"It seems that your popularity is still higher than mine." Ross looked at Jiang Zhou with a smile.

"......"Jiang Zhou frowned.

He didn't know what the voting numbers in the arena were for, nor did he know whether his high votes were a good thing or a bad thing.

But now he didn't have time to think. He saw an iron gate in a corner of the arena suddenly lift up, and a low roar came out from inside.


The next second, a lion with a body length of one kilogram jumped out, the mane on its shoulders and neck burned like flames, and its roar suddenly became louder, spreading throughout the entire Colosseum.

At the same time, its eyes were fixed on Jiang Zhou, and transparent and sticky saliva flowed from the corners of its mouth.

"Lion, lion!?"

"You must be kidding. Even if a boxing champion came, he might not be able to beat that big guy!"

"It's over, it's really over now!"

In the audience, almost everyone who voted for Jiang Zhou wailed, because in their opinion, this battle was about to end before it even started.

After all, no matter how powerful a person is, he is still just a person. It is undoubtedly wishful thinking to want to defeat an adult lion without cold weapons or hot weapons.

However, not everyone has a negative attitude. In a corner of the audience, Joseph and Polnareff looked at each other, and there was no panic in their eyes.

On the contrary, their eyes were full of doubts.

"What on earth is this guy doing? A mere beast is no match for Brother Jiang Zhou."

"Who knows, but Jiang Zhou should have won the vote just now, why would the lion target him?"Joseph wondered. Although he couldn't see the small card in Ross's hand, he looked around when everyone voted.

Most of the passengers had already voted before Ross transformed.

But why would the one with more votes be targeted by the lion?

"What on earth are you doing?"Joseph looked at the muscular Ross in the center of the arena, frowning slightly.

In the arena,

Jiang Zhou looked at the lion slowly walking towards him, not worried, but looked at Ross leisurely beside him in confusion.

"Are you curious about why the lion is targeting you?"Perhaps noticing Jiang Zhou's gaze, Ross smiled and explained:"This is also one of the rules of the arena. Since you have received more votes, you are the star player of this arena. Since you are a star player, how can you not have a show to entertain you?"

"Is that so?" Jiang Zhou smiled when he heard this, and then reminded him,"I don't think a little lion can push the atmosphere to a climax."

Ross smiled without saying anything.

Just as Jiang Zhou turned his head, the male lion seemed to have seized the opportunity, and used its front paws to pounce on Jiang Zhou.


The lion opened its mouth wide, revealing its sharp teeth, and a foul smell immediately filled the air.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't forget to brush your teeth before or after meals! You stink me!" Jiang Zhou said rather unhappily,"But you're lucky to meet me. After all, our goal is......"

"No cavities!"

As soon as the words fell, a purple man appeared behind Jiang Zhou. Looking at the lion that had already pounced on him, he raised his fist and hit it from bottom to top.


Suddenly, the lion that pounced on Jiang Zhou was knocked several meters high.

Then, with a"bang", it fell to the ground again, with all its fangs broken. The lion struggled to stand up, but eventually fell into a coma due to the serious injuries.

"What is that purple figure? An evil spirit?!"

"Is the guy named Jiang Zhou possessed by an evil spirit?!"

"Maybe there is a chance of winning."

Normally, ordinary people cannot see the Platinum Star, but because of this arena, even ordinary people can see the purple strong man floating behind Jiang Zhou, rubbing his hands ready to fight.

The appearance of the Platinum Star is undoubtedly a shot of adrenaline for all those who voted for Jiang Zhou.

Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, the iron gate rose again, and two more lions roared out from inside.


These two lions looked no different from the previous lion, both were Barbary lions, but they were much stronger than the previous lion.

Their speed was so fast that they brought gusts of wind, and they swung their thick front paws to knock Jiang Zhou to the ground.

However, with the blessing of the Platinum Star, Jiang Zhou's strength, speed, and reaction ability have been enhanced to an inhuman level. He slightly turned his body to avoid the bite of one of the lions.

While dodging, he also grabbed the lion's nearly one-meter-long tail and pulled it hard.


The lion weighing hundreds of pounds was lifted up, spun twice in the air, and then slammed into another lion.


There was another loud bang, and spider-web-like cracks appeared on the floor tiles of the arena. Two lions lay in the middle, motionless.

"Good, so strong!"

"Maybe I can really survive!"

"But, won't there be another lion coming out?"

As soon as he said this, the others immediately looked in his direction.

"What, what happened?"The man who spoke was scolded, and then he quickly explained:"I also read it in a book. In ancient Rome, a beast fight performance would use at least dozens of lions. There are only three lions here, so I wonder if there will be more......."

After the words fell, the others fell silent again.

Dozens of lions, all of them male lions, could that man really survive?

"Is he consuming Brother Jiang Zhou's strength?"Joseph's brows were also furrowed. Jiang Zhou practiced ripples and continued to���The face has been greatly improved, but if you fight with dozens of lions, even if you are not injured, it will inevitably affect the next battle.

"Dozens of lions?......"Jiang Zhou also heard the voices in the audience, and at this moment, he also understood Ross's intention.

The stand is the product of mental power. Once the mental power is consumed excessively, the strength of the stand will be affected at best, and even summoning the stand will become difficult at worst.

Although the endurance of Star Platinum is A, the mental power consumption required to maintain its existence is not serious, but if it fights dozens of lions beforehand.

Even if Jiang Zhou has a strong mental power, it will probably be greatly affected.

"In that case, let's not use a substitute to fight for the time being." Jiang Zhou's mouth curled up slightly, and the platinum star behind him disappeared.

The iron gate opened again with a harsh sound, and four lions rushed out from behind the gate and pounced in the direction of Jiang Zhou!

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