Tianqi and Anasu followed closely.

But when the three of them walked into the room, they found that the structure of the room had changed.

Although Jiang Zhou had never seen the furnishings of other wards in this hospital, he knew one thing.

That is, there was no way a piano could exist in an ordinary ward like this!

This was not a hospital ward at all!

"This is the Green Dolphin Prison, Emporio's ghost room!" Jiang Zhou shouted.

Tianqi and Anasu also realized this, especially Tianqi.

The piano had once served as his bed, so he was not unfamiliar with it.

"But what's going on?"Ansu was a little confused.

"Aren't we in the Central Hospital of Orlando? How come we are back in prison?"

Compared to the weather, it was silent.

He stroked the piano with his hand, but found that it felt exactly the same as the ghost room.

But at this time, Jiang Zhou discovered some clues.

"No, that's not right. This is fundamentally different from Emporio's room.���Look......"

As he spoke, Jiang Zhou picked up a piece of chocolate from the table, tore open the outer packaging, opened his mouth and took a bite.

He actually ate the chocolate into his stomach! Seeing this, Tianqi and Anasu also reacted.

If it was Emporio's ghost room, everything in the room should be a ghost.

Whether it was chocolate or drinks, all of them could only taste the taste, but they would leak out from the chin.

It was impossible to do what Jiang Zhou did, to eat it into the stomach.

"In other words, this is caused by the enemy's stand ability."As Anasu said this, the Sea Diver appeared behind him.

"That should be the case. Jiang Zhou nodded.

Then he remembered the enemy's stand ability.

The underground world!

The earth has memory, and the ability of the underground world is to dig out the things that happened in the past.

This is obviously the Green Dolphin Prison before 1980!


Anasu's nostrils twitched, and then he looked at Tianqi and Jiang Zhou in confusion,"Hey, do you two smell anything special?"

Hearing this, Jiang Zhou also twitched his nostrils, and then frowned,"It's the smell of something burning, and it's getting closer and closer to us!"

Then, as if he remembered something, Jiang Zhou hurriedly said,"Hurry, we have to leave this room quickly. If my guess is correct, the enemy should have recreated the original fire in Green Dolphin Prison!"

"If we don't get out of here, we are likely to be burned to death in here!"

As Jiang Zhou's voice fell, thick black smoke seeped in from the crack of the door behind him.

Seeing this scene, the weather frowned.

The substitute weather forecast instantly appeared behind him, and then used high-speed rotating airflow and air to make a space suit for several people.

To ensure that when the carbon monoxide concentration is too high, the three can still breathe normally.

At this time, Jiang Zhou also pulled open the door he came from. But behind the door was a fire scene with a raging fire.

It was not the corridor of the hospital at all!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Zhou also frowned.

"It seems that this road is impassable due to the weather. Please try to use your ability to see if you can put out the fire."

"I understand."The weather nodded.

Then rain clouds began to gather around him.


The sudden rain poured on the flames, instantly reducing the fire.

"Great, the enemy's stand ability is just like......"

However, before Anasu could finish his words, the flame that had been extinguished began to burn again.

When Tianqi saw this, he frowned slightly, and then activated his stand ability again.

Hail and heavy snow fell from the sky!

The ice and snow completely buried the flame.

The flame went out again.

But not long after, the flame burned again and melted the ice and snow.

The flame was extinguished by the melted snow water.

But not long after, the flame evaporated the snow water again and burned fiercely.

Even as time went by, the momentum of the flame intensified!

Even the roof of the room began to crack because it could not withstand the burning of the flame, and tiny pieces of gravel fell down.


Anasu pounded his fist on the ground, his face full of resentment,"Are we just going to be burned to death in the sea of fire?!"

"Not necessarily." Jiang Zhou, who had been silent for a long time, spoke again.

"Although the fire was serious, many prisoners escaped from it. As long as we find the passage they escaped from, we should be able to leave here."After the voice fell, Jiang Zhou walked to a wall of the room, knocked lightly with his hand, and shouted

"Star Platinum!"

Star Platinum instantly appeared behind him and punched the wall in front of him.


A large hole appeared in the wall, and behind the hole was the prison corridor. Judging from the situation in the corridor, the fire had not yet spread here.

"Let's go from here. Although this wall is not a load-bearing wall, this house can't hold out for much longer due to the burning of the flames." Jiang Zhou said, and crawled out of the big hole.

Seeing this, Anasu followed Jiang Zhou.

Only Tianqi stayed where he was. After taking a look at a certain place in the room, he also left.

Just after they left, two figures walked out from behind the door of the room.

It was Father Pucci and Vansu!

"That's pretty clever, but you're going to be greeted by more than just a sea of fire......."

Van Sus smiled grimly, and then left the room with Father Pucci.

At the same time, the roof of the room collapsed, smashing the piano to pieces.......

Stand: Underworld

Abilities: Able to dig up memories of events and people from the earth, assuming that the ground has"memories" of everything that has happened, the Stand can summon any past event that occurred in Orlando, Florida, by digging in the soil and digging underground, without being limited by the date and scope of its occurrence. Memories include car accidents, shootings, and plane crashes, and if the ground cannot be dug, the memory cannot be summoned.

Strength: None

Speed: C

Range: A

Sustainability: C

Precision: A

Growth: None

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