Hotel, Jiang Zhou's room.

Elena was wearing pink bunny pajamas, sitting on the sofa obediently, listening to Jiang Zhou telling a heartwarming story.

"......At the end of the story, the hero died of depression, while his sister, relying on the palace fighting skills she learned from TV, successfully became the only woman of the gangster boss and lived a life of ease and comfort."

The voice stopped here.

"Is this the story you want to tell! ?"Elena's Broken Face.

What kind of story is this that destroys your worldview!?

"Ahem, this story tells us that watching TV occasionally is very helpful to life!"Jiang Zhou's eyes were very serious, and then he asked tentatively:

"So, can you give me the remote back now?"

"Ha, ha, ha." Elena laughed twice, then she grabbed both ends of the remote control with both hands and broke it hard!


For a moment, there seemed to be a sound of heartbreak in the room.


"This is the TV I brought with me!!"

"Hehe." Elena's face was still broken, holding the remote control that had been broken into two parts with both hands, looking at Jiang Zhou with dark eyes.

"Well, it's just a story, why take it so seriously?"Jiang Zhou lay on the sofa, with his hands crossed behind his head,"If life is as beautiful as a fairy tale, people will have no motivation to move forward."

"Human beings are creatures that constantly gain motivation to move forward in the face of difficulties."......

After a while, Elena fell asleep on the bed, feeling a little tired. Jiang Zhou stayed by the bed, watching the girl's indecent sleeping posture quietly.

"This guy, he is really not afraid of my beastly nature."After thinking about it, Jiang Zhou still chose worse than beasts.

Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, Jiang Zhou closed his eyes and prepared to practice ripples to suppress his anger.

By the way, he could also catch up with the progress of ripple practice.

Since coming to Milan, he has been fighting all the time, not to mention sightseeing, even the daily ripple practice has been delayed a lot.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou gradually emptied his mind and body, and adjusted his body to the most suitable state for practicing ripples.


Jiang Zhou opened his mouth slightly, and at the same time, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles contracted, the chest expanded, and the top of the diaphragm dropped, reducing the negative pressure in the chest cavity, and fresh air rich in oxygen entered the alveoli through the airway.

Among them, oxygen passed through the alveolar wall and entered the capillaries. Under the influence of the breathing method, this part of the oxygen was like a stone thrown into the water.

It gave birth to a kind of energy called ripples in the cells.

This energy went along the lungs and gradually spread to all parts of Jiang Zhou's body, constantly repairing and strengthening Jiang Zhou's body.

The process of physical strengthening was extremely comfortable, just like taking a hot spring bath in the snow, or taking a sunbath without worrying about getting tanned.

However, this feeling did not last long, and Jiang Zhou was awakened by a loud knocking on the glass.

Opening his eyes, Jiang Zhou first glanced at the position on the bed, and after confirming that Elena was still sleeping, he got up and walked to the window.

The sound came from outside the window, and to get to the window, he had to pass by Elena.

If Elena suddenly woke up when he was halfway there, it would be a big misunderstanding.

Therefore, Jiang Zhou was relieved that Elena did not wake up.

Walking to the window, Jiang Zhou lifted a corner of the curtain and leaned in.

Looking out the window, there was still a glimmer of light in the sky.

That was the last persistence of the sun.

In Milan, especially in summer, the sunshine can last up to 15 hours.

"Is there no one there?"Jiang Zhou looked out the window and saw no signs of human beings. There was only a line of Italian words written in black marker on the window.

The general meaning was [Come to the rooftop].

If it was still in Morioh Town, Jiang Zhou might have regarded this incident as a prank by a naughty child.

But this was Milan, and the hotel room he was staying in was a full fifty meters above the ground. No naughty child could climb to such a high place to write a piece of text as a prank.

"In other words, it's a stand-in." Jiang Zhou's expression was a little strange. If he remembered correctly, this was the fourth stand-in he had met today.

Didn't he know whether he was a friend or an enemy?

While he was wondering, Jiang Zhou had already opened the window, and then he turned over and deftly flipped out of the window.

At the same time, the energy of the ripples condensed on the tip of Jiang Zhou's feet, allowing him to stand on the wall of the hotel effortlessly.

At this moment, if the passengers downstairs opened the window and looked up, they would probably be shocked.

Because Jiang Zhou was walking along the wall towards the hotel rooftop, at a ninety-degree angle.

If Jiang Zhou's hair and clothes were not still affected by gravity and maintained a downward trend, Newton would probably crawl out of the coffin.

However, Italy and the United Kingdom are quite far apart in terms of geographical location.

There are France and the English Channel in between.

Even if Newton opened the coffin and wanted to cause trouble for Jiang Zhou, it would take two or three hours by plane, not to mention The former still needs to apply for a passport.

By the time his passport comes out, Jiang Zhou will have flown back to Morioh Town.

So Jiang Zhou was not worried that this action would attract Newton.

In contrast, he was more curious about who was knocking on the window to find him so late at night.

If it was an enemy, then with the stupid girl Elena in the room, Jiang Zhou would probably be a little restrained.

While thinking, Jiang Zhou had already arrived at the rooftop of the hotel.

The rooftop was particularly empty, with no obstructions, and the end could be seen at a glance.

Jiang Zhou's eyes were fixed on a figure in the center of the empty rooftop.

It was a short, thick and fat figure, and his height was probably not much different from Kang Yi.

At this time, Jiang Zhou could roughly determine that the guy in front of him was not an enemy.

At least not yet.

The enemy would not easily expose his back to strangers.

But Jiang Zhou didn't have such a friend in his memory, and couldn't help but asked in confusion:"Who are you?"

"Someone asked me to give this to you."The figure turned around, revealing a mature and resolute face. At the same time, he threw an earring and it instantly fell into Jiang Zhou's hand.

"What is this?"Looking at the earrings in his hand, Jiang Zhou felt that they looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen them.

"Hey, who asked you to hand this over?......"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Zhou still didn't get an answer, so he thought about asking the man in front of him.

But when he looked in the direction of the man, he was gone.

"What a weird person." Jiang Zhou shook his head and put the earrings into his pocket.

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