"Ouqi? What is that?"

Xiao Niaoyou Liuhua's face was full of confusion. Although she didn't understand, she still nodded sincerely.

After all, she had already made up her mind that as long as she could learn magic, no matter what Su Mo said, she would do it.

The next moment, she was completely stiff.

"In that case, I won't be polite."

Seeing Takanashi Rikka say this, Su Mo smiled.

Then, he stretched out his claws without hesitation.

His heart was warmed, and Su Mo suddenly felt a wonderful feeling.

So this is what girls...

At the same time

""Ahem, open the treasure chest!!!"

Although he was very happy, Su Mo still did not forget the main business.

As soon as the thought came to his mind, he immediately took advantage of the full luck to open the treasure chest.

【Ding, open the golden treasure chest, the host will get a refuge space with an area of 100 miles in radius, which can accommodate living things and grow crops.】

【Ding, open the gold treasure chest, the host obtains the gold-level talent: Immortality: No matter how much injury you suffer, as long as there is only one cell left, you can recover.】


Su Mo's eyes widened immediately.

It was worth it for him to use his luck.

These two rewards were really awesome.

Shelter space and immortality, these two rewards were simply the best life-saving rewards in the doomsday.

I made a profit, I really made a lot of money this time.

"It seems that I have to use my luck every time I open a treasure chest in the future."

Su Mo showed a happy expression on his face, and looked at Rikka Takanashi with some satisfaction.

This guy is simply his lucky star.

However, Su Mo found that he was happy.

But Rikka Takanashi was completely dumbfounded at this moment.

Her face was as red as a monkey's butt, her body was trembling slightly, and even Su Mo could clearly hear the sound of her heartbeat.

Obviously, Su Mo's sudden attack scared this overly pure little white rabbit.

After Su Mo did such an evil thing, he still felt a little embarrassed and guilty.

But when he thought of such a generous reward, that little guilt disappeared immediately.

After all, Rikka Takanashi said that she was willing to do anything.

Moreover, the end of the world is coming soon, and he can't let himself be a weird male protagonist. He has to do everything he can to contract Rikka Takanashi.


The next morning,

Su Mo walked around the campus in a happy mood.

After what happened yesterday, Takanashi Rikka was too shy to talk to Su Mo.

Su Mo could only send Takanashi Rikka home and let her calm down.

"Although Rikka is too shy, her desire to learn magic is very strong, stronger than anyone else, so there is no need to worry about problems with her."

Su Mo's eyes flickered,"Next, we have to consider finding two more followers as soon as possible."

Three followers must be contracted to advance to the third level, and Su Mo still needs two.

Of course, Su Mo will definitely take Yukinoshita Yukino as a follower, but this guy is too arrogant, and it will definitely not be possible to successfully contract for a while, so Su Mo's target is someone else.

When Su Mo was thinking about who to find——

""Good morning, Su Mo!"

A pleasant voice came from the side.

Su Mo was startled and turned around to see that it was Miura Yumiko.

At this moment, Miura Yumiko looked a little nervous. She looked at him with a slightly red face, and hid her hands behind her back, as if holding something.

"Good morning, Miura-san."

Su Mo raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the arrogant guy would take the initiative to greet him after being beaten by him.

As soon as he saw her, Su Mo couldn't help but think of the scene that day.

Ahem, I can't think about it too much. I can't stand it when I think about it.

I don't know if it's because girls' intuition is too sharp. Miura Yumiko seemed to have noticed something, and a look of shame and anger appeared in her beautiful eyes. She avoided her eyes and didn't dare to look at Su Mo.

Let alone Su Mo, Miura Yumiko has been thinking about the shameful memory of the exorcism ceremony that day as soon as she closed her eyes these two days.

From childhood to adulthood, no one has ever done such a thing to her.

What makes her feel even more ashamed is that the strange feeling when she was beaten is even more unforgettable. Every time she thinks of it, she has an indescribable strange feeling in her heart.

Seeing Su Mo, she was even more ashamed to the extreme and didn't dare to face Su Mo.

But no matter what, Su Mo saved her life.

Miura Yumiko is not the kind of person who doesn't know what's good for her and doesn't even know the minimum gratitude.

Taking a deep breath, Miura Yumiko suppressed the tension in her heart and looked at Su Mo with a slightly red face:

""Student Su Mo, this is a thank-you gift I prepared for you. I just learned how to cook from my mother, so it may not taste very good. I hope you don't mind."

As she said that, Yumiko Miura nervously handed the lunch box hidden behind her back to Su Mo, with shyness on her face. Even a queen of the current scene like Yumiko Miura would still feel nervous when delivering lunch to a boy.

Su Mo was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this queen of the current scene would do something that was not in line with her image.

He noticed that Yumiko Miura's tender fingers holding the lunch box were wrapped with several band-aids.

When Su Mo performed the exorcism ritual that day, she was intact.

"This girl is quite thoughtful."

Su Mo immediately understood what was going on. Su Mo, who was familiar with the original work, naturally knew that Miura Yumiko had no talent for cooking. She was about the same as Yuigahama Yui.

But it didn't matter that she had no talent. The girl's heart was the most important.

"Miura looks difficult to deal with, but in fact, it seems that the difficulty of conquering her is not as difficult as it seems. At least it is much easier than Yukinoshita Yukino."

Su Mo's eyes flashed, and he suddenly thought that maybe he could include Miura Yumiko as one of his options for promotion to the third level.

Miura Yumiko���She is a beautiful girl, with top-notch looks and figure, a proud personality, and a queen-like temperament, which is quite attractive to Su Mo.

Thinking of this, Su Mo took the lunch box with a smile and said:

"Thank you, I will appreciate Miura's kindness."

Miura Yumiko's pretty face suddenly turned red, and then she was a little flustered, but she forced a straight face and said:

"Disgusting...disgusting, don't say such cheesy words to me, I'm just thanking you, don't misunderstand anything."

As she said that, she turned her head away in panic and walked quickly towards the teaching building.

"Tsk, a tsundere type?"

Su Mo showed a hint of amusement on his face. Seeing Miura Yumiko's reaction, he was more certain that Miura Yumiko could be one of his first followers.

After all, something like that happened that day, and he must have left a very deep impression in the heart of this hot girl.

Just when Su Mo was thinking this——

【Ding, warning!】

【Ahead, the leader of the Hungry Wolf Gang, Yasushi Murashita, is negotiating with the fourth-level zombie leader, Yumiko Miura. Please be careful!】

【The Hungry Wolf Gang is the most terrifying supernatural force in this area. Its leader, Yasushi Murashita, is a vicious third-level supernatural being. He and the members of the Hungry Wolf Gang are evil and reckless. After the doomsday, they wantonly burned, killed, and looted other human survivors.】

【The host has understood the situation of the fourth-level zombie leader Miura Yumiko, so I will not elaborate on it.】

【With the host's current strength, if he is targeted by the leader of the Hungry Wolf Gang, Yasushi Murashita, and the zombie leader, Yumiko Miura, there is no chance of survival. Please act with caution and run away.]

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