Jiang Zhou had never seen Ross attack before, but his intuition told him very accurately that Ross had become stronger the moment he was attacked!

It was not simply an increase in strength or speed, but an overall sublimation.

It was as if he was undergoing some kind of transformation.

"There is something wrong with this guy's body."Jiang Zhou narrowed his eyes. He noticed carefully that in just a few seconds, the scar on Ross's shoulder had disappeared.

The broken bones that were originally protruding outside turned into golden spots of light and returned to Ross's body. At the same time, an inconspicuous soul in the audience disappeared.

"Your stand is very strong, stronger than anyone I have ever seen."Roz patted the dust on his shoulders and looked at Jiang Zhou provocatively,"But it's useless!" As soon as the voice fell, Ross stomped down suddenly, and the powerful force created spider-web-like cracks on the ground. The invisible energy spread along the ground all the way to Jiang Zhou's feet.


Jiang Zhou instinctively felt that something was wrong. The fist of Star Platinum slammed on the ground. With the help of this reaction force, Jiang Zhou floated briefly in the air.

At this moment, the invisible force on the ground burst out, bringing up countless sharp gravel and shooting towards Jiang Zhou.

Jiang Zhou in the air had no relay point, and there was no cover for him to hide.

"Star Platinum!"

At this moment, Jiang Zhou's eyes shone, and he shouted.

A purple man like a guardian appeared in front of him, and a pair of iron fists launched continuous attacks forward.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola——"

The sharp gravel hit the fist of Star Platinum and was immediately crushed into powder, which floated in the air.

However, it was also because of this that the powder temporarily blocked Jiang Zhou's vision.

Ross took advantage of the victory and chased after him. His figure flashed and he appeared in the air in the next second, throwing a powerful punch at Jiang Zhou.


Jiang Zhou crossed his arms in front of him, but the powerful force still knocked him out.

After hitting the stone wall, Jiang Zhou stood up tremblingly, his hands trembling uncontrollably.

"Such a strong power." Jiang Zhou's eyes showed a look of shock. This power was no weaker than Josuke Higashikata's Crazy Diamond, but......

"Time, stop flowing!"

Time froze, and Jiang Zhou's mouth curled up slightly.

What's the use of your great strength!

This is no longer the era of blank stand-ins!

The first second that time stopped, Jiang Zhou hammered down again, and the whole person jumped up and came to the sky above Rhodes, and then punched Rhodes to the ground with a fierce punch.


"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola——"

Ross, who was lying on the ground, managed to maintain the arrogant expression before the time stop, but then twisted and deformed under the continuous punches of Star Platinum.

When the time stop ended, Jiang Zhou had forgotten how many punches he had thrown.

However, at the moment when the time stop ended and the damage was calculated, Ross's body exploded and turned into a ball of blood-colored mist.

"Good, so disgusting."In the audience, those with weaker psychological endurance immediately vomited while holding onto their chairs.

However, another inconspicuous soul disappeared, and the blood mist floating in the sky seemed to have stopped in time, stagnating in mid-air.

"What's going on?" The big-hearted audience suddenly discovered that pale golden spots began to appear in the blood mist, and the number of light spots continued to increase.

"This kind of light spot again."Jiang Zhou frowned. It was the existence of this kind of light spot before that allowed Ross's injuries to recover in a very short time.


Although he did not believe that Ross had turned into blood mist, these golden light spots could still play a healing role.

But Jiang Zhou was not ready to sit and wait for death.

He switched his stand-in to the white snake. As soon as the black and white stand-in appeared.

Countless white wax appeared under his feet and swallowed the blood mist in the sky.

However, even if the blood mist was completely swallowed, the light golden light spots still precipitated out from the white wax oil and gathered in the sky.

It turned into Ross's appearance again.

"You really didn't let me down! Setting you up as a gladiator was the best decision I ever made!"Roz stroked his body, his face full of excitement.

His body was still strong, but there was a strange sheen on the surface.

"Is it because of this arena?"Jiang Zhou frowned, and he vaguely felt that he was close to the truth.

In fact, it was true.

Ross's own ability was not outstanding, but with the help of continuous fighting in the arena, every time he was injured, the souls in the audience would help him repair his injuries.

Moreover, the repaired body would be tougher than before.

"Finally realized it?" Seeing Jiang Zhou's look of sudden enlightenment, Ross laughed,"But I advise you to give up, because you can no longer hurt me!"

"How do you know if you don't try?......"Jiang Zhou murmured, and at the same time, the white wax on the ground began to wriggle again, wrapping around Ross.

""Stubborn and unyielding." Ross shook his head, and his feet shook slightly. An invisible force suddenly spread out, shaking Jiang Zhou's body away.

"Good, so strong......"Jiang Zhou covered his chest, and his eyes went dark, and he passed out.......

In the audience

"What are they doing?"A bearded man looked at Ross, who had been motionless since just now, and the pool of wax wrapped around him, somewhat confused.

Jiang Zhou was still standing in the arena, and in front of him was Ross, who was sleeping soundly, wrapped in waxy white wax.

That's right, Ross was indeed reborn, but the moment he regained consciousness, he was pulled into a dream by the white snake.

Everything that happened just now was Ross's dream.

"I'm curious, as the owner of the arena, if you are the first to break the rules, what will happen?"Jiang Zhou said softly. As the owner of the arena, the rules of the arena almost made him invincible, but the more so, the heavier the price of breaking the rules!

In the dream, Ross had won, and the audience who supported Jiang Zhou were instantly wiped out of their bodies and turned into translucent souls.

The same was true in the real world.

But in the next second, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, and countless golden light spots floated out from Ross's body, re-condensing the bodies of those people.

At the same time, the whole world began to fall apart because the rules were broken.......

Inside the plane, all the passengers fell asleep in their chairs, and their memories of the Colosseum gradually faded.

When they woke up, all the memories of the Colosseum would be gone from their minds.

"Finally, is it over?"Looking at Joseph and Polnareff beside him, Jiang Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he turned back to look in the direction of Ross and found that Ross had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a medal of the organization on the chair.

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