Five minutes later, Apache cleared all traces in the cabin, then knocked on the wall near the cabin door.

"Boom boom boom——"

Three knocks sounded, and the next second, a zipper suddenly appeared on the wall of the plane.


The zipper was unzipped, and Bucciarati walked out, holding the two staff members he had knocked unconscious.

Putting the staff members on the chair, Bucciarati asked,"Any clues?"

"Yeah." Apache nodded,"This is not the place to talk, let's talk after we leave here."......

After leaving the aircraft maintenance base, Bucciarati and Abbaccio came to a cafe.

"This should be what you are looking for."Sitting on the chair, Abbacchio took out the notebook he used to copy the medal from his pocket and handed it to Bucciarati.

Bucciarati took the notebook and just took a quick look to confirm that the medal drawn on it was the one he was looking for.

Every cadre in the organization has a medal symbolizing their identity, just like the standard brooch of ordinary members, but the cadres' medals are made of better materials and their shapes are more prominent.

Except for the differences in details, the medal drawn on this piece of paper is almost exactly the same as Polpo's medal that Bucciarati had seen in prison.

"Can you confirm who took it?" Bucciarati asked hurriedly.

After finding the medal, his mission was half completed.

""Yeah." Apaki nodded, then picked up the notebook on the table, opened a blank page, and began to draw on it with a pen.

As a former policeman, Apaki was quite accomplished in painting. In just a few minutes, he reproduced the appearance of Jiang Zhou in his memory on the notebook.

At the same time, in Morioh Town, Jiang Zhou's residence.

The sound of gurgling water was coming from the bathroom. However, Jiang Zhou, who was carrying out a great water conservancy project, sneezed at the last moment.

"Ah Qiu!"

Because of this sneeze, the trajectory of the bullet was slightly deviated and splashed outside the toilet bowl.

"what happened......I have a cold?" Jiang Zhou, who was a little confused, hastily ended this small water conservancy project.

Returning to the living room, Jiang Zhou picked up the medal he brought back from the plane from the table and murmured,"This kind of thing should be able to improve the status of Risut and others in the organization."

As for how to fight against the organization, Jiang Zhou has never been prepared to rely on his own strength alone. After all, human power is limited.

There are currently more than 700 members on record in the organization. Even if only one-tenth of them have the ability to stand, there are more than 70 Stand users.

Even if Jiang Zhou and Jotaro go out together, it is undoubtedly a fantasy to fight against more than 70 Stand users at the same time.

Therefore, Jiang Zhou thought of Giorno's successful method in the original work, to control this criminal organization from the inside!

Since its establishment, the Passion Organization has indeed developed very well, but it is not a monolithic organization after all. The rebels in the organization There are countless of them.

Of course, the word"traitor" may not be appropriate, after all, they are brought together because of interests.

And the candidate Jiang Zhou has chosen is the assassination team!

First of all, in terms of strength, the assassination team is one of the top teams in the entire organization.

Secondly, Solbe and Gerard from the assassination team were forced into a desperate situation by members of the guard because they wanted to investigate the boss's past. It was Jiang Zhou and Higashikata Josuke who saved them.

And the captain of the assassination team, Risute Nero, happens to be a person who attaches great importance to his subordinates.

To sum up, for Jiang Zhou, there is no better partner than the assassination team.

"I hope everything goes according to plan." Looking at the medal in his hand, Jiang Zhou smiled meaningfully.......

July 26th, Monday.

It's a hot summer day, and the summer vacation for Japanese high school students has just begun.

Couples in love have also bid farewell to their tedious studies and have time to date.

As early as on the plane back from Milan, Hirose Koichi had already made an appointment with Yamagishi Yukako to have a formal couple date today.

However, Hirose Koichi's love of sleeping in has become a stereotype deeply rooted in the Hirose family. Hirose Ayana was a little surprised to see Hirose Koichi get up so early

"Xiaokang, why did you wake up so early today?"

"of course......"The new comic book of Mr. Kishibe Rohan is about to sell out!" Hirose Koichi rolled his eyes and instantly found an 'invincible' reason.

In the past, Hirose Ayana wanted to go her own way and knew that Kishibe Rohan's comic book was released on Mondays, so Hirose Koichi thought that if he used this reason, he would be able to dispel his sister's doubts.

"So that's how it is." As expected, after hearing this, Hirose Ayana nodded in sudden realization and then took out 1,000 yen from her pocket.

"Then please help me bring back a girl's comic book as well. The extra money will be used as pocket money for you."

"this......"Looking at the 1,000 yen that Hirose Aya handed over, Koichi felt a bit caught in a dilemma.

After all, he wasn't really going to buy comic books, and Yamagishi Yukako's house was not in the same direction as the bookstore........

""I should have used the excuse of"going to a classmate's house for tutoring" earlier." Hirose Koichi muttered, but finally chose to accept the 1,000 yen.

Although Hirose Ayana had known about his relationship with Yamagishi Yukako for a long time, Hirose Koichi still wanted to conduct the date in private.

Moreover, Hirose Ayana's 1,000 yen successfully reminded him that since it was a date, how could he not bring some gifts?

Thinking of this, Hirose Koichi didn't even bother to eat breakfast, and ran out the door directly.

"I'm going to buy comics first!"

"Still a child after all......"Looking at the direction where Hirose Koichi left, Hirose Aya smiled like an auntie.......

On the shopping street, Hirose Koichi was staring at the exhibits in the display cabinet, choosing a gift for a date.

"This one looks so pretty, but is it too mature?"

"This is also very good, but it is not a good gift for a first official date! ?"

"I'm so confused, I wish someone could come and give me some guidance at this time!"

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