My name is Kira Yoshikage, I am 33 years old.

I live in the villa area in the northeast of Morioh Town, and I am unmarried. I work at the Kamehameha chain store. I have to work overtime until 8 o'clock in the evening every day before I can go home.

I don't smoke, and I only drink a little. I go to bed at 11 o'clock in the evening and sleep for 8 hours a day. Before going to bed, I must drink a glass of warm milk, then do 20 minutes of stretching exercises, and fall asleep as soon as I get into bed. I sleep through the night and never leave fatigue and stress until the next day. The doctors say I am normal.

I just want to say that I don't have any other extravagant demands, I just hope to be able to live with a"peaceful mood"

『Win or Lose』、『Winning or losing is what I hate to argue with others the most. Because it will only bring me trouble and enemies.』……

I am such a contented person, and this is also my outlook on life. If I have to fight, I will not lose to anyone.......

Just this afternoon, I was having lunch with my 47th [girlfriend].

At this moment, a guy......

A very strong guy appeared. He easily dodged my attack and cut off my arm that I used to detonate the bomb in an instant.

Now he took my stand away with means that I couldn't understand.

Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to intend to kill me directly.

This is my chance!

"As long as, as long as he climbs there, he will definitely attract the attention of other people in the park!"Kirara Yoshikage's eyes were unfocused.

The massive blood loss had left him with very little strength, and the only reason he could hold on was because of his last bit of desire to survive.

No one wants to die, especially someone like him who longs for a peaceful life.

However, just as his palm was about to touch the grass, a figure stopped him and squatted down.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Zhou said with a smile.

Jiang Zhou's kind smile at this moment was like a Shura walking out of hell in the eyes of Kirara Yoshikage.

"Hehe, hehe......"Looking up at Jiang Zhou, his mouth twitched and he fainted.

He fell in a pool of blood.......

I don't know how much time has passed.

When Kirara Yoshikage woke up again, he subconsciously widened his eyes.

The surrounding environment made him feel unfamiliar.

However, this is not the point.

"What's going on?"Kirara Yoshikage's eyes were full of surprise.

Jiang Zhou's terrifying figure disappeared, and his right hand magically grew back. Even the Valentino suit he was wearing seemed to have been ironed without a wrinkle, and the blood stains on it also disappeared strangely.

"Is this a nightmare?"Kirara Yoshikage murmured.

He could not think of any other possibility except a nightmare.

"So where is this place?"After a slight sigh of relief, Kira Yoshikage began to look around. It was a quiet alley with birds flying in the sky. Not far away was an old mailbox. Under the mailbox was a pool of steaming dog shit.

Suddenly, he was stunned.

Not far away was a bloody corpse being torn apart by a ferocious big dog.

The suit on the corpse was from his favorite brand, Valentino.

Coincidentally, the color of the corpse's hair was the same as his, a dazzling golden color.

""Let's go and have a look."

A thought suddenly appeared in his mind. The corpse being eaten seemed to attract him particularly.

The corpse was not far away, just at the end of the street.

It was only a dozen steps away for Kira Yoshikage. Not long after, Kira Yoshikage had walked in front of the corpse.

The big dog that was eating the corpse heard the noise beside him, just glanced at him slightly, and continued to eat the corpse on the ground, as if it was some kind of top-grade dog food.

"This this......"But Kirara Yoshikage was stunned. What did he just see?

There seemed to be a visible scar on the neck of the big dog, and dark red blood was constantly flowing out.

"What on earth is going on?!"

Kirara Yoshikage took two steps back, with a rare panic in his eyes.

At this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded behind him,"I finally waited for you!"

""Who is it?!" Hearing the sound behind him, Kirara Yoshikage turned his head subconsciously.

Behind him, there was only a girl with pink hair and pink eyes. If there was anything about the girl that could attract him, it was only her pair of white hands. The five fingers were slender, like white jade.

"What a pity."Kirara Yoshikage couldn't help but shake his head.

Such a beautiful hand, there is actually a person.

This was his first reaction.

But before he could think about it, he saw a black mist suddenly appear behind the girl.

This made him widen his eyes.

""What is that?!" Kirara Yoshikage pointed at the black mist behind the girl and asked in confusion.

"Are you talking about this?" The girl chuckled, and then her expression turned cold again,"They are just evil spirits from hell. Compared to you, even they look so cute."

"What did you say?"Kirara Yoshikage obviously hadn't reacted yet.

In the next second, ugly arms suddenly stretched out from the black fog and grabbed his body fiercely.

This made him panic a little, and he instinctively wanted to summon the Killer Queen to blow up all these ugly things!

However, this time, the Killer Queen did not respond to his call.

"......"At this moment, Kirara Yoshikage stood there in a daze, and memories flooded into his mind like a tide.

"I'm already dead......."

The ugly ghost hand first grabbed Kira Yoshikage's legs and dragged him to the ground.

Then it dragged him into the black fog bit by bit.

The moment he fell to the ground, the big dog that was gnawing on the corpse finally stopped.

The face of the corpse was blurred, but Kira Yoshikage still recognized him.

"That was me......."Kirara Yoshikage murmured, his body completely swallowed by the black mist.

"Finally, is it over?......"

Seeing Kira Yoshikage's soul being dragged into hell, Sugimoto Suzumi collapsed to the ground.

What she had been waiting for finally happened at this moment.

The murderer hiding in Morioh Town finally got the punishment he deserved!

At this moment, she burst into tears.

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