Yukino Yukinoshita's body stiffened for a moment.

Then she took out her cell phone without hesitation and prepared to call 110..

""Ahem, what are you doing, Yukinoshita-san?" Su Mo was a little nervous. This guy couldn't be serious.

No, this guy was serious. Su Mo had seen that her finger was about to press the connect button.

"What do you think I'm going to do, you shameless harassment criminal!"

Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes were full of shame and anger, and she gritted her teeth and emphasized word by word,"My service club is a serious club, and only a pervert like you would have dirty associations when you see the word service.""

So you also know that the word service will make people have associations.

Su Mo laughed secretly.

But this time, Su Mo was embarrassed to deny Yukinoshita Yukino's words.

Because what Su Mo said was exactly what Yukinoshita Yukino thought.

Yukinoshita Yukino's exclusive contract ceremony is

【Yukinoshita Yukino serves Su Mo wholeheartedly in the service department and comprehends the true meaning of the heart of service.

What does the service required by Su Mo's profession mean? Ahem, I understand.

Both the body and the mind must be served. If it is only the body, it is meaningless. The mind must also be willing.

So Su Mo also realized that it would be difficult to make a contract with Yukinoshita Yukino. It is easy to get her body. With Su Mo's ability, as long as he wants, no one in this world can refuse Su Mo.

But it is not so easy to get her mind.

Considering the gains after the contract, Su Mo can also understand the difficulty of the contract.

But no matter how difficult it is, Su Mo must do it.

Because the condition for the promotion from the second level to the third level, in addition to more experience points, is to successfully contract three followers.

"Yukinoshita Yukino is a bit troublesome, maybe these three followers can be replaced by other people."

Su Mo's eyes flickered. Su Mo definitely didn't intend to let go of a beautiful girl like Yukinoshita Yukino, who was perfect in both appearance and temperament.

But with the difficulty of Yukinoshita Yukino's exclusive contract ceremony, it would not be so easy to succeed in the contract in a short time.

If Su Mo wanted to advance to the third level as soon as possible, it would be more appropriate to set his sights on other girls of destiny whose contracts were less difficult.

Can Yukinoshita Yukino take her time?

"Yukinoshita, your thoughts are too unhealthy."

Su Mo smiled and said to Yukinoshita Yukino calmly,"As an exorcist, I have to meet certain rituals before I can perform exorcism."

"As for your ritual, you must serve me, and through serving me, you will understand the way of serving."

"The way of serving is not as unhealthy as you think. For example, in ancient times, servants served their masters. Did they have to serve in the way you imagine? It could also be to take care of the master in daily life."

"So I want to solve your problem as soon as possible. My suggestion is that you can temporarily serve as my maid, and by becoming a qualified maid, you can understand the way of serving."

Haste makes waste. Being too direct will only cause resistance from girls. Su Mo is still clear about this.

So Su Mo decided to paint a big pie for Yukinoshita Yukino, and let this proud guy be his maid for fun.

The heart of serving can also be cultivated while serving as a maid.

"Hehe, pervert, has your brain been burned by strong desire? No matter how hungry you are, you shouldn't have such unrealistic fantasies, right?"

Yukinoshita Yukino sneered and mocked Su Mo unceremoniously.

He actually asked her to be a maid. This pervert really dared to think about it.

She is Yukinoshita Yukino, the top flower of Sobu High School, the iceberg goddess admired by countless people, both in appearance and grades, and the daughter of the Yukinoshita family.

With her status, how could she condescend to be a maid for a boy of the same grade ?

"Don't rush to refuse."Su Mo showed a faint smile on his face, not panicking at all,"This is the only way to solve your problem. If you don't want to, you can just pretend I never said anything."

Yukinoshita Yukino was stunned.

Because of the incident of showing her panties in front of Su Mo, she was full of prejudice against Su Mo.

So she resisted Su Mo's"obscene" request.

But now that Su Mo said this, she calmed down instead.

Realizing that it was she who needed Su Mo's help now, not Su Mo who needed her.

Did she really have to be a maid for this guy? Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino's face became hot.

But thinking of her own life and the safety of her sister, she couldn't help but look unhappy.

It seemed that she had no choice.

Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino's beautiful eyes couldn't help but reveal a hint of hesitation

"Exorcist... Can I be your maid?"

However, at this moment, the weak voice of Takanashi Rikka sounded from the side. Yukinoshita

Yukino was startled, and saw Takanashi Rikka blushing beside her, her eyes full of shyness and fear, but at this moment, she mustered up the courage to look at Su Mo. Yukinoshita

Yukino was a little shocked, she didn't expect that the timid Takanashi Rikka would take the initiative to say that she wanted to be Su Mo's maid.

"Takanashi-san, you want to be a maid for this guy with dirty thoughts?" Yukino Yukinoshita couldn't help but speak.

Although she had only known Takanashi Rikka for a short time, Yukino Yukinoshita could see that this girl with severe chuunibyou was actually as pure as a little white rabbit.

Such a pure girl, who clearly knew Su Mo's lustful nature, dared to ask him to be a maid. Wasn't she afraid that Su Mo would eat her till there was nothing left but a bone?

She couldn't figure it out.

Su Mo was also a little surprised.

Just now, Su Mo asked Takanashi Rikka to do such a thing, and he thought that this little white rabbit would be scared and dare not approach him again.

Unexpectedly, she actually took the initiative to rush to be his maid.

Could it be that -

Su Mo's eyes moved, and he thought of something

"If you work as a maid for an exorcist, you can learn real magic, right?"

As Su Mo expected, Takanashi Rikka looked at Su Mo with twinkling eyes, her face full of anticipation and nervousness.

"Please teach me magic, exorcist, whatever you ask, I am willing to agree to it!"

Sure enough.

A smile appeared on Su Mo's face.

He knew that this was what Rikka Takanashi was thinking.

Faced with real extraordinary means, how could a middle school student like Rikka Takanashi refuse?

Yukinoshita Yukino's exclusive contract is to serve.

Rikka Takanashi's exclusive contract is not, so being her maid is meaningless to Rikka Takanashi.

However, Su Mo doesn't mind having one more cute maid.

What's more, she is a good maid who can agree to any request in order to learn"magic".

Su Mo looked at Rikka Takanashi with a smile:

"You said you would agree to whatever I ask for, right?"

Hearing this, Rikka Takanashi's delicate face flushed red, burning hot.

A layer of shameful mist appeared in her gem-like eyes, and steam came out of her forehead.

Rikka Takanashi is indeed as pure as a little white rabbit, but it does not mean that she knows nothing.

After all, she is also a sophomore JK, how could she really be like a blank sheet of paper.

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