The man behind him yelled, startling the three people who were preparing to eat.

""What!" Trish looked back dissatisfied.

But the man behind him rushed into the kitchen directly, drove out the boss who was cleaning the chopping board, and then held the knife handle tightly with both hands and began to make delicious food.

The boss who was driven out of the kitchen, after seeing the expressions of several people, also understood what had happened.

With an apologetic look on his face, he said to them:"I'm very sorry for causing you trouble. As compensation, I won't charge you for this meal. What do you think?"

"Very reasonable compensation."

Giorno nodded and did not refuse.

"That's really great, thank you for your tolerance." As he said that, the restaurant owner also sat on the chair, his eyes occasionally glancing towards the kitchen.

At this time, Father Pucci was a little curious and asked,"That was also a guest, right? A guest broke into the kitchen where you work and was kicked out. Aren't you angry at all?"

He was very confused. Logically, such a guest should be kicked out of the restaurant directly.

Or does the boss have some unspeakable secrets?

"You're talking about this. Actually, we know each other."

"Twenty years ago, we were both apprentices in a restaurant. He was more talented than me, so he was trained as a chef. He was also very hardworking."

"But later, due to some special reasons, he chose to travel around the world, and his cooking skills were further honed during this trip."

"Business is booming in Sakura's Morioh-cho right now."

"This time I came here because I encountered a bottleneck in my cooking skills......."

Before he finished speaking, the man who rushed into the kitchen came out with three delicious-looking dishes.

Hearing the boss's praise, he smiled and said,"It's not very popular, but I really like Morioh Town. The people there are very simple and honest."

"Try it." The man placed the dishes in front of the three people.

Seeing this, the restaurant owner walked to the door and turned the"Open" sign at the door to"Closed".

After all, he had personally witnessed the"diet therapy" ability of his old friend.

If the new guests saw it, his restaurant would not be open.

After all, not everyone has the courage to eat after witnessing such a thing.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Tonio Tolasadi. I am really sorry to disturb you all. These dishes are my apology. I hope you like them."

Tonio said, and then began to introduce the food in front of everyone.

"First up is this one, made with the best quality tomatoes, paired with mozzarella cheese, and garnished with a little basil leaves."

"Although it looks simple, it brings out the flavor of the food to the fullest."

"In addition, lycopene in tomatoes has unique antioxidant properties, which can remove free radicals in the human body that cause aging to a certain extent."

"Especially suitable for ladies like you"

"Please enjoy it."

Tonio pushed the tomato salad towards Trish.

Seeing this, Trish couldn't help but take a small bite. After all, no woman could resist eating something that could relieve aging.

Although she was only 25 years old, she had already developed several subtle wrinkles at the corners of her eyes due to overwork.

But for someone like Trish who loves perfection, this was totally unacceptable!

Giorno on the side obviously understood this and sighed slightly.


When you bite into the tomato slices, they are completely different from cooked tomatoes.

This tomato salad is crispy!

Not fried crispy.

But the crispness of the vegetables themselves!

Obviously, they were just picked not long ago, and the fruits are still slightly sour.

But they complement the mozzarella cheese very well.

""It's delicious!"

After saying that, Trish threw away his reserve and started to eat with big mouthfuls.

This scene made Giorno beside him dumbfounded.

"Is it really that delicious? Giorno was a little confused and looked at the remaining two dishes.

"Well, it seems that this guest is very satisfied. Next is this guest. Judging from his appearance, this guest seems to have been seriously injured recently. At the same time, due to excessive stress, he probably hasn't had a good rest for a long time. His eyes are seriously swollen."

"There is a lot of fatigue accumulated in the body."

Tonio looked at Father Pucci and commented.

Hearing this, although Father Pucci was also surprised, he nodded and said,"You are right."

The injuries on his body were basically left by the battle with Jiang Zhou. There were more than ten fractures alone, and there were countless bruises.

However, these marks should have been covered by his clothes.

If it can only be seen that he did not rest well, it is still possible.

After all, he slept less than four hours a day on average in the past few days. After all, the oppression that Jiang Zhou gave him was too strong.

It's like being able to predict the future.

He now has some doubts that their meeting that day was also planned by Jiang Zhou, just to seize the substitute disk of Star Platinum.

"Then this dish is perfect for you."


"The calves are five to six months old, with tender and delicious meat. They are sliced thinly, coated with a layer of olive oil and topped with capers, which brings out the flavor of the meat to the fullest."

"But before that, I still recommend you drink a glass of water."

"This is the snow water from the melted ice and snow of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa 50,000 years ago. It can clean the dirt in the eyeballs and relieve your lack of sleep."

"Is that so? I see."Father Pucci nodded, took a sip, and then drank it all in one gulp. It was so refreshing!

Father Pucci's eyes lit up.

It felt like the water that the princess playing the harp drank in the Alps, or like he had walked in the desert for three days and three nights and finally drank water. He felt a cool feeling from the inside out.

His eyes also became moist unconsciously.


Tears burst out from his eyes like a fountain, startling Giorno who was standing beside him.

"How is this going?!"......

Stand: Pearl Jam

Ability: Heal the customer's ailments by enhancing the natural healing properties of the ingredients in specific dishes. Once inside the human body, Pearl Jam uses the nutrients contained in the food and the healing properties of the ingredients themselves to heal any ailment by triggering physiological processes.

Examples include tear drainage, expelling cavities to heal cavities, growing new teeth at an unnatural rate, and even expelling broken body organs and replacing them with new and healthy ones.

Once the treatment is complete, the customer's body returns to normal as if nothing had happened, but in fact the ailment has been completely cured.

Strength: E

Speed: C

Range: B

Endurance: A

Precision: E

Growth: C

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