All the people who were sealed in paper by Miyamoto Terunosuke

's stand ability were released. On the ground, there were Josuke, Tomoko, and Ryohei from the Higashikata family, Ayana and Koichi from the Hirose family and their parents, Suzuki Airi, the young nurse at Grape Hill Hospital, and the bad high school student Peng Shang Yuya and his three girlfriends.

Almost everyone in Morioh Town who was related to Jiang Zhou was here.

Among these people, except for Peng Shang Yuya, who might have been sealed in paper for a short time, he was barely awake now.

All the others lay on the ground with lifeless eyes, unconscious.

Looking at the people on the ground, Jiang Zhou's mouth twitched, and his hand unconsciously covered his liver. With so many people, even if he used the power of spicy red pepper, it would take a long time to send them all away, right?

Miyamoto Terunosuke, you deserve to die!......

Time passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day agreed upon by Miyamoto Terunosuke and the photo daddy.

On the table at the deepest part of the cafe, the photo of Kira Yoshihiro was placed here early, waiting for the other party to arrive.

During this period, he also thought about awakening some more Stand users to increase his chances of winning.

After all, the other party was a ruthless character who could kill his son, Kira Yoshikage, quietly!

The ability of the Killer Queen is considered to be the first echelon even among the many Stand users he awakened.

Such a powerful Stand could not defeat Jiang Zhou, and Miyamoto Terunosuke alone could not give him an absolute sense of security.

Therefore, after saying goodbye to Miyamoto Terunosuke, he embarked on the journey of finding a Stand user again.

However, although there are many people with Stand talents in Morioh Town, after a round of sweeps by Nijimura Keicho, and he had also dug out several Stand users before, it is now extremely difficult to find someone with Stand talents.

For three whole days, he found nothing except a little guy with a talent for substitution on the first day.

"I hope that Miyamoto won't let me down."The old man in the photo sighed.

If even Miyamoto Terunosuke failed, he would have to find a dark and windy night, then take an arrow, sneak into Jiang Zhou's house through the window and carry out the assassination.

After all, he is still a ground-bound spirit, although with the ability of the stand, he is not restricted to one place. But there is a limit to what the stand can do, and Morioh Town is the limit of his range of activities.

An hour later, the old man in the photo glanced at the clock on the wall. It was eleven twenty-three.

It was already this time, why hadn't Miyamoto Terunosuke contacted him yet?

Could it be that he really failed?

Just when the old man in the photo was confused, a white-haired man entered the coffee shop and walked slowly towards him.

""Miyamoto, how is the matter going?" The father in the photo asked excitedly.

On the other side, Miyamoto Terunosuke did not speak, but reached into his jacket pocket, took out a folded white paper, and placed it on the table.

On the white paper, there were two Chinese characters written in black carbon pen: [Jiang Zhou】

"Great, I knew you would be fine!"The moment he saw the white paper, the old man in the photo instantly showed a happy expression, then he stretched out his hand to take the white paper with Jiang Zhou's name on it.


The white paper was torn in half, and blood slowly dripped out of it.

Kira Yoshihiro's eyes instantly filled with tears, and he choked up and said,"Yoshikage, I finally avenged you!"

Then, the photo dad looked in the direction of Miyamoto Terunosuke and said,"Miyamoto, tell me, if you have anything you want, I can give it to you as long as I have it!"

"Um...How about the arrow that can awaken a substitute?"After thinking for a while, Miyamoto Terunosuke said with a smile

"sure...However, you have already awakened your Stand, brother Miyamoto. This arrow should not be of much use to you, right?"Although the old man in the photo was puzzled, he still took out the arrow. Anyway, his original purpose was just to awaken some Stand users, and then find and kill the bastard who killed his son.

Now that the person is dead, there is no use for him to keep this arrow. It is better to go with the flow and do the other party a favor.

"I certainly have my uses."【Miyamoto Terunosuke smiled and held one end of the arrow, then seemed to remember something, and said to the photo dad with a smile:"One more thing, you should be familiar with this stand, right?"

"What?"The old man in the photo was stunned, one hand still holding the end of the arrow, keeping the posture of handing it out.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank sharply, and he looked at the position behind [Miyamoto Terunosuke] in disbelief.

He saw that his son Kira Yoshikage's stand-in [Killer Queen] was floating behind the other party with his arms crossed.

"Of course, it’s because I’m not Terunosuke Miyamoto......"【Miyamoto Terunosuke's voice suddenly changed.

""Jiang, Jiang Zhou, you are Jiang Zhou!?" The father in the photo said in a trembling voice. Although he didn't know what ability the other party had used to take away his son's substitute, he remembered the other party's voice firmly in his mind.

"It's me." Jiang Zhou smiled and nodded.

Then he pressed the button on his chest.

The next second, [Miyamoto Terunosuke]'s appearance changed, the brown skin faded, and he returned to Jiang Zhou's original appearance.


One of Father Pucci's collections.

It has the ability to disguise as another person, not only the appearance, but also the clothes can be perfectly restored.

At the same time, for the convenience of use, White Snake temporarily placed it on a button.

Press it once to transform, and press it again to transform back.

However, due to technical reasons, this unintelligent substitute can only be attached to dead objects to form something similar to a substitute prop.

"Damn it!"Almost at the moment when Jiang Zhou turned back, the old man in the photo let go of the arrow and flew out of the window.

"Do you want to run away now?"Looking at the figure of the old man in the photo gradually going away, Jiang Zhou's mouth curled up slightly,"It's too late, the photo under you has been touched by my killer queen!"

As he said that, Jiang Zhou raised his right thumb, and with a sunny smile, pressed it down.

"I wish you a pleasant journey!"


Outside the window, there was a sound of explosion.

Kira Yoshihiro, confirmed dead.

Then, Jiang Zhou moved his eyes to the bottom of the table.

The real Miyamoto Terunosuke was lying there, but he was no longer alive.

Just now, the piece of paper that Jiang Zhou handed to the photo dad was nothing else but the piece of paper containing Miyamoto Terunosuke.

"I should be considered to have helped you get revenge, right?" Jiang Zhou smiled brightly, then patted his shoulder,"I do one good deed a day, I am indeed a good person!"

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