"This guy is more troublesome than I thought." After putting away the memory disk, Jiang Zhou rubbed his brows with some fatigue.

Judging from Zikairo's memory, the old man's actual combat ability is no weaker than his own when he used the Platinum Star to fight. This made him a little troubled.

Regardless of whether they can win or not, the location they are in now is not a suitable place for fighting.

Where are they now?

On the plane!

It is still a flying plane, nearly 10,000 meters above the ground. At this altitude, if the plane has an accident due to the battle, most of the people on the plane will be dead.

" Damn, if I wasn't the protagonist, I probably wouldn't have so many concerns."Jiang Zhou sighed.

These days, the industry is in a state of internal competition, and it's not as easy for the protagonist to get along as it was in the past two years.

The kind-hearted protagonists are all shot as saintly bitches, and the protagonists who do whatever it takes to achieve their goals will also face verbal criticism.

Not to mention those in between, their personalities are always on the edge of ooc.���

Unless I can think of a way to have the best of both worlds, I can't continue writing this chapter.......

However, that old man Ross was also on the plane. Could it be that he was not afraid of death?

Or did he have the same awareness as that rotten piece of meat in Kalnie?

Jiang Zhou, who was confused, decided to return to his seat and wait and see what would happen. But as soon as he came out of the bathroom, he found that something was wrong.

Were there fewer passengers on the plane?

The bathroom was clearly full before he entered, so how come nearly one-third of the people were gone in just a few minutes?

Was it flushed into the toilet tank?

"That can't be......!"Jiang Zhou suddenly remembered something and looked in the direction of Joseph and Polnareff.

As expected, they were among the passengers who disappeared.

And those passengers who did not disappear were all in a coma at this moment.

""You finally decided to come out?" A childish voice sounded from the seat in front of Jiang Zhou, and then a skinny old man turned around and stared at him with a weird smile on his face.

"Young people, it is inevitable to consume more." Jiang Zhou said unreasonably.

Ross was not angry when he heard it, and still smiled strangely, and said in his unique childish voice:"Really? I really envy you young people."

"Hehe, I can tell from the way you were young that you were too proud and indulged yourself too much. Now that you are old, you are regretting it. But you are lucky to have met me."

"How to say?"

"When I was a prison guard, an old man told me a secret recipe that worked. Jiang Zhou smiled and gave a thumbs up, then said seriously,"As long as you follow this secret recipe, I guarantee you will regain your vigor."

"Is there such a folk remedy?"Rods seemed a little tempted. Although his substitute could make his strength return to its peak, sometimes, the pain of indulgence in youth was something only he could understand.

"Of course, when I met him, he was already 70 years old, but he was still vigorous and strong, and he was better at fighting than young people."Jiang Zhou raised his eyebrows, then said the secret recipe with a smile.

"This folk remedy is called urine therapy. Get up early and urinate a cup of urine every morning. It can cure diseases and strengthen the body. Not only that, if you stick to it for a long time, it can also delay aging. But I'm sorry, I can't provide you with the raw materials at the moment. I just excreted them all."

Jiang Zhou smiled shyly while saying this.


Hearing this, Ross clenched his fists, and his bones creaked. If he couldn't react and realized that the other party was playing a trick on him, he would really become a so-called brainless villain. However

, when Jiang Zhou showed a shy smile, Ross's mouth corners also rose slightly. Do you really think that he has been talking to you for so long because of something?

Of course......No, even if it is, it is not the main reason.

"Hey, enough of the small talk, where did you take Mr. Joseph and the others? Where are the other passengers? You don't want to try which urine tastes better, find a control group material, or......"

"You want to challenge my bottom line."

At this point, Jiang Zhou's tone became serious, with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Ha, finally getting to the point." Ross laughed, then stretched out his hand and pointed forward, saying:"If you want to know where they went, just follow me in." As he spoke, a light curtain appeared in the direction of Ross's finger, and then Ross walked straight into the light curtain.

"This thing gives me a very familiar feeling."Jiang Zhou frowned. The light curtain in front of him seemed very similar to the door created by the traveler to pass through.

Not only the shape, but even the aura was very similar.

In other words, this light curtain is the entrance to another world?

"Let's go in and talk about it." Jiang Zhou hesitated for a moment, and finally stepped into the light curtain. Anyway, he had no other choice.

Instead of hesitating, it would be better to deal with it as it happens.......

At the other end of the light curtain.

This is a gladiatorial arena, like a smaller version of the Roman Colosseum, and the high stands are already full.

Most of the audience's bodies are translucent, giving people an unreal feeling.

And those audience members whose bodies are solid have expressions of despair on their faces.

They are all passengers on the plane. They were sitting in the plane just a second ago, ready to have a good sleep.

But they never thought that as soon as they closed their eyes, they came to this strange arena. What's more terrifying is that they found themselves as if they were tied to the seats under them, and they couldn't escape from the chairs no matter what.

"What the hell is this place?"

"Am I not on a plane to Japan? How come I am here!"

"Am I dreaming? It doesn't hurt, I am dreaming."

"Bastard, if you want to pinch someone, go pinch your own leg!"

Compared to the noisy passengers, Joseph and Polnareff were relatively quiet,"Mr. Joestar, you figured it out, right?"

"ah...It was a Stand attack, but I didn't see the Stand user himself."Joseph nodded seriously. He also tried to leave the chair, but the result was the same as those ordinary passengers.

The restraint of this chair was so strong that even if a Stand user came, there would be absolutely no way to escape.

"It's really bad, but fortunately the arrow was placed on Brother Jiang Zhou in advance. As long as he is not hit, we still have a chance of winning."

However, just as Polnareff finished speaking, a white light suddenly lit up in the center of the arena, and a skinny old man and a strong young man walked in one after another.

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