability and can also promote the birth of the Saigyouji demon. He also controls death.

But this comes at a price, and that price is Youyouzi.

“Do you remember what Youyouko once said? She rejected my suggestion of changing her race because she still has parents, even though these parents are not qualified.”Wubie shook his head, not without emotion about this matter.

Youyouko is a filial person. She understands that people live in the world not only for themselves, but also for their loved ones.

Although her parents are not qualified parents, they are still her parents after all.

So Youyouko can’t just leave.

At least before repaying this part of the grace of raising her, Youyouko can’t leave at will.

Moreover, Youyouko really fell in love with Wubie completely. She wanted to give everything she had to Wubie, without any impurities.

It was precisely because of this love that Wubie had no way to stop Youyouko from doing this.

Looking at the blooming cherry blossoms, Wubie said

“And this time is the time for Youyouko to repay all the kindness.”

The changes that happened today cannot be solved by the Yin Yang Masters in Heian-kyō, and they can only rely on Youyouko.

And by then everyone will know that in order to solve this problem, Youyouko must die with them.

Knowing that the ending is inevitable, they still let Youyouko go. This is also a symbol of irresponsibility, and it also shows that they do not regard Youyouko as a human being.

In the minds of these Yin Yang Masters, she is just a weapon after all.

As for Youyouko’s parents, it is no longer important. When they trained Youyouko as a weapon, such a thing was no longer important.

After hearing Wubie’s explanation, Yaoji fell into silence.

He already understood what Wubie meant by repaying the favor.

But when he thought of such an ending, Yaoji said with some sadness.

“Why do people have to endure such suffering? You and the eldest lady are both good people, but you have such a fate.”

Hearing Yao Ji’s sigh, Wu Bie smiled and shook his head and said

“Yaoji, you are wrong, we are not good people, just relatively kind people, we are all selfish.”

If they were really good people, then this incident that affected the entire Heian-kyō would not have happened.

Although Mubie and Youyouko did not deliberately cause this crisis.

But this crisis is inextricably linked to them.

They could have stopped it, but they didn’t, because this was the only way for Youyouko to quickly escape her current fate. The only good thing they did in this matter was to try not to let death affect civilians.

Even so, many people would still die. Are they really good people like this? Of course not.

“As for the tragic fate, I don’t think so either. I think the fate of Youyouzi and I is beautiful, because fate made us meet.”

Speaking of this, Wubie also recalled the bits and pieces of these years.

Every time he was with Youyouzi, he was very happy.

Although Youyouzi’s occasional willfulness, mischief, or teasing made Wubie a little difficult to resist.

But every time Wubie was helpless, Youyouzi would give up what he was going to do, no matter what it was.

So every day was a happy day

“As for the tragic fate you mentioned, it should be this death, but this death is not a tragedy.”

Death means separation, this is common sense.

But for them, this death is not separation, but a new beginning and the sublimation of their feelings.

Hearing this,���Ji realized that he had thought too much.

Indeed, with Wu Bie’s personality, how could he follow such a fate?

Seeing Yao Ji’s expression of understanding, Wu Bie also smiled and continued

“It seems that the old man has figured it out. I am not a slave to fate. I will not obey all destinies. Only those beautiful destinies that are worth obeying and worth protecting have a need to exist.”

Wubie believes in fate, but he will not obey it.

What is the meaning of a fate that only brings tragedy?

A person’s story will be sublimated by the final tragedy, but the people around him will not. They will only be sad because of the departure of a loved one.

Some people will say that this is the best result. Is it really so?

Is there no better solution?

When you think about it this way, you will find that there are actually better ways, so fate is never the only way out.

“I only follow those beautiful destinies, and only those destinies are worth existing. I will not let the people I love fall into tragedy.”

He said with great confidence, and at the same time reached out to touch the cherry tree.

The cherry tree also began to sway because of the touch, as if it understood his lofty ambitions and cheered him up.

Because she also felt that she was one of them.

But Yaoji did not notice this, his attention was all focused on this confident man.

He didn’t know how to answer, but just watched silently, watching this man who believed in fate but broke the contradiction of fate.

Not knowing what to say, Yaoji finally asked helplessly

“There is no difference. What about you and your own destiny?”

“My own destiny……”

Hearing this question, Wubie looked up at the beautiful cherry blossoms.

He seemed to see something, and then smiled and said

“I never worry about my fate, because I believe that my fate must be beautiful and satisfying.”

And, I will use my fate to change the fate of others.

After all, my fate is written by”me”.

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