Hua Yu really didn't disappoint Lin Fan!

When Lin Fan passed above its head, countless tree roots shot up into the sky and strangled him!

This time, Lin Fan had no way to retreat!

All roads were blocked by Hua Yu!

However, Lin Fan's smile became even brighter!

He was stranded in the air, and he put away his double guns, took out the Gatling gun, and swept towards the tree roots that Hua Yu attacked!

Boom boom boom boom!!!!

The bullets and the tree roots collided with each other, making an explosion sound!

For a while, the smoke and dust were filled, and it was difficult to tell the difference!

However, it was obvious that the speed at which the tree roots were generated was not as fast as the speed at which Lin Fan's bullets destroyed them.

It didn't take long for the tree roots to be destroyed by Lin Fan! For a while, the bullets attacked Hua Yu's head like a barrage!

Seeing that the attack was about to fall on his head, Hua Yu quickly dodged!

But how could Lin Fan give her a chance to breathe? He landed steadily on the ground and fired at her!

Seeing that he couldn't dodge in time, Hua Yu stopped walking, turned around and slammed his hands on the ground!

Suddenly, the roots of the tree drilled out of the ground like a tide, rushing towards Lin Fan!

This time, Lin Fan's Gatling machine was obviously not enough!

But Lin Fan was not panicked at all, he took back the Gatling directly and took out another big guy!

This big guy was even bigger than the previous cursed cannon!

Just like a future weapon, there was a huge gunshot, a blue light was glowing at the barrel, and there was a trace of electric current.

At first glance, you can tell that the power of the weapon is definitely quite good!

Sure enough, as Lin Fan pressed the switch, a ball of light with power appeared at the muzzle!

Then the ball of light turned into a beam of light and shot out violently!

The powerful cursed beam of light directly shattered the ground along the way!

Formed a long gully!

After the cursed beam of light hit the surging tree roots, the roots were also destroyed by the terrifying power of the cursed beam of light!

The cursed beam of light emitted by Lin Fan's gun is similar to that of a laser weapon, which can be fired continuously.

As long as Lin Fan's cursed power is not exhausted or the gun is not damaged, the beam of light will continue to output!

This is also one of Lin Fan's most satisfying works.

Soon, the tree roots like waves could not resist!

The speed of the cursed power beam of light once again overwhelmed the speed of the generation of Hanami's tree roots!

Soon, the cursed power beam of light broke all the tree roots and shot directly towards Hanami!

Hanami could only passively defend with one hand.

However, the power of the cursed power beam was so powerful!

It directly rushed her out for several meters before stopping!

However, as the cursed power beam of light continued to output, Hanami was soon submerged by the cursed power beam of light!

But Lin Fan knew that this damage could not kill Hanami at all.

Don't look at this cursed power laser cannon, which seems to be powerful.

But it is only a first-level cursed tool after all.

It is no problem to destroy a tree root.

But if you want to kill Hanami, that's a bit of a fool's dream.

Lin Fan stopped the output of the cursed power beam of light.

After waiting for the smoke to dissipate, Hanami's figure appeared.

Sure enough!

Hanami only suffered some superficial injuries.

The outer white armor had been burned away, revealing her purple body.

Hua Yu also changed from resisting with one arm to resisting with both arms.

Her left arm, which had been wrapped in white cloth, was finally exposed.

The right arm of the plant elf!

The arm was completely black, and there was a huge red flower bud at the end of the upper arm.

The smile on Lin Fan's face never faded.

Hua Yu brought him too many surprises!

Lin Fan put away the cursed laser cannon.

Then he took out a completely black samurai sword from his sleeve!

Looking at Hua Yu who quickly recovered.

Lin Fan tilted his head and said with a smile:

"Don't you plan to open a domain?"

Hua Yu said without any joy or sadness:

"Human, you are very good.

But your damage is still not enough for me to open the domain."

Lin Fan shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and replied with a smile:

"That's good. I was afraid that you would not be able to do it after opening the domain!......Then we can still play for a while longer!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fan dodged and rushed forward.

He came in front of Hua Yu and slashed with a knife!

Hua Yu retreated to avoid it, and Lin Fan took advantage of the pursuit and chopped it!

In the midst of lightning and thunder!

Hua Yu directly raised her black arm to block!

The samurai sword fell on Hua Yu's black arm and made a metallic collision sound!

Then the samurai sword broke and broke!

Lin Fan was a little surprised.

Is the left arm of this so-called plant elf so hard?

Hua Yu didn't give Lin Fan time to think, and directly seized the gap and punched!

Lin Fan blocked with both arms and was directly knocked out!

Hua Yu dodged directly!

Taking advantage of the pursuit!

The roots came out from under her feet and attacked Lin Fan!

Lin Fan felt his arms slightly numb and showed a weird smile.

He whispered faintly:

"Eight Gates of Ninjutsu! The fourth gate! Open!"(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

A green light wave instantly emanated from Lin Fan's body!

The violent energy wave immediately caused a violent gust of wind to blow around!

Although Hua Yu was somewhat intimidated by Lin Fan's momentum!

But she did not hesitate at all and attacked Lin Fan!

Lin Fan's eyes flashed red!

The grim smile on his face showed his excitement at the moment!

As Hua Yu's attack was about to fall, Lin Fan punched out directly!

Before Hua Yu understood what was happening, she was blown away by a huge force!

Then she slammed into the ground and was bounced up again!

It can be seen that the power of Lin Fan's punch just now was so great!

Hua Yu, who was flying in the air, had just recovered.

But before she could stand firm, Hua Yu was shocked to find that Lin Fan had appeared in front of her without knowing when!

Then Hua Yu was hit by another heavy punch!

Hua Yu blocked it with his left arm!

But he was blown away again!

The left arm that could easily shatter the strength of a first-level spell tool before was now directly deformed by Lin Fan!!!

"A little more!!!"

Lin Fan followed up with another heavy punch!

Hua Yu continued to fly backwards in the air!

He crashed into countless trees along the way, but it still couldn't offset Lin Fan's huge force!

"A little more!!!"

Lin Fan put his hands together and hit Hua Yu with a heavy hammer!

Hua Yu was hit hard to the ground!

When he hit the ground, there was a huge roar!

A deep pit that kept cracking in all directions was smashed out!

Hua Yu spurted out a mouthful of purple blood, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back!

This was simply being beaten!

"Give me one more surprise! Hua Yu!!!"

Lin Fan jumped down from the air!

He stepped hard on Hua Yu!

This blow!

Hua Yu's entire chest collapsed and dented!

Purple blood kept pouring out of Hua Yu's mouth, and it was obvious that she was seriously injured!

However, at this time, Lin Fan jumped back and left. He quietly looked at Hua Yu in the deep pit not far away.

He was giving Hua Yu a chance to breathe again.

Let her have time to recover.

Because he had had enough fun, if he continued to play, it was estimated that Mr. Gojo would break the seal.

Now he was forcing Hua Yu to open the domain.

This was what he wanted!

There were seven more domain fragments, and he could get his own exclusive domain.

Lin Fan was still very much looking forward to what his own domain would look like.

Hua Yu struggled to stand up.

Only then did she realize that Lin Fan had been letting her win before!

She didn't expect that his strength was so terrifying!

Look... Now if she doesn't open her domain, she can't do anything to the human in front of her!

Because it takes a lot of cursed power for Hua Yu to open her own domain.

Her own cursed power is not enough!

So Hua Yu must first use her left arm to absorb the vitality of all the plants around her.

Hua Yu has been wrapping her arms, just because she doesn't want to use this trick.

But now she has no choice!

Hua Yu knelt on one knee, and her black palm touched the ground.

Then all the flowers, plants and trees around withered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

A golden energy was continuously absorbed by Hua Yu (Li Dehao)!

Gradually, until the flower on Hua Yu's left arm gradually bloomed!

An eye appeared in the flower!

After absorbing the cursed power, the eye in the flower suddenly opened!

Then a terrifying cursed power wave broke out!

Hua Yu's voice was still as emotionless as before.

She said slowly:

"Plants cannot produce magical power.

My left arm will take away the life of plants and turn it into magical power.

But the magical power will not return to me, but will all flow to this flower.

If possible, I don’t want to use this trick."

As Hua Yu's voice fell.

The big eye in the flower on her left arm condensed a golden magical power!

The magical power was like a small sun, condensing in front of Hua Yu!

Then, Hua Yu said lightly:

"Field expansion!"

PS: Thank you Zuo Feng for the ticket to urge update!!!

Thank you Lu for the ticket to urge update!!!

Thank you ZZY for the 100VIP reward!!!

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