Chapter 80: Evil is sudden! Kashiwagi Nagisa and Iino Miko walked into the women's bathroom as usual.

Except that it was a little quieter than usual.

Iino Miko didn't notice any difference between here and the past.

"What? I know that some people are just following the crowd and spreading rumors."

Iino Miko curled her lips and said to herself disapprovingly.

Suddenly, the slight worry in her heart disappeared. She became more convinced that there were no supernatural events in the world.

She looked at the closed toilet door at the back.

"That's the one where Miss Hanako is said to be."

"According to urban legend, if you knock three times on the toilet door and ask if anyone is inside, you will get a response from Miss Hanako."

"I don't believe this kind of thing. It just so happens that I will dispel this rumor this time and let everyone know that Senior Shigong is lying."

"Explaining the reason for skipping classes as encountering a supernatural event is too incompetent for a student council president. A more competent person should be appointed."

Iino Miko muttered to herself, and a hint of determination appeared on her delicate face.

After making up her mind, she walked forward, stretched out her white hands, and knocked on the toilet door.

She asked carefully,:

""Excuse me, is there anyone inside?"

There was no response.

But I didn't know if it was an illusion, but Iino Miko felt that the temperature of the air around her had dropped a lot.

"It's probably a psychological effect."

Iino Miko shook her head, put the thought in her mind behind her, knocked again, and repeated the same"Is anyone inside?"

Still no response.

As it was about to be the third time, a trace of nervousness appeared on Iino Miko's delicate face.

Although she didn't really believe it, the hype of public opinion still had some impact on her.

But now that things have come to this, there is no room for regret, and Iino Miko doesn't plan to go back.

So, she mustered up her courage again and knocked for the third time.

"Is there anyone here right now?"


The toilet door suddenly opened.

Iino Miko's fair face turned pale, her heart was hanging in the air, and her beautiful eyes were full of fear.

Could the rumor be true?

But soon, she found that through the gap in the toilet door, she could see that there was nothing inside.

Miss Hanako didn't exist at all.

"what the hell……"

Iino Miko breathed a sigh of relief, and then became speechless. She had said that she didn't believe in such a thing.

But she was actually scared by herself.

"As expected, Miss Hanako doesn’t exist at all!"

"I'll go out and explain to everyone that these are all rumors!"

The uneasiness on Iino Miko's pretty face suddenly disappeared, and turned into a confident smile.

This time she personally confirmed that Miss Hanako did not exist. After this matter spread, everyone would no longer be panicked by this boring urban legend.

The students can also see clearly that Shinomiya Kaguya skipped classes. By then, the bullying senior Shinomiya will see if she is embarrassed to continue to serve as the student council president.

Thinking of this, Iino Miko walked out the door with a little joy.

Her figure just disappeared in the toilet.——

""Someone is here."

A strange girl's voice suddenly sounded from the toilet door.

In the innermost toilet

, a figure was half hanging in the air, swaying.

The reason why Inoi Miko didn't see anything was because she only saw the lower part of the toilet.

If she raised her sight a little higher, she would have seen the girl hanging in the air.


"This is it, Mr. Mo."

Fujiwara Chika stood next to Su Mo and introduced him with a smile.

"Hayasaka has gone to invite Kashiwagi Nagisa-san, Mo-kun."

Shinomiya Kaguya followed closely on the other side of Su Mo, with a calm posture and elegant temperament.

In the corridor, the students saw the two beautiful girls of the student union following Su Mo on the left and right, and they all looked at Su Mo with envy and jealousy.

They were all curious about who this person was.

How could he be so close to the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family and Fujiwara Chika.

However, when they saw that their destination was the bathroom with Miss Hanako's legend, they all changed color and hurriedly looked away.

"I see."

Su Mo chuckled and nodded. Kashiwagi Nagisa was the girl involved in the incident with Miss Hanako.

Su Mo still had some impression of this person. She was also very cute and gave people the feeling of a beautiful girl from a small family.

If nothing unexpected happened, Kashiwagi Nagisa would be a platinum-level qualification at best. However, no matter how small a mosquito leg is, it is still meat. Su Mo didn't mind having more women around him.

"Hey, there seems to be another guy who is not afraid of death."

At this time, Su Mo suddenly noticed something, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

He thought that this time he could at most accept Kashiwagi Nagisa, a girl of destiny with mediocre qualifications, but he didn't expect that there seemed to be a surprise.

"How could there be someone at the door!"

Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika both changed color, looking at the big Buddha and small bowl at the door of the toilet in doubt.

They never thought that even though the urban legend was known to the whole school, there would still be people who dared to approach this place.

""My classmate, why are you here? Haven't you heard about the rumors about Miss Hanako?"

Shinomiya Kaguya walked forward with a serious look and asked angrily.

It's too irresponsible to joke about your own life.

As the president of the student union, Shinomiya Kaguya believes that it is her duty to stand up and criticize the other party.

"You are a first-year student, right? Supernatural events are very scary, and this is not a place where you can joke around."

Fujiwara Chika looked a little heavy, and said earnestly.

"Shinomiya-senpai, Fujiwara-senpai……"

Seeing the two, Dafo Xiaobo's face changed slightly, and she bowed her head quickly.

Then she looked at the two with a somewhat uneasy look.

She didn't expect that these two seniors would appear here.

Facing the questioning of the two, Dafo Xiaobo was a little embarrassed, and didn't know how to explain to them.

She couldn't tell them that a first-year schoolgirl thought that you, Shinomiya Kaguya, were incompetent, so she wanted to personally break the rumors of the supernatural event so that you could get off the stage.

Fortunately, Dafo Xiaobo soon realized that she didn't need to explain this matter herself.

"Supernatural events don't exist at all. Senior Shinomiya, I think that as the student council president, you shouldn't make such a ridiculous excuse for skipping classes!"

A serious girl's voice sounded.

Iino Miko walked out of the bathroom in front of the two of them and looked at Shinomiya Kaguya with a firm expression.

Noticing Fujiwara Chika next to her, a trace of panic flashed in Iino Miko's beautiful eyes, but she quickly concealed it.

Instead, she continued to look at Shinomiya Kaguya and said:

"Senior Shinomiya, I came into this restroom in person just to clear up the rumors on campus."

"Facts have proved that Miss Hanako does not exist here; Senior Shinomiya, as the student council president, please stop taking the lead in spreading rumors."

Shinomiya Kaguya was relieved to see Iino Miko coming out.

As the student council president, she certainly knew that the first-year student, Iino Miko, not only had excellent grades, but was also a member of the discipline committee, and her style was very serious.

Hearing the other party's words, Shinomiya Kaguya was speechless.

I understood what was going on. It turned out that this guy did not believe in the supernatural legends. In order to prove that this was a rumor, he actually went in personally.

This is too bold.

However, she said that there is no Miss Hanako here?

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Su Mo puzzledly:"Mr. Mo, does Miss Hanako not exist here?"


Su Mo looked at Iino Miko, the delicate and simple good girl, with pity.

This overly bold guy probably didn't know what kind of consequences her impulse would lead to.

To such an extent, she was unique in her pursuit of death.

Su Mo glanced at the ceremony, and even though he had a pitiful moral integrity, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Evil is sudden!

This ceremony can be described as simple and crude.

But it made Su Mo feel absurd and self-evident.

After all, this is Miss Hanako.

With the nature of the system, it is normal to use the evil method to deal with Miss Hanako.

However, Su Mo's exorcism ritual has never been used on evil spirits, but on girls entangled by evil spirits.

Therefore, when Su Mo thought of using this exorcism ritual on a serious, light and soft good girl like Iino Miko, he felt a little bit of pity for her.

Of course, in addition to this, he couldn't help but feel a little bit...���He was excited.

He had a raging feeling that he was about to dye the fragile and pure little white flower with his own color.

Then, he suddenly had an idea.

It would be better to die. If the girls of destiny didn't die, how could he experience so many tricks that were difficult to experience in normal days?

"You are an outsider, why are you looking at me like that?"

Iino Miko then noticed the handsome boy next to her.

Seeing that Su Mo was not wearing the uniform of Shuchiin, a trace of dissatisfaction suddenly appeared on her delicate face.

As the student council president, Shinomiya Kaguya brought an outsider into the school privately.

It was obviously an abuse of power.

But compared to anger, the other party's unfathomable eyes and words made Iino Miko subconsciously feel a little uneasy.

"It's normal that I can't see Miss Hanako for the first time."

Su Mo chuckled and looked at Iino Miko deeply.

"However, you have been spotted by Miss Hanako. As time goes by, you gradually see Miss Hanako's"

"I just——"

Iino Miko frowned and was about to interrupt the conversation, saying that she didn't believe in such things.——

"That's what you said."

A trembling girl's voice came.

Everyone looked over.

They saw a girl with short black hair, delicate and cute face, and slender figure.

The girl's delicate and fair face was full of weak and uneasy expressions at the moment. Her beautiful eyes stared at Su Mo, full of surprise and uneasiness.

Hayasaka Ai stood aside. Obviously, the girl's identity was about to be revealed. It was Kashiwagi Nagisa.

Glancing at Kashiwagi Nagisa, Su Mo's eyes flashed a smile.

Very good, it seems that this girl who became a god first in Shinomiya Kaguya's world has not fallen in love in this world.

Yes, since Shirogane Miyuki is gone, it is normal that Kashiwagi Nagisa's love has not started.

"You must be the exorcist that Hayasaka mentioned."

Kashiwagi Nagisa looked at Su Mo in front of her with excitement, her pretty face was pale, and she quickly bowed to Su Mo:"Please help me, I am almost driven crazy by Miss Hanako."

"Senior Tomorigi… an exorcist?"

Iino Miko looked at Kashiwagi Nagisa and Su Mo with some doubt.

She had originally wanted to find a time to find the senior who first spread the rumor about Miss Hanako, hoping that she would be more restrained.

But now seeing Kashiwagi Nagisa looking so frightened, how could she say those words.

This was not the behavior of someone who deliberately spread rumors.

Also, why did she call this boy an exorcist? Are n't all exorcists liars? The exposure of various charlatan exorcists on TV news was one of the reasons why Iino Miko was convinced that the supernatural events were fake.

However, no one cared about Iino Miko's reaction at this moment.

""Kashiwagi-san, I already know your situation, don't worry."

Su Mo smiled faintly, pointed casually, and two streams of orange spiritual power flowed into the bodies of Kashiwagi Nagisa and Iino Miko respectively.���was stunned.

Then, shock appeared on their pretty faces.

Even the big Buddha bowl beside him widened his eyes and looked at Su Mo in disbelief.

What happened to those two rays of light just now?

The light burst out from the fingers.

It was just like the special effects in the movies, too magical.

Kashiwagi Nagisa had learned from Hayasaka Ai that Su Mo was an exorcist. Seeing this scene, after being shocked, she was extremely surprised.

Naturally, she had no doubt about Su Mo's identity, and the panic in her heart immediately dissipated a lot.

On the other hand, Iino Miko, although a little surprised, was still not shaken.

After all, with the current level of technology, glowing fingers are not something that electronic equipment cannot do.

She was just wondering why Su Mo emitted two rays of light to her and Kashiwagi Nagisa?

"You have been protected by my spiritual power."

Su Mo did not let the two of them wonder for too long, but smiled faintly,"When Miss Hanako comes to find you, this spiritual power will protect your safety."

"As for dealing with Miss Hanako, an exorcism ritual needs to be performed."

Su Mo glanced at the two of them meaningfully,"My ritual is a little special, so I need you to be mentally prepared in advance, so that you know that I am not a liar."

Evil is sudden.

Su Mo naturally didn't mind using such a special exorcism ritual on a girl he just met.

But for Iino Miko and Kashiwagi Nagisa, it was too exciting, and they would definitely not be willing at first.

So Su Mo did not propose the ritual directly, but let the two of them see his abilities first.

Knowing that he is indeed an exorcist.

When they meet Miss Hanako again and face real fear, they will know what choice to make.

Therefore, Su Mo is not in a hurry and gives the two of them time to prepare themselves mentally.

"My Lord, I can perform the exorcism ritual right now. I believe in you."

Kashiwagi Nagisa had already met Miss Hanako, and she had been frightened by her in the past few days.

With the testimony of people like Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika, and the magical scene she had just witnessed, she naturally had no doubts about Su Mo's ability, and couldn't wait to perform the ritual immediately.

"No hurry, now is not the time for the exorcism ceremony."

Su Mo glanced at Kashiwagi Nagisa,"I will be in Shuchiin these few days, you don't have to worry."

Although Kashiwagi Nagisa said that she believed in herself now.

But Su Mo knew that after she knew the content of the exorcism ceremony, no matter how scared she was, she would hesitate.

Therefore, it would not be too late to let her go back and experience her own abilities before telling the content of the exorcism ceremony.

However, Iino Miko still didn't believe it.

But seeing that Kashiwagi Nagisa was so excited at the moment, she couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

Thinking of what Su Mo said, she would meet Miss Hanako soon.

In this case, she felt that she could remain silent for the time being.

Whether it is true or not, she will see it with her own eyes.

If it is false, she will not let a liar openly cheat in Shuchiin. She will definitely expose it herself���The true face of the other party, even if Su Mo has Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika behind him,

Iino Miko will never compromise with evil.

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