The second day of vacation.

Hotel, bathroom

"clatter clatter——"

The sound of running water

(_ _)( -. - )(~O~)……( -. - )

Jiang Zhou rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at himself in the mirror, his face full of confusion.

Who am I?

Where did I come from?

What am I doing here?

After a long silence, Jiang Zhou barely recovered some of his memories.

Last night, under the hospitality of Dong Niou's chef friend, they had a great meal, and then......At Joseph's instigation, they opened a few more bottles of wine.

Because Josuke and the others were not old enough to drink, the task of refusing to waste was given to Jiang Zhou and Joseph.

At first, it was nothing, just eating and drinking.

Because the alcohol content of the wine was not high, Jiang Zhou did not feel drunk at first, and just treated it as a drink.

But gradually, when he drank the fifteenth glass,......Well, he was already exhausted after the fourteenth cup.

After washing up, Jiang Zhou returned to the room and opened the curtains. As the sunlight shone into the room, he also saw a man dressed as a cleaner, hanging in the air, cleaning the hotel's glass windows.

The two looked at each other.

"excuse me......"After closing the curtains again, Jiang Zhou opened his suitcase and prepared to find some casual clothes.

However, as soon as he opened the suitcase, the things inside stunned Jiang Zhou again.

Picking up a piece of women's underwear, Jiang Zhou was a little confused,"Is this my suitcase?"


After closing the suitcase, Jiang Zhou carefully examined its shape, pattern, and size.

"That's right." Jiang Zhou looked strange,"Could it be that there's something wrong with the way I opened it?"



No change

"Oh, something bad must have happened to the world."Jiang Zhou covered his face. If the problem was not with him, then something must have happened to the world.

The most likely possibility was the enemy's stand ability.

"So, do I really want to go out wearing these clothes?"Looking at the various women's clothes in the suitcase, Jiang Zhou fell into deep thought.

Although DIO has also worn women's underwear as outerwear, even under his gorgeous outerwear, he is wearing a black bodysuit.

Bucciarati's inner wear also looks like lace temptation women's erotic and interesting provocative underwear.

Naranja's collar, Mista's cross-patterned belly-baring outfit, and Abbaki's cross-strap split chest outfit with purple lip glaze......

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem out of place for male characters to wear women's clothing.......What the hell!

"I think I'd better go out and buy one." Jiang Zhou closed the suitcase and set the combination lock.

He didn't want to be considered a pervert who stole women's underwear.

As for how to buy it, he was glad that he didn't send his pajamas, which he had just taken off, to the laundry.

Although it was a bit strange to go out in pajamas, it was better than going shopping for clothes in sexy underwear.

However, when he turned his head to look at his bed, he suddenly found that the underwear he had just taken off had strangely turned into a pink pajamas with bunny ears.

"I really haven't woken up yet, right?" Jiang Zhou began to doubt his life.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Joseph's voice came from outside the door.

"Bang Bang——"

"Brother Jiang Zhou, are you in there?"

"I'm here." Jiang Zhou answered and went to the bathroom, found a bath towel and wrapped it around himself. After all, this kind of thing is not gender-specific.

"Mr. Joseph, what's the matter?......"Opening the door, Jiang Zhou was stunned by the scene in front of him.

He saw Joseph, with white hair and stubble, dressed in black bunny girl clothes, with a faint blush on his face, as if he was drunk.

Under the black underwear, there was a large mass of eye-catching things swaying in the wind.


Jiang Zhou turned his head away, but at the same time he picked up his mobile phone to take a photo.

This kind of thing, if I show it to Mr. Joseph after he wakes up, it will probably be very interesting.

"Mr. Joseph, I think you are still drunk, let me take you home."Putting the phone away, Jiang Zhou walked over and supported Joseph's shoulders.

At the same time, another voice sounded from the corridor.

""Jiang Zhou?" It was Josuke's voice.

Jiang Zhou recognized it, then breathed a sigh of relief and shouted,"Josuke, you're here at the right time. Please help me send Mr. Joseph back to the room. I'm a little inconvenient now. By the way, please buy me some casual clothes. I'll give you the money later."

Jiang Zhou talked for a long time, but still got no response, which made him a little confused,"Josuke?"

Pushing Joseph's figure aside, Jiang Zhou looked towards the place where Higashikata Josuke's voice came from, and found that Higashikata Josuke was looking at him with a weird face.


"Wow, Jiang Zhou, I didn't expect you to be so popular. You just came to Milan and you met such a beautiful blonde sister! Not bad~" Josuke's expression was full of teasing.

But Jiang Zhou didn't understand what he meant.

What sexy blonde sister?

Turning his head, Jiang Zhou glanced at Joseph on the side, but the scene in front of him suddenly stunned him.

There was no Joseph in a bunny girl costume. The person in front of him was clearly a pure blonde sexy busty girl!


Wait!" Jiang Zhou suddenly remembered something and quickly checked his phone.......I don't know when Joseph's embarrassing photo has turned into a photo of a blonde with only a few ropes on her body.

"When was this taken?"However, Jiang Zhou had no desire to appreciate it at the moment. At this moment, his mind was completely occupied by confusion.

Something must have happened around him, otherwise he would not have mistaken the sexy blonde sister for the white-haired old Joseph.


Josuke covered his mouth, but the laughter still came out, and then he said jokingly:"I didn't expect that Jiang Zhou, you are so extravagant, you don't even have clothes? Don't worry, I will buy them for you.......I will tell others about this later."

After he finished speaking, Higashikata Josuke ran down the stairs.

"It's really a bad day."Jiang Zhou covered his face helplessly.

However, since he was here, he might as well make the best of it. It happened that when he came to Italy for vacation last time, he was disappointed by the sudden rainstorm and lost four well-developed big rabbits.

Now, it's a good time to review his homework.

"Beautiful lady, I think we can......"

Jiang Zhou turned around and looked at the side, his expression became strange again.

The original blonde sexy sister has changed again.

Blonde, has not changed.

Sexy, the clothes are still sexy.

Sister, now I should call you little sister......

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