"Boy's urine or whip, you choose one."

Su Mo said with a straight face and then in a nonchalant tone.

All of a sudden, the three girls were dumbfounded.

Miura Yumiko's eyes widened, wondering if she had heard something wrong.

Her delicate face looked rather stiff, staring at Su Mo in disbelief, her red lips slightly parted:

""Student Su Mo, what did you say?"

She thought she must have heard it wrong.

Boy's urine? Whip?

What is this? What does it have to do with exorcism?

But for some reason, Miura Yumiko suddenly had a very bad premonition.

Her eyes swept over the hot blonde girl who was full of energy. When Su Mo thought of the exorcism method this time, her heartbeat quickened.

Any of the two exorcism methods could be regarded as blasphemy to this proud queen of reality.

And because of Miura Yumiko's pride and queenly temperament, blaspheming such a girl gave people a strange sense of excitement.

As a boy, Su Mo was naturally no exception.

"The thing is, it is actually very simple to get rid of the evil spirit that is targeting you, that is to resolve the evil spirit's resentment."

Su Mo took a deep breath, and without any nonsense, he told Miura Yumiko the truth.

Miura Yumiko and others pricked up their ears and stopped seriously.

"The way to resolve the evil spirit is also very simple, that is, let you, the real person, experience what the evil spirit has experienced."

"What? Let me experience what the evil spirits have experienced!"

Miura Yumiko's pretty face froze for a moment. She already knew where the uneasiness in her heart came from, but then her face looked a little bad, and she said angrily:"Why do I have to encounter this kind of thing? It's not me who did it?"

Speaking of this, she was almost crying with anger. What kind of thing is this?

Miura Yumiko and Ebina Hina could only look at Miura Yumiko with sympathy.

"Many evil spirits in Japan are unreasonable and don't care about the principle of"everyone has a culprit for every wrong done""

Su Mo spread his hands.

Miura Yumiko was furious, but could only look at Su Mo helplessly. After hesitating for a moment, he asked weakly:"So, what does this have to do with the two methods that classmate Su Mo just mentioned?"

Boy's urine and whip.

Miura Yumiko's delicate body trembled slightly. She had already guessed something, and her beautiful eyes were full of panic.

Yuigahama Yui and Ebina Hina seemed to have guessed something as well. They avoided each other's eyes and did not dare to look at Miura Yumiko. They were secretly shocked in their hearts.

Could it be that it was really what they thought?

Su Mo looked at Miura Yumiko speechlessly. He had described it in such detail, and it should be very simple to associate these two methods.

He still had to explain it clearly. Wouldn't this make him socially dead?

Why are they all like this?

But things have come to this point, so Su Mo naturally had to ruthlessly break the girl's luck:

"I'm sure you've heard that those vicious bullies dragged their victims to the toilet and then stained them with something unspeakable."

When Su Mo said this, Miura Yumiko's face turned pale, and Yuigahama Yui and Ebina Hina's stomachs also churned, and their pretty faces turned pale.

Hearing this, they knew it all, and their guess was not wrong. What

Su Mo said about boy's urine exorcising spirits is literally what it means, boy's urine on the body.

Bullying incidents are endless in Japanese campuses, and victims being dragged to the toilet to suffer this kind of bullying is a very common operation among bullying methods. It's not like the three of them haven't heard of it. Even if they haven't heard of it, they have seen it in the news. How could they not know?

"Needless to say, I choose another one!"

Miura Yumiko's pretty face was pale, her body was trembling, and she hurriedly interrupted Su Mo's words.

No matter what, she would never choose this way of exorcism.

For Miura Yumiko, who loves cleanliness, if she encountered such a thing, it would be more painful than death.

Even if she died in the hands of the evil spirit, she would never agree.

If she chose, she estimated that she would have nightmares for the rest of her life.

"It seems that you have chosen the whip exorcism ritual."

Seeing that Miura Yumiko refused the first method without hesitation,

Su Mo also breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, the boy's urine exorcism cannot be from anyone, but only from him, the exorcist.

To be honest, Su Mo is not thick-skinned enough to use such a heavy-tasting exorcism method on a beautiful girl with a proud personality and a strong queen aura.

"What is the whip exorcism ritual?"

Miura Yumiko looked at Su Mo with uneasiness in her eyes. At this moment, this extremely proud queen of reality was trembling like a quail, and a layer of mist covered her beautiful eyes full of grievances.

It gave people a feeling of weakness and helplessness.

She had a vague premonition that this whip exorcism method might not be a very serious exorcism.

Yuigahama Yui and Ebina Hina also vaguely noticed this. Both of them looked a little subtle. If they hadn't seen the weird ghost handprint on Miura Yumiko's face with their own eyes, they would even doubt whether Su Mo was an exorcist or a pervert.

How could there be such an unorthodox way of exorcism, not at all metaphysical

"The whip exorcism ritual, you can tell from the name."

Su Mo sighed,"In simple terms, it means I use a whip to whip Miura-san's buttocks ten times, simple, right?""

Simple as hell!"

The three pretty and lovely girls were all stunned at this moment, and were extremely speechless.

Miura Yumiko's delicate and fair face was burning, her tight body was shaking violently, and her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief and panic.

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