Chapter 61 Becoming a Rich Woman! Hui, have you heard of Wolf on the Train?

"Cough cough cough……"


Kawasaki Saki's face flushed, and she coughed for a long time, but her beautiful eyes were full of panic and shame. She couldn't believe that she had just done such a shameless thing.

She didn't dare to look at Su Mo at all.

Su Mo was very satisfied.

He looked at Kawasaki Saki with a smile, picked up a stack of banknotes and stuffed it into Kawasaki Saki's cleavage.

Kawasaki Saki's body stiffened, and her face suddenly became redder. At the same time, she was a little confused. What was Su Mo doing?

"This is your pocket money. I am very satisfied with the service just now. This is how you make money from me. You earn it entirely by your own ability."

Su Mo smiled slightly.

Kawasaki Saki's pretty face was already red and hot, and a flash of realization flashed in her beautiful eyes.

It turned out that Su Mo's behavior was to make her money according to the method.

Thinking of this, Kawasaki Saki was ashamed, and she couldn't help but open her beautiful eyes in shock, and her heartbeat quickened.

Because of this Su Mo stuffed���But it's ten thousand dollars.

Ten thousand dollars, is it so easy to earn?

Kawasaki Saki suddenly understood why those gold-digging girls in the school would go out to help... or even be mistresses of rich people.

But she also understood that even for those shameless gold-digging girls in the school, girls who are lovers of rich people, it is not so easy to earn ten thousand dollars.

As Su Mo said before, the money of rich people is not blown by the wind, how could they just give you ten thousand dollars at a time.

Inlaid with gold or diamonds.

So, in the final analysis, Su Mo was too generous to herself.

It is better to say that he is here to help herself.

Thinking of this, Kawasaki Saki couldn't help but feel touched in her shameful eyes.

She is not an ungrateful person, she knows who is good to her, so she shyly whispered:"Thank you, Su Mo... Mr. Mo."

She wanted to call Su Mo classmate, but thinking that this was during the ceremony, she quickly changed her words.

Su Mo smiled, didn't say anything to thank her, but suddenly said:

"Saki-chan, have you heard about the story of the king playing chess with the mathematics professor?"

Saki Kawasaki was stunned for a moment. Of course she had heard of this story.

The king and the mathematics professor were playing chess. The mathematics professor proposed that if he won, the king only needed to use the method he said, according to the squares on the chessboard, to double the amount of wheat as a reward: the first square: put one grain of wheat, the second square doubled, two grains, the third square, doubled again, four grains, and so on, until 64 squares...

The king originally thought that this little bet was nothing, but after calculation, he found that even if he took out all the food in the country, it would not be enough.

Then he chopped the mathematics professor.

But why did Su Mo say this?

Suddenly, she saw the US dollar bills in her arms, and her heart skipped a beat.

A very shameful but incredible idea emerged from her mind.

Su Mo smiled in his eyes and said:

"From now on, you can come up with all kinds of ways to serve me."

"Every time I satisfy you, the pocket money I give you will double"

"You don't have to worry about your body not being able to take it, my spiritual power can repair your injuries and replenish your energy"

"So, Saki-chan, how much money you can make and whether you can become a rich woman depends on the level of your service tonight."

"Tonight is still long, well, not just tonight, we can play this game again tomorrow night……"

After listening to Su Mo's words.

Kawasaki Saki was already a little overwhelmed, her pretty face flushed, and her heartbeat was like a drum.

Every time she satisfied Su Mo, the ten thousand dollars doubled, growing exponentially.

Kawasaki Saki knew how terrifying this speed of making money was.

When she thought that an ordinary girl like her could make so much money, Kawasaki Saki's heart couldn't stand it, and she was going crazy.

Kawasaki Saki was a very realistic girl, of course she liked money very much.

Now, so much money was in front of her, waving to her, making her unprepared.

Kawasaki Saki suddenly wanted to do everything she could to satisfy Su Mo in front of her.

Money is a fascinating thing. No matter how noble, proud or reserved a person was in the past.

In front of enough money, they will be humiliated and fall.

As long as there is enough money, even a heroine will instantly become...

At this moment, Kawasaki Saki felt a little bit like this, crazy about money.

But suddenly, she woke up, looking at Su Mo in confusion and shame.:

"Su... Mo Jun, I can't take so much money."

Kawasaki Saki suddenly remembered that Su Mo was performing a ritual to exorcise her and save her.

How could she be so greedy that she wanted to take this opportunity to make money, and make so much money.

Is she crazy?

Seeing that Kawasaki Saki was able to wake up in the end.

A trace of relief flashed in Su Mo's eyes. She is indeed the daughter of destiny. No matter how stimulated she is, she can still maintain her original heart and know what is good and what is bad.

That's why Su Mo likes those anime heroines so much.


Su Mo reached out and touched Kawasaki Saki's face, a smile flashed in his eyes,"Don't worry, you have seen this money, for me, it is just something that is easily available. Don't you think it is a good deal to use this little money to make me happy?"

Kawasaki Saki blushed, and suddenly realized that yes, this amount of money was frighteningly much for her, but in front of Su Mo, it was just a matter of half a day.

But she knew better that she couldn't think like that, because other people can make money because of their ability, not hers.

Just when she wanted to refuse——

"Well, Saki-chan, you are going to become a rich woman through this ceremony, don't you want to save your family?"

Su Mo's words made Kawasaki Saki stunned for a moment.

Then, she took back all her words.

She looked at Su Mo gratefully.

No longer hesitating, she took a deep breath and made up her mind.

Then, a hint of tempting blush appeared on her innocent and delicate face, and her slender hand reached for the button.……

……Omitting the trillion-word process……

【Ding, the host is extremely vicious and terrifying. With the strength of the third level, he successfully killed the fourth-level god, the God of Poverty, and received rewards: 15,000 points of reward, gold treasure chest × 1】

【Ding, the host is so powerful that he suppresses the fourth-level poor witch Kawasaki Saki. He fights with her all night and is not defeated by her in the face of her endless killing moves. He is worthy of being a god of war. He is rewarded with 10,000 experience points and 1 gold treasure chest.】

【Ding, the host has unparalleled courage and successfully contracts with the fourth-level poverty witch Kawasaki Saki, and obtains rewards: 20,000, gold treasure chests × 3】

【Ding, the Poverty Witch Kawasaki Saki has a platinum-level talent: Poverty Aura (can curse the people around you with poverty, causing them to quickly lose their wealth)】

【The host gets critical hit feedback: Get the Golden Talent: Poverty Power (The host deprives others of their wealth, making the target poor for life. No matter where the other party hides their wealth, they cannot escape the host's power)】

"Damn, this talent is a bit awesome."

Su Mo's mouth twitched. For any intelligent creature, depriving them of their wealth and making them poor for life is a more painful outcome than killing them. It

's simply terrifying.

At this moment, Su Mo was on his way to school alone.

Kawasaki Saki was not around.

I have to say that Kawasaki Saki is really crazy.

In order to become a rich woman as soon as possible and resolve the curse, she really tried her best to please Su Mo last night.

She didn't stop for a moment, and basically didn't rest.

If it weren't for Su Mo's spiritual power repair, someone else would have done something wrong.

The harvest is also fruitful. Kawasaki Saki, who was still a poor person yesterday, is now a multi-millionaire, and it's tens of millions of US dollars, which can be converted into neon coins, but billions.

Of course, the main reason is that Su Mo specially gave her more pocket money than originally agreed. Otherwise, even if Kawasaki Saki tried harder, she could only earn a few million US dollars at most, how could she earn tens of millions.

Those rich second-generations in Sobu High School, now They are all poor in front of Saki Kawasaki.

After all, no matter how wealthy a family is, it is impossible to give out billions of dollars to their children who are still in school.

Since Saki Kawasaki has become Su Mo's woman, Su Mo will naturally not be stingy with his woman. Before dawn, he accompanied Saki Kawasaki to the hospital and cured her brother.

By the way, he used hypnosis to modify the memories of the people around him, making them think that the car accident that Saki Kawasaki's brother had was not so serious and he could be discharged from the hospital after a little rest.

However, Saki Kawasaki is a woman with the potential to support her younger brother. Once her younger brother is better, she doesn't even want a man and has to stay with her family.

In fact, it was too crazy last night. Even with the spiritual power repair, Saki Kawasaki was exhausted. She couldn't stand it, so she found an excuse to coax Su Mo away.

Seeing that Saki Kawasaki specially changed into a nurse's uniform in the hospital to serve him once, Su Mo didn't say much and went to school alone with satisfaction.


Just as he arrived at the subway station, Su Mo suddenly heard a familiar cry from not far ahead.

Turning his head, he saw a familiar girl with a weak sense of presence, falling to the ground with a troubled expression on her face.

The female Ol who bumped into her seemed to have noticed nothing and walked straight ahead. The passers-by next to her also seemed to have seen nothing and looked around.


Looking at the familiar person in front of him, Su Mo's eyes suddenly showed a hint of amusement. He didn't expect to meet the other person here, and in this situation.

He decisively walked in front of the girl and stretched out his hand.

""Thank you... No thanks."

A trace of gratitude appeared on Kato Hui's delicate face, but she shook her head, indicating that she didn't need the other party's help.

But the next moment, before she could react, she found that the other party had stretched out his hand and pulled her up.

Just when Kato Hui was a little troubled, she heard a familiar voice.:


"Hui-chan, you seem to be in a weird state again."

Kato Hui was stunned for a moment, and then a blush suddenly appeared on her pretty face. Her beautiful eyes showed panic, and she stammered at the person who was speaking:"Su... Su Mo classmate?"

As soon as she saw Su Mo, Kato Hui thought of the experience that day.

What happened that day was simply the most shameful experience in her life. Every time Kato Hui thought of it, she felt flustered and unable to calm down.

She had never held hands with a boy before, but suddenly Su Mo came to her aid, and her whole body...

This experience was too outrageous and too exciting. Kato Hui still finds it incredible when she thinks about it now, and dares not think too much about it.

She has been deliberately avoiding Su Mo these days, but she didn't expect to meet Su Mo at the subway station today.

"What, Hui, are you surprised to see me?"

Su Mo chuckled and looked at the shy Kato Megumi in front of him, with a smile in his eyes.

Among the three seven-color-level heroines, Kato Megumi is actually the most difficult one to deal with. After all, she is the saint Hui, and her mind is unpredictable. No one can tell what she is thinking. In addition, Su Mo and Kato Megumi are the least familiar with each other among the three. Su Mo knows that it must be the most difficult to capture Kato Megumi.

But it doesn't matter. In the case of Eriri, the fastest way to a woman's heart is...

Su Mo thinks that for Kato Megumi, he can take down her body first, and then find a way to capture her heart.

And it just so happens that Kato Megumi's situation seems to be conducive to Su Mo achieving his goals.


Although Kato Hui was panicked, she quickly regained her composure. However, her beautiful eyes were a little evasive, and she didn't dare to look Su Mo in the eye. Her face was also a little hot.


Su Mo didn't care about Kato Hui's panic and chuckled.:

"Kato, you are not very lucky. It seems that something special has happened to you."

After hearing what Su Mo said, Kato Hui's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and a feeling of uneasiness emerged from her heart.

""Su... Su Mo, I have been very normal recently, I don't think there is the kind of situation you described."

Kato Hui was a little panicked. She was a smart person, so she could tell what Su Mo meant. He meant that she was afraid of encountering another supernatural event.

This immediately reminded her of the exorcism ceremony last time, and she panicked immediately.

Su Mo's exorcism ceremony had left a psychological shadow on her. If it happened again, she doubted whether she would ever get married in this life.

After calming down a little, she doubted whether Su Mo said that on purpose. After all, she had not had any special situation recently. At most, her symptoms of weak sense of existence seemed to be a little more serious, but over the years, she had long been accustomed to this kind of thing, and it was not a supernatural event.

In short, she did not want to experience such a shameful experience again, so she quickly denied Su Mo's words in a tactful tone. What

Kato Hui did not expect was that

Su Mo just smiled slightly:"Hui-chan, what you encountered this time was not a supernatural event." Kato Hui was stunned, but then she breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that it was not a supernatural event, so she didn't have to go through that kind of ritual again.


"This time, your extraordinary physique was forced to awaken. Your inherently weak sense of existence is becoming more serious."

"If this trend continues, within half a day, no human in this world will be able to see you. However, apart from humans, evil spirits will be able to see you, so……"

Hearing this, Kato Megumi's pretty face froze. She stuttered and couldn't speak.

She no longer had any doubts about Su Mo's words.

Because she was indeed experiencing such a situation. She found this morning that her symptoms of weak sense of existence were much more serious than before. When she was walking on the road, she was ignored and knocked down. When she was buying breakfast, the waiter seemed not to see her. No matter how troubled she was, the other party did not respond.

Originally, Kato Megumi didn't think it was strange because she had never had much sense of existence and was just a little troubled.

But now that Su Mo pointed it out, she realized that what she encountered today was not the same as in the past, it was just a simple weak sense of existence.

Being ignored in the past does not mean that others can't see her or pay attention to her.

But today she seemed to have become invisible. This is obviously a different situation!

"Then...what should I do?"

Flustered, Kato Hui could only look at Su Mo with a troubled and weak gaze, her heart beating faster.

Su Mo's exorcism ritual made her dare not experience it a second time.

But after encountering such a thing, how could she dare to consider any sense of shame.

She didn't want to become the situation Su Mo said, where humans couldn't see her, only evil spirits could see her.

That was even more terrifying than death.

Seeing���The broken Kato Megumi.

Su Mo smiled slightly, then glanced at the subway next to him, and his smile became playful.:

"Hui-chan, have you heard of the wolf on the train?"

Hearing this, Kato Hui's heart suddenly skipped a beat.


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