After Lin Fan left, he soon found the curse master Shigemen Haruta who had just confronted Kugisaki Nobara.

Because the sneak attack failed, Kugisaki Nobara was preparing to have a big fight with him!


Shigemen Haruta is the second person Lin Fan hates!

Compared to the real person,

Shigemen Haruta is even more bullying, profit-seeking, insidious and cunning, and likes sneak attacks!

And his methods are extremely despicable, which makes people hate him!

In the original anime, in the Shibuya incident, he sneak attacked Ijichi Jietaka, causing him to be seriously injured and dying.

Then he sneak attacked Nitta Akira and Kugisaki Nobara.

For such a person, Lin Fan must kill him!

No one can save him!

After seeing Lin Fan, Kugisaki Nobara shouted in surprise:

"Fan! How did you find this place?

Lin Fan replied with a faint smile:

"Find someone, kill someone."

Kugisaki Nobara was speechless.

Lin Fan's reply was really domineering!

But she just liked Lin Fan's domineering look!

Lin Fan continued:

"Let's leave here.

Go northwest and meet Yuji there.

I'll come find you after I solve the problem."

Kugisaki Nobara nodded obediently. She obeyed Lin Fan's words. As for other people's words, she could outshine ten.

"180" After telling Lin Fan to be more careful, Kugisaki Nobara left quickly. Shigemune

Haruta said with some disappointment:

"Why did the girl leave?


Forget it.

Kill you and I'll go find her.

The chasing game is quite fun."

Lin Fan smiled faintly and did not reply.

However, Chongmen Chunta's expression froze directly!

He suddenly realized.

Why can he see his complete body.

A body without a head......

Because everything happened too fast!

Chong Mian Chun Tai was directly torn apart by his body, and his body didn't even fall down!

Lin Fan grabbed Chong Mian Chun Tai's hair, put his head on the ground, and said slowly:

"Don't worry.

I have forcibly extended your life.

Even if your head and body are separated, you will not die in a short time, and you can still clearly feel the pain of the wound.

But maybe your reflex arc is a bit slow, and you need to slow down for a while.

Now, do you feel the pain?"

As soon as Lin Fan's voice fell, Chong Mian Chuntai instantly felt the heart-wrenching pain!

He opened his mouth wide, wanting to scream but couldn't make a sound!

The severe pain had already made him lose his voice!

Lin Fan smacked his lips and said contemptuously:

"Where is your miracle formula?

Why did he die after saving so many miracles?"

Chong Mian Chuntai's eyes were filled with fear, despair, confusion and regret.

He could not think of why his own formula did not save him.

Lin Fan sneered a few times, then said lightly:


If I, Lin Fan, want to kill you, you must die!

Heaven cannot stop it, earth cannot stop it!

How big a miracle do you think you need to prevent me from killing you?

Forget it, I am quite upset just by looking at you. I wanted to talk to you for a few more words.

It seems.....You better go die!"

After saying that, Lin Fan crushed Chong Mian Chun Tai's head with one foot.

Then the system sounded:

【Congratulations to the host for killing the third-level sorcerer and obtaining a primary random talent lottery ticket!】

【Detected that there is a primary random talent lottery ticket x1 in the host's backpack, would the host like to use it? 】

Lin Fan wiped his hands in disdain, feeling very unhappy.

I wasted so much time, and it turned out to be just a small third-level sorcerer.

What a rubbish!

Lin Fan threw the handkerchief and looked into the distance.

It seems that it is time to go find Hua Yu.......

On the other side, everyone from the Tokyo school joined forces to fight against Hanamiya.

The fight was very fierce!

But it was obvious that everyone was no match for Hanamiya.

Soon Panda and Inumaki Stake were defeated one after another.

Now only Fushiguro Megumi and Zenin Maki were holding on.

The first-level cursed tools that Lin Fan gave to the two of them had all been destroyed by Hanamiya.

Zenin Maki felt extremely distressed!

Those were the cursed tools that Lin Fan gave her! They were damaged like this!

Fushiguro Megumi took out a first-level cursed tool, the black knife, and a special-level cursed tool, Youyun, in the shadow space. With the cooperation of the two, they launched another round of attacks on Hanamiya! But although Hanamiya was hurt by the blessing of the special-level cursed tools!

But the damage was still just a scratch!

Fushiguro Megumi said speechlessly:

"Don’t let me use the nunchaku next time!

It’s too difficult to use!"

Zenin Maki smiled slightly, turned around and said:

"Once you get used to it......"

Zenin Maki's voice suddenly stopped, and then suddenly exclaimed:


I saw that Fushiguro Megumi, who was fine just now, suddenly had something similar to plant spores growing on his abdomen!

The plant spores opened their mouths, like a piranha plant, and the roots sucked Fushiguro Megumi's cursed power.

The more Fushiguro Megumi used his cursed power, the faster the roots of the plant spores grew, and the deeper they pierced!

Just when Zenin Maki was distracted, Hanami directly shot out the roots and stabbed!

Zenin Maki reacted quickly and quickly avoided the vital points and blocked with his shoulder!

Hanami's vines directly pierced Zenin Maki's shoulder!

Zenin Maki frowned in pain, gritted his teeth, and quickly interrupted with Youyun!

Fushiguro Megumi vomited blood and shouted worriedly: (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Damn it!

It's all my fault!

Facing the two of them, Hanami said calmly:

"The stab was originally aimed at the heart.

What a good reaction!

Magicians are very sentimental people. Every time their companions are injured, there will be a flaw."

Fushiguro Megumi was still not giving up. He used his magical power to let Hun attack Hanami from behind.

However, just as Hun got behind Hanami, he turned into black liquid and disappeared!

Fushiguro Megumi covered his stomach in pain and supported the ground with one hand.

Zenin Maki analyzed nervously.

Was it destroyed?


It was Megumi's technique that was unlocked!

Hanami said in a flat voice:

"You'd better not use spells anymore.

The buds implanted in your body love spell power the most.

The more you use spells, the deeper they will take root in your body!"

Fushiguro Megumi struggled to stand up and said through gritted teeth:

"Thank you for your kind explanation.

But you will kill me anyway."

Hua Yu continued calmly:

"It is said that it will work faster."

At this time, Zenin Maki gritted her teeth and attacked Hanamiya!

But Hanamiya dodged it very easily!

After dodging, Hanamiya said to Zenin Maki in her emotionless words:

"Can you still act?......"

After several rounds of attacks, Zenin Maki was caught by Hanamiya, who used the tree roots to entangle her and lifted her up!

Zenin Maki struggled desperately, but to no avail.

"......But you are not as fast as before."

Fushiguro Megumi tightly grasped his abdomen, watching Zenin Maki in danger, he had to do something! He had to squeeze out the cursed power!

Even if it meant tearing his abdomen!

I am different from everyone else...

I will choose who to protect.

I have the least on my shoulders.

So......I must not fall first!!!

Fushiguro Megumi growled, preparing to summon Makoto with all his strength!

However, at this moment!

Suddenly someone patted his shoulder and said lightly:

"Why are you trying so hard?

Don't you still have me here?"

Fushiguro Megumi was stunned.

He looked back and saw that Lin Fan appeared beside him without knowing when.

Lin Fan looked at the object on Fushiguro Megumi's abdomen that seemed to be parasitized by spores.

He knew that this was Hanami's ability, the bud.

Lin Fan had no expression on his face, and one hand turned into a claw!

Then he went straight to Fushiguro Megumi's abdomen!

Under Lin Fan's huge force, he directly penetrated Fushiguro Megumi's body and pulled out the bud in his body!

Fushiguro Megumi vomited blood in pain, and his pupils began to dilate.

However, before he could think about why Lin Fan did this.

The wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Fushiguro Megumi touched his stomach in surprise, and realized that this was Lin Fan's reversal technique.

But he still said with a complaining look:

"Can't you be gentler?

Do you have to be so brutal?"

Lin Fan smiled slightly and didn't answer.

He stared straight at Hua Yu, and Hua Yu also stared straight at him.

Lin Fan's pupils glowed.

White flesh armor!

So handsome!

The feel of this fight must be very good!

Hua Yu looked at the person who came and analyzed secretly.

Is he someone who can reverse the spell?

It's really strange that he didn't feel any breath from the other party.

But just when Hua Yu was still trying to figure out the other party's depth, she was surprised to find that the person in front of her disappeared under her nose!

She hurriedly looked around!

Lin Fan appeared in front of her at this time, and cut off the tree roots she tied Zenin Maki, and then held Zenin Maki in a few jumps and returned to Fushiguro Megumi.

Lin Fan recovered 1.3 of Zenin Maki's injuries, and then smiled and said:

"Not coming down yet."

At this time, Zenyuan Maki was being held by Princess Lin Fan.

Her face was red, and she stared blankly at Lin Fan's profile.

If Lin Fan hadn't reminded her, she wouldn't have come back to her senses!

PS: Let me explain, there are many heroines in this book, and I'm about to start the strategy one by one!

Can you guess who will be the first one to be conquered?

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