"This world is indeed becoming more and more dangerous, and now is just the beginning."

Feeling the uneasiness of the three people, Su Mo thought for a while, not only did he not comfort them, but he directly revealed some information to them.

These three people are all people with good fortune, and they all have the potential to become Su Mo's followers.

So Su Mo feels that revealing some information to the three people will help Su Mo to successfully sign the contract.

Hearing this, Ebina Hime, Miura Yumiko, and Yuigahama Yui all looked a little heavy.

No one would be in a good mood to hear that the world they live in is becoming more and more dangerous.

What's more, the threat to them is still terrifying monsters such as evil spirits.

But soon, they heard even worse news.

"As for the Exorcist World……"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows and said,"I can tell you seriously that there are very few real exorcists in this world. In fact, I have never seen a second one. Don't be fooled by those who claim to be able to exorcise ghosts. Most of them are liars."

He didn't want these guys to pray to gods and Buddhas and believe in those charlatans in society just because they knew about the existence of supernatural events.

That's why he specially reminded them.

"how come……"

Ebina Hina was a little bit unbelievable.

Of course, she would not doubt Su Mo's words.

But this created an extremely serious problem.

That is, if there are not enough exorcists, facing the threat of evil spirits, Ebina Hina really can't imagine how humans can deal with these things. It is conceivable how desperate the future people will become.

Yuigahama Yui also realized the seriousness of the problem, and was very uneasy. She couldn't help but look at Su Mo:"Su Mo classmate, is there any way to produce more exorcists?"

Exorcists can solve evil spirits. Since the current problem is that there are fewer exorcists, the only way for humans to change the crisis is to increase the number of exorcists. It's really a good question.

Hearing this question, Su Mo's eyes moved. Suddenly , he thought of a perfect excuse.

This excuse may help him openly... In this context, if Su Mo wants to have a harem, even if he is an exorcist, there will definitely be many girls who will oppose it, even those who like him are no exception. In this case , if Su Mo wants to have a harem, he must have a reasonable reason. Yuigahama Yui's question immediately made Su Mo think of this reason.

"Exorcists are inherited through blood."So, Su Mo sighed helplessly,"If you want to train more exorcists, there is only one way, and that is to multiply the bloodline."

"But my bloodline is very thin, and now, I am the only one left."

Su Mo pretended to be regretful, but there was a hint of smile in his eyes.

This excuse was perfect for starting a harem.

After all, the world was so dangerous, and he had to start a harem in order to save the world and reproduce the bloodline of exorcists. There was nothing he could do about it. Even

Yukinoshita Yukino wouldn't be able to object to such a reason.

After all, that guy was a saint, and the more saintly a person was, the more he couldn't refute such a righteous excuse.

In order to save the world and change the future of human extinction, all laws had to give way, and monogamy was nothing.

"Doesn't that mean that, Su Mo, you have to get married quickly, have more children, and pass on your bloodline."

Sure enough, Ebina Hime's eyes suddenly flashed, and she followed Su Mo's words and came to the conclusion that Su Mo wanted.

While speaking, she deliberately rubbed Miura Yumiko with a sly smile in her eyes.

Miura Yumiko's face suddenly turned red, and there was some panic in her beautiful eyes.

If she did as Su Mo said, if she married Su Mo, wouldn't she have to give birth to many children. All she wanted now was to date Su Mo, and she had never thought about such a distant thing as having children. Yuigahama

Yui suddenly fell silent, with a little panic in her eyes and a faint blush on her cheeks. I don't know what she thought of.

Seeing the reactions of the three people, Su Mo did not continue on this topic.

This time it was just a prelude, he was not stupid, and even Miura Yumiko didn't How could he say that he wanted to start a harem to multiply his bloodline if he had already taken her down?

With this topic, Su Mo and the other three quickly opened up. The original unfamiliarity gradually dissipated, and soon their relationship became familiar, and they naturally began to call each other by their names.

The group walked around the Ikebukuro area until dark.

During this period, Ebina Hime and Yuigahama Yui repeatedly created opportunities for Miura Yumiko.

What made Ebina Hime speechless was that Miura Yumiko usually talked about love topics very well, but when she encountered such a thing herself, she was shy like a little girl, which was completely unlike the Yumiko of the past.

Just when Ebina Hime was having a headache about how to create more suitable opportunities for the two of them.

Su Mo suddenly received a call.

"Help, Su Mo! Wuuwuwu, come and save me, several exorcists have died here."

A terrified girl's voice came from the phone.

Although the speakerphone was not turned on, Miura Yumiko and others heard the cry for help and the news of the death, and their faces suddenly changed.

""Sawamura-san, have you found another exorcist?"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows.

The voice for help was from Eriri, who had politely rejected Su Mo's exorcism during the day.

But not long after, she called him again in a panic to ask for help.

And from what she said, she obviously found another exorcist.

This clearly showed that she didn't trust him.

As a result, not only was the evil spirit not solved, but the exorcists that the Sawamura family found were also likely to be useless.

"I'm sorry, Su Mo, I shouldn't have doubted you. Please come and save me. I can agree to any conditions. If you don't come, my mother and I will die!"

Ying Lili's crying voice came from the phone. She was in a panic and kept begging Su Mo to save her.

""Okay, okay, stop crying. Tell me the address. I'll be there soon."

Su Mo showed a hint of amusement on his face.

He would not watch a fifth-level potential girl like Ying Lili die.

In fact, he had already arranged a secret move on Ying Lili to prevent her from being killed by evil spirits.

It was because Su Mo had expected that Ying Lili would come back to beg him.

Now, hasn't this happened?


Please give me flowers, big guys, does anyone still read this book? Xiaopujie has updated enough, why hasn't the data changed at all?…………

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