After an unknown amount of time, the flames still showed no sign of going out, and the corpses in the sea of fire all turned into pale skeletons.

Seeing this, Gerard stepped forward and whispered,"Cool down in the summer!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a snow-white figure quietly emerged behind Gerard.

It was his stand-in, named [Cool down in the summer].

It looked like a little snowman walking upright, but its nose was not a carrot, and its palms were not branches, but normal human hands.

However, there was a round hole in the middle of each palm.

Then, the little snowman shuddered, staggered forward, and looked at the flames in front of him, his eyes already showing signs of melting.



The little snowman yelled twice, as if to cheer himself up, with a determined look in his eyes, and then he pointed the holes in his hands towards the direction of the sea of fire.


With the sound of a machine starting up, the two small holes burst out with amazing suction force, and countless white light spots were sucked out of the sea of fire.���It flew out and into the round hole.

As the white light left, the fire seemed to have weakened a lot, and it was already showing a tendency to die out. The terrifying high temperature in the warehouse was also gradually dropping.

Seeing this, the little snowman's eyes lit up, and then he worked harder to activate his abilities, but......As the white light was absorbed into the body, the snowman's body began to melt.



Drops of milky white water slid down the snowman's face and dripped onto the ground.

But strangely, white light spots were also extracted from the water drops that melted from the snowman's body, and the extracted light spots also drilled into the holes in the snowman's hands.

After the white light spots disappeared, the water stains on the ground did not evaporate due to the ambient temperature, but became even whiter.

A layer of white frost formed on the ground!

Soon, as the snowman's body shrank by two circles, the flames finally went out.

A layer of white, slightly transparent crystals also condensed on the surface of the diesel that had not yet burned out.

"The rest is up to you. Gerard took the little snowman back and said to Solby

""Leave it to me!" Solby smiled and walked towards the skeletons left by the gang members, and then summoned his own stand.

Unlike Gerald's little snowman, Solby's stand did not even have a human form.

It looked like an oversized iron box with two pipes on the left and right. As the ability was activated, the corpses on the ground were sucked in from the left pipe.


A buzzing sound was heard, and before long, all the corpses that were originally sucked in from the left side were ground into powder, discharged from the pipe on the right side, and piled up into a small snow-white hill.

On the beam, Jiang Zhou looked at the small hill, and his eyes twitched unconsciously.

Although it looks a bit scary, if what was sucked in on the left side was not a skeleton, but ice and juice, then wouldn't this be a fruit smoothie maker?

Moreover, with Gerard's ability to assist on the side, there is no need to worry about the smoothie melting during the production process. In the hot summer, these two brothers can find an airport or a train station, and the income from selling smoothies alone is more than what they make in the assassination team, right?

While Jiang Zhou was thinking, the two people below had already dealt with the scene and were ready to leave.

At this moment, Sai Ke, who had been hiding in the ground, took action. A pair of hands stretched out from the hard ground and grasped Gerard's calf.

Before the latter could react, he dragged him directly to the ground.

""Gerald!" Solby yelled, and then quickly became alert. The attack came too suddenly, not only Gerald, but even he didn't react.

At the same time, at the door of the warehouse, a man with green hair and a belly-exposed outfit walked out and smiled sinisterly,"As a member of the assassination team, you should know the price of secretly gathering information about the boss, right? Solby"

"Boss?" Solby was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted,"Are you also a member of the organization!?"

At the same time, Solby took out the pistol at his waist and fired several shots at the man.




Three shots were fired at the man's head, neck, and chest respectively.

His stand ability was not suitable for combat, so in his spare time, he practiced accurate shooting skills.

If nothing unexpected happened, these three shots would directly take the life of the man in front of him. No matter if he is a member of the organization or not, since he knows about his affairs, there is only one way to go, and that is death.

However, the green-haired man did not seem to worry about his own safety. Instead, he was leisurely taking something out of his pocket.

The next second, just when the bullet was about to hit, a head suddenly popped out from the ground.

The man chewed his mouth, and then suddenly spit into the air.


Three silver lights flashed by, and the three bullets that were originally going to hit were directly hit by the silver light and deviated from their original trajectory.

""Well done, Sai Ke, this is your reward." As he spoke, a piece of sugar cube suddenly appeared in the green-haired man's hand, and then he threw the sugar cube into the sky as if feeding a pet. The man named Sai Ke's eyes lit up when he saw the sugar cube, and then he jumped up from the ground and held the sugar cube in his mouth.

Then, he crawled to the side of the green-haired man and rubbed his trouser leg with his head.

"Don't be too greedy!" The man said in a tone of scolding a pet, and then stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of Solby,"However, if you can subdue that guy, I will consider giving you another piece of sugar cube."

After saying this, Solby, who originally wanted to try to rescue his companions, suddenly changed his face, aimed his pistol at the two again, emptied the magazine, and turned around and ran.

This abandoned warehouse has more than one exit

"Ding ding ding——"

The bullet in mid-air was shot down again. This time, Jiang Zhou, who was sitting on the beam, saw clearly that it was the guy named Sai Ke who took a bite of the cement floor and then spit it out forcefully.......

"There really are no normal people in the Passionate Organization."Jiang Zhou thought to himself, and silently switched to the Killer Queen's stand-in disk.

Although he had no intention of saving the gay couple, there was a high probability that Psycho would go after Solby and leave Joklat alone.

This was his chance, and maybe he could take Joklat's stand-in away.

"If I remember correctly, your stand-in is called [Youth Years], right?......"Jiang Zhou murmured, then slowly moved towards Joekrat.

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