Chapter 45: Juhua: Your cat uses the hand of ecstasy to pet?

Yuigahama Yui suddenly panics……

She had already guessed something.

Suddenly, her pink eyes were filled with panic and shame.

"Wait, petting a cat?"

Yukinoshita Yukino also reacted quickly.

Seeing Yuigahama Yui's delicate face was already red and almost smoking, the expression on her face froze, and she looked at Su Mo in doubt.:

"As for Rikka's sister, I can understand petting a cat, but as for Yuigahama-san, isn't it a cat?"

Rikka Takanashi's expression froze when she heard this, and then her beautiful eyes became flustered, and she looked at Su Mo nervously.

Just now they thought that this ceremony seemed a bit too normal.

But now they realized it.

How is this possible?


Su Mo said seriously,"Although Yui didn't turn into a cat, she also carries the cat curse, so she is no exception. Besides, it's just petting a cat, it's no big deal, it won't take you anywhere."

This is a lie.

Su Mo didn't tell them one more thing.

The cat-stroking ritual in the exorcism ceremony is not the gentle stroking like they did.

Instead, it requires the use of the skill that Su Mo just got not long ago, the hand of ecstasy.

Su Mo seriously suspected that the system did it on purpose.

Using such a skill, stroking a cat.

Which cat can bear it?

Just thinking about it, Su Mo felt it was too stimulating.

What's more, Yuigahama Yui is just a cat girl, not a cat.

Thinking of this, Su Mo couldn't help but look at Yuigahama Yui.

On that delicate face, the crystal white skin was also covered with blush. That extremely hot body was trembling slightly.

The towering uniform was held up high, the slender waist, and the straight and slender legs.

When he thought about using the hand of ecstasy to perform such an exorcism ritual on Yuigahama Yui like this,

Su Mo felt a little Ho ld couldn't help it.

This dog's system, use this to test him, right?

Which host can withstand such a test.

In short, although the exorcism ceremony has not started, Su Mo's mentality is a little hot.

Unable to calm down.

After hearing Su Mo's admission.

Yuigahama Yui's body trembled, and her breathing became a little faster.

But when Su Mo said that it was just normal cat-stroking behavior, although it might be embarrassing, it seemed that it was not unacceptable.

Yukinoshita Yukino and Takanashi Rikka didn't think much about it.

Indeed, petting a cat is nothing more than intimate actions such as touching the ears and the tail.

It's no big deal.

At least this ceremony is much more serious than the ones Su Mo had in the past.

So, although she was a little concerned about Su Mo's intimate behavior with other girls, considering that this was to save people, Yukinoshita Yukino said directly.:

"In that case, let's find a place nearby and start as soon as possible."

Su Mo hoped that Yukinoshita Yukino and Takanashi Rikka would skip this topic as soon as possible, so he nodded quickly.

After a while

, the group came to a high-end hotel and booked two rooms.

Su Mo performed the exorcism ceremony in one room, and the others waited in the other.

Yukinoshita Yukino and Takanashi Rikka didn't think too much about it and could understand.

After all, although petting a cat is just a harmless behavior, the person petting the cat is a boy, and the cat is a woman.

This situation is not suitable for other people to see.

Su Mo started with Takanashi Juuka, who turned into a black cat.

Takanashi Juuka is also a great beauty, but when she turns into a black cat, she can be regarded as a simple cat.

Su Mo would not feel anything if he attacked her.

After all, no matter how beautiful Takanashi Juuka is, she is just a cat now.

But before taking action, Su Mo still spoke up to remind her.:

""Sister Shihua, you are Liuhua's sister, so it should be okay for me to call you that."

Xiao Niaoyou Shihua looked at Su Mo with her dark red eyes and nodded, indicating that it was okay.

"I want to state in advance that my exorcism ritual may seem a little improper in the eyes of outsiders, so I hope you don't have any bad impression of me because of this."

Su Mo made a declaration of innocence in advance.

Lest Touka blame herself after she recovers later.

Touka Takanashi was a little speechless.

Isn't it just petting a cat?

Although it is a bit embarrassing to be petted by a boy who is liked by her sister, she is not a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. In order to recover as soon as possible, this little shame is acceptable.

So, Touka Takanashi gave Su Mo an encouraging look.

Indicated to Su Mo to let go.

She promised not to blame Su Mo.

Then, not long after.

Touka Takanashi panicked.

A pair of dark red The red eyes were filled with shock, panic, and unspeakable shame.

You, are you petting a cat?

Are you sure you are petting a cat?

Ten minutes later:

How can you...

Twenty minutes later:

Stop, you can't do that...

Thirty minutes later:

Woo, Rikka, my sister can't get married...

An hour later.

Touka Kotori, who has recovered her human form, has a dull look on her delicate face as if she is broken.

She is breathing rapidly and her body is trembling slightly.

Her cold dark red eyes are watery and bright, giving people an indescribable sense of charm.

""Sister Touka, you are done here. I am going to perform the exorcism ceremony for Yuigahama-san."

Su Mo gave a wry smile, somewhat afraid to look at Touka in front of him.

It must be said that Touka Takanashi in real life is countless times more beautiful than in the anime.

Both her appearance and figure are top-notch.

Just now, when petting the cat, Su Mo used the Hand of Desolation to let the black cat experience the healing effect of the Hand of Desolation all over his body.

Su Mo didn't know what Touka would feel, but Su Mo didn't feel anything at all. After all,

Touka just now was just a cat, and he was not a pervert, so how could he feel anything.

However, as soon as Touka recovered, Su Mo almost couldn't hold back when he saw her stunning appearance and charming posture.

If he stayed any longer, Su Mo felt that something bad would happen.

"this��……Don't tell Rikka."

Touka Kotori pursed her lips, a hint of shame and annoyance appeared on her pretty face.

Although she felt extremely ashamed, things had already happened, and she realized that Su Mo was indeed exorcising her.

She could only accept the reality helplessly.

And she was ready to bury what happened here in her heart.

After all, Su Mo was the boy her sister liked, and she didn't want this kind of thing to cause any problems in the relationship between her sister and Su Mo.

But soon, Touka suddenly thought of something.

Next, Su Mo seemed to use this unbearable method on the girl named Yuigahama Yui. technique.

Moreover, the other party was not turned into a cat like her, but a cat girl.

A hot-blooded boy performed such an exorcism ritual on a pure and lovely girl.

Can the situation really be controlled?

Suddenly, Tohka couldn't help but worry.

But as an adult, Tohka thought about the problem more rationally.

Soon, she realized that even if the thing she was worried about would happen, she couldn't stop Su Mo.

After all, it was really saving people.

Thinking of this, Tohka's eyes became complicated, and he began to worry about his sister's future relationship.


As soon as he walked out of the room.

Outside, Rikka Takanashi, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Yuigahama Yui looked over with concern.

""Jiuhua has returned to normal."

Su Mo coughed dryly and said,"But I suggest you let her calm down first and go in later."

After all, Jihua's current state is indeed too charming.

Su Mo suspected that at this time, if Rikka Takanashi and Yukinoshita Yukino saw Jihua's appearance, they would seriously suspect that Su Mo had done something illegal.

"That's great."

Without doubt, Takanashi Rikka finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of joy on her pretty face.

Yukinoshita Yukino also smiled.

Only Yuigahama Yui, after breathing a sigh of relief, became nervous, her body tensed in place.

Because she knew that it would be her turn next.

As expected.——

"Yui, it's your turn next."

Su Mo looked at Yuigahama Yui with a somewhat subtle expression. Yuigahama

Yui is different from Touka Takanashi.

Touka Takanashi was just a cat at that time.

Although she is a great beauty, Su Mo cannot see her true thoughts, so he can pet the cat however he wants.

But Yuigahama Yui only has a pair of cat ears and a tail, and she is still a real beautiful girl.

She has a delicate and cute face, a hot body, and is full of youth.

When Su Mo thought about performing an exorcism ceremony on Yuigahama Yui like this, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Is the exorcism ceremony given by the system this time a benefit or a torture?

No matter what, the exorcism ceremony must be completed.

Su Mo looked at Yuigahama Yui, waiting for her answer.

Yuigahama Yui's face was slightly red. After a moment of silence, she nodded.

A shy voice came out of her cherry lips:



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