June 13, Sunday.

Berluti Aoyama Store.

Higashikata Josuke glanced at his watch and sighed deeply,"What the hell is Jiang Zhou doing? It's almost one in the afternoon."

He had been in the sun for more than an hour, but he didn't even see Jiang Zhou.

""He didn't oversleep, did he?" Jousuke murmured.

At this moment, Jiang Zhou

"Is it this time already?......"Jiang Zhou frowned after looking at his watch.

In fact, he had left the house a long time ago.

However, he encountered some troubles on the way.......In other words, someone who will bring him trouble.

A blond man, wearing a Valentino suit and a tie with a skull pattern, was walking on the street in front.

Kira Yoshikage!

A sinful guy.

Looking at this harmless guy in front of him, Jiang Zhou frowned.

Unlike ordinary people, as a ripple messenger, Jiang Zhou's sense of smell is far superior to that of ordinary people, even surpassing some dogs with sensitive sense of smell.

Such a sensitive sense of smell allows him to smell the faint smell of blood in the air more clearly.

And the source is Kira Yoshikage!

"This guy is [holding back] again." Jiang Zhou rubbed his chin, his eyes cold. Strictly speaking, he had almost forgotten about the other party. He only remembered that there was a substitute worth collecting waiting for him in Morioh Town.

It was the incident with Sugimoto Suzumi that made him recall this memory.

After that, he also had the idea of killing the other party in advance and eliminating the trouble forever.

However, when he really wanted to find the other party's trace, he found that it was extremely difficult.

Whether Jiang Zhou went to Kameyu Department Store or Kirara's ancestral mansion, he did not see the other party.

It seemed that there was a mysterious force affecting it.......

At the same time,

Kira Yoshikage was walking on the street, mumbling something to himself.

Today was Sunday, so he was strolling leisurely with his current girlfriend.

"Oh, do you want some bread?" Kirara Yoshikage looked at the bakery nearby and asked quietly.

""Okay, I got it."

With a smile on his face, Kira Yoshikage walked towards the bakery.

After entering the bakery, Kira Yoshikage did not attract anyone's attention.

He walked to the shelf in the corner skillfully.

Then he reached into his expensive suit.

""Would you like to help me pick lunch? I'll leave it to you!" Kirara Yoshikage smiled, and then took out a jade hand from behind his body.

A jade hand with a ring on it, the shape of which was enough to be a hand model.

Just by looking at this hand, one could imagine that the owner of the hand must be a very beautiful woman with a perfect figure.

But now, there is only one hand left.

"Do you want this?" With his hand, Kira Yoshikage scanned the bread on the shelf and finally stopped at a warm sandwich.

【Fried pork cutlet sandwich]

The sign on the shelf reads this.

Made with bread baked at 11 a.m., it is usually sold out before 1 p.m.

Kira Yoshikage rubs the bread back and forth with his jade hand. Even through one hand, Kira can still feel the softness of the bread and the crispness of the fried pork cutlet.

It is softer than Kira's hand.


A slight sound was heard.

Kirara Yoshikage couldn't help but frown and looked at the position of the sandwich.

The plastic wrap had been pierced by the nails of the jade hand, and the sauce soaked all over the fingertips.

""Oops, you punctured the plastic wrap and the sauce is all out. You are such a bad boy." Kira Yoshikage looked embarrassed, then he put his hand with the sauce to his mouth and sucked hard.

Three minutes later, Kira Yoshikage took the sandwich under the punctured plastic wrap sandwich on the shelf and paid the bill.

Holding the paper bag, Kira Yoshikage prepared to find a suitable dining environment.

Then he walked towards the direction of the park.

Behind him, Jiang Zhou silently pressed down the brim of his hat and followed him.......


Kira Yoshikage sat down under a green tree, took out a piece of bread from a paper bag, and was about to eat it.

But the next second, his brows furrowed.

This made Jiang Zhou, who was hiding in the tree, slow down his breathing.

However, Kira Yoshikage just took out the woman's hand from the inner pocket of his suit.

"Is it time to break up again?"After the dual effects of the sauce and saliva, coupled with the hot weather, this hand has begun to emit some odor.

Thinking of this, a light pink stand appeared behind him. It was a light pink, sturdy humanoid stand dressed as a boxer, with two sharp triangular cat ears standing on both sides of the head, vertical pupils like a cat, wearing black leather long gloves inlaid with studs, and a small red button on the middle finger of the index finger, similar to the button on the traditional detonator.

Killer Queen!

Looking at this stand, Jiang Zhou's expression was delighted.

This is one of the few stand that can move him. In fact, in terms of convenience, Killer Queen is better than White Snake. It is not much worse than the universal tool star (wrong).

Think about it, in the future, on your journey, you happen to encounter a group of gangsters who are looking for death, you summon Kira Yoshikage, turn them into bombs, and then detonate them.

Bang - not right......

Killer Queen's bomb can even be set as a silent bomb!

In other words, as long as he wants, he can even make no sound, kill people and silence them, and destroy the bodies and traces!

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou couldn't help but smile.

Looking at Kirara Yoshikage under the tree, he also looked more responsible.

"For the safety of the women of Morioh Town, I will accept this substitute for you." Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou switched the substitute disk to Spicy Red Pepper.


His body turned into an electric current, and he approached Kirara Yoshikage silently.

At this moment, Kirara Yoshikage threw his palm towards Jiang Zhou.


Killer Queen pressed the explosion button on the second knuckle of her right index finger

"I've already noticed you." Kirara Yoshikage slowly stood up from the ground and dusted himself off.

Behind him, Jiang Zhou had disappeared.

"It must have been blown to ashes." Kira Yoshikage smiled and prepared to leave.

He had great confidence in the Killer Queen's ability.

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