Hell, on the other side of the Sanzu River.

Wubie and Komachi were talking and laughing about the interesting things they had encountered, and there was no feeling of being in love between the two.

They had already confessed their feelings to each other, but nothing had changed.

Although they had expressed their feelings to each other, it did not mean that they could do whatever they wanted, and Komachi’s personality did not allow Wubie to be too casual.

Even though he looked careless at ordinary times, he was still with Yingji, and was very shy.

But since it has been explained, it will be different no matter how hard they try. With the development of time, the relationship between the two will definitely change.

But that is all in the future, and the immortals will not care about such a short time, and they will have a lot of time to spend together in the future.

So now Wubie wants to go home earlier.

But after all, he just confessed his feelings to Komachi, so he followed her and let the ferry slowly drift to the other side of the Sanzu River.

However, even if it drifted, they have arrived now.

Standing on the other side of the Sanzu River, Wubie said to Komachi

“It’s time for me to go back.”

“Well, you will be back to hell soon.”

“Almost. Although it is a bit unfair to say this, if Yuyuko wants to complete her idea, she will come here in ten years.”

Even if it is true, it is no different from a curse to some extent.

Hearing Wubie’s words, Komachi was also a little surprised.

“Huh? So early?”

I thought we would see each other again in a few decades, but I didn’t expect to return to hell after more than ten years.

Even if the average life expectancy of people in this era is very low, it still lasts for several decades.

To die in his teens, there must be an accident.

So Komachi looked at Wubie with some doubts.

“Aren’t you going to help her?”

“No, this is Youyouzi’s own decision, I will support her, and for us, death is just another beginning, you know that.”

Wubie shook his head, looking at the bottomless road to hell, and then continued

“Of course, if Youyouzi changes her mind in the end, I don’t mind helping Youyouzi to get rid of the trouble.”

Although he is willing to abide by the rules, he is also willing to break the rules for his beloved.

Wubie’s bottom line is still relatively flexible.

After hearing Wubie’s explanation, Komachi also nodded. In this way, he doesn’t have to worry about Wubie being sad.

He has made all preparations.

So Komachi nodded and said

“I feel relieved. Okay, let’s go back quickly.

Today, Hecatia’s action of pulling down the moon must have affected the human world. Youyouzi must have seen it.

If you don’t go back so late, she must be worried. Let’s go back early.”

“Well, you should go back early too. Although you will definitely be scolded by Yingji when you go back, you are used to it, right?”

“I don’t want to get used to it!”

Komachi complained loudly. She was still talking about Youyouko, why did she bring up the issue of being scolded?

And who wants to get used to this kind of thing? She shuddered at the thought that she might get used to it in the future.

But she also knew that Wubie was joking, so she waved goodbye to him and then paddled back to her area of responsibility.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from above them.

“Sure enough, the terrifying power just now came from hell. How could such power suddenly appear in hell? I am really curious.”

A huge black gap suddenly appeared in the sky, and countless terrifying eyes appeared in it, each of which was full of malice.

Among them, a person wearing a special costume that combined Western dress and Eastern Taoist robes walked out. In addition to a highly recognizable outfit, she also had a sword that was a little too long for a normal person on her waist.

The girl who suddenly appeared looked at the opposite side of Sanzu River, but soon noticed Mubie and Komachi who were looking at her below.

“Ah, I didn’t expect to see other people here, a god of death, and a… human?”

She paused for a moment, and looked at Wubie in confusion.

Because she couldn’t tell whether Wubie was a human or a monster. This was just another encounter. Humans and monsters were two sides of the same realm.

Although she couldn’t control or touch this realm, she could still sense it. However, this man didn’t have this realm.

It was very strange, but it also aroused her interest.

“It’s really interesting. I didn’t expect that there are humans in this world that I haven’t seen before. Human, tell me your name.”

She looked down on him. Even though she didn’t see through Wubie’s identity, she still maintained her pride and didn’t take him seriously.

Hearing her arrogant words, Wubie felt helpless.

He pinched his brows with a headache and said helplessly.

“Uh, I’m not interesting, and I don’t want anything to do with you right now, Yakumo Yukari”

“Oh? You know me?”

Yakumo Yukari was a little surprised. She didn’t expect that the other party would know her.

Wubie also shrugged and explained.

“The realm monster, Yakumo Yukari, is a special existence of one person and one clan.

Its signature ability is the realm power that controls everything, and the gap that can shuttle between various places, and your gap is too conspicuous.

I don’t know how many people you have killed with the gap. You should have thousands of eyes in here. Don’t look at me, I feel uncomfortable.”

As Wubie’s voice fell, all the ferocious eyeballs in the gap of Yakumo Yukari disappeared. There was no fear, only obedience.

This shocked Yakumo Yukari even more.

These eyeballs were naturally produced in the gap. They were transformed from the souls of humans who died in the gap of Yakumo Yukari and became part of the gap.

Although these eyeballs will not harm Yakumo Yukari herself, they will not obey Yakumo Yukari’s orders, and will even stare at Yakumo Yukari with hatred.

At first, Yakumo Yukari felt very annoyed, but after making sure that they would not hurt herself, she gradually got used to it.

However, this time, because of a person’s words, all the eyes disappeared. Yes, they disappeared completely from the gap.

The gap returned to its original state in an instant.

This is a good thing for Yakumo Yukari. After all, no one wants to be stared at like this all the time. However, Yakumo Yukari did not feel grateful. The only emotion that appeared was fear, the first emotion that appeared since her birth.

“Who are you?”

Putting away her casual expression just now, Yakumo Yukari looked at him defensively, and at the same time leaned towards her gap, ready to escape as soon as she saw something was wrong.

Although she was very confident in her own strength, after all, hell had just erupted with such a terrifying force, who knew if it was him.

Moreover, her most relied upon ability to escape was no longer reliable, so it was inevitable that Yakumo Yukari was afraid. After all, Yakumo Yukari was now an out-and-out monster, and had made countless enemies.

Looking at Yakumo Yukari’s expression, Wubie realized that he had just done something subconsciously. Although it was just an unintentional act, it did scare Yakumo Yukari.

“Tsk, I should have kept my mouth shut.”

He pulled the corner of his mouth and said helplessly.

Wubie didn’t want to have anything to do with Yakumo Yukari now. Yakumo Yukari hasn’t settled down yet and is a relatively active monster.

Moreover, relying on her own abilities, Yakumo Yukari has been doing whatever she wants in recent years and is wanted by many humans and monsters.

Therefore, it is not easy for Wubie to show her goodwill, because she will definitely not accept it, and Wubie will not go to curry favor with someone who is not welcome.

So he never went to find Yakumo Yukari, but now he actually met her.

Wubie’s identity is more troublesome, and Yakumo Yukari is still in a state of not trusting other people, so it’s probably useless to explain.

Besides, it’s getting late now, and Wubie is in a hurry to go home.

After thinking about it, he couldn’t think of any good way, so he said

“Forget it, let’s solve it in the simplest way.”

After hearing Wubie say this, just when Komachi thought he had to start explaining his identity as before, Wubie suddenly raised his right hand.

“The realm of movement and stillness”


The shocked voice stopped abruptly, and Yakumo Yukari was frozen in place.

Feeling this familiar ability, if it weren’t for the fact that her body was completely frozen, Yakumo Yukari’s expression would definitely be very interesting.

However, Wubie didn’t have such bad taste. He also opened a gap exactly like Yakumo Yukari and prepared to walk into it.

But before leaving, he turned around and said to Komachi:

“Komachi, the power of the realm will disappear after I leave. She will probably ask you about me. Don’t hide anything. Just tell her.”

“Well, leave it to me.”

Komachi nodded heavily, and Wubie also nodded and stepped into the gap and disappeared, and then the gap disappeared.

At the moment Wubie left the hell, Yakumo Yukari, who was fixed in place, also resumed her movements, and she hurriedly looked back.

At the last moment, she saw the familiar black gap.

Looking at the familiar gap, Yakumo Yukari fell silent, and questions appeared in her mind one by one.

(Who is he? Is he also a realm demon? But why have I never heard of it, and why is it so powerful?)

“Although I don’t know what you are thinking, Wubie is not a realm demon, emmmm, it should be said that it is not completely a realm demon”

“Not completely a realm demon? What does it mean?”

Hearing what Komachi said, Yakumo Yukari also hurriedly asked.

It was not a secret in itself, and Wubie also asked her to help explain it, so Komachi also told her Wubie’s identity.

Not only that, Komachi also solved the purpose of Yakumo Yukari’s trip, that is, who was the strong man who suddenly appeared in hell.

After the explanation, Komachi directly paddled away.

Komachi still has her own work, so naturally she would not waste too much time on a stranger. Anyway, everything that should be said has been said.

Yakumo Yukari did not care about Komachi’s departure.

Although the other party should have a good relationship with the strange strong man, there is no way for her to start with her.

The feeling of powerlessness made Yakumo Yukari dare not use any conspiracy. In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks are just talk on paper.

So now she can only understand Wubie through Komachi’s words.

Although it is only a small part, Yakumo Yukari has a certain understanding of Wubie, and at the same time she is more and more interested in him.

“The kind-hearted supreme being is really an interesting person.”

Yakumo Yukari said with a smile as she looked at the direction where Wubie left.

After the fear passed, Yakumo Yukari also realized the other party’s kindness.

It was obvious that she had attacked first, but the other party didn’t care at all. For a strong person, it was indeed a manifestation of kindness.

This is a completely different personality from her current self.

What’s more, the god of death just said that the reason he came to hell and fought with the Supreme God was because of other people.

He paid a lot for his beloved.

Does such a person really exist?

If it was in the past, Yakumo Yukari would definitely sneer, but the facts appeared before her eyes, and she could not bear to doubt it.

But it was precisely because of this that Yakumo Yukari was more interested.

She wanted to know what he looked like in his truest sense and what he wanted to do.

“As for the Saigyouji House in Heian-kyō, the place of death widely praised by the monsters, I had planned to visit it later.

It seems that it is much more interesting than the legend. I will go back to prepare and then go to see it. I believe I will gain something.”

With an expectant smile, Yakumo Yukari stepped into the purified gap, and the Sanzu River became quiet again.

And Mube and Yakumo Yukari also became connected from then on, their story will also begin from now on, and their lives will be closely connected.

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