mad three murderous flying out, the rapid passing wind blowing the skirt hunting.

Mai followed closely behind, and as she became familiar with this power in her body, she gradually mastered some abilities.

Her feet in high heels slammed on the ground, and her body instantly soared into the air, and then a gust of wind set off behind her, sending her body into the air and catching up with Tokisaki Crazy in front.

"Look at the hammer!"

Mai swings her giant hammer.

I always feel weird... Such a thought crossed Mai's mind.

Who is the beautiful girl everyone picks the hammer!

Although this hammer is pink, a hammer is a hammer!

A red barrier lit up in front of Mad San's body, blocking the blow, and his figure flew towards the sky.

It stands to reason that Mad San's strength should be far better than Mai Sakurajima, who has just gained energy.

But the ability of [Deterioration] is too unreasonable, and directly cuts the various attribute panels of Mad Three in half.

Now she has a hard time fighting against this violent rabbit with a sledgehammer.

Ito-koshi shouted, "Hey, don't really fight!" You are all my wings, and I will be sad if you hurt any of them! Mad

San looked at the smiling boy on the ground, and really wanted to kick him in the face!

When Mai heard this, she also quickly retracted her strength.

Mad San's enchantment shrouded the entire school, and the originally orange-red remnant sun became as red as blood.

Everyone was shocked and terrified by the change in the color of the sky.

"Knock knock..." A

huge sound sounded overhead, like a thunderclap, immortal crossing calamity.

"Ah, look!"

"What is that... Magical girl?

"I must be dreaming..."

Their battlefield was over the school and was quickly noticed.

A man and a woman who are "fighting" on the rooftop, the two sides are about to fight to the end....

As a result, a booming sound exploded from the side, frightening the man to wither directly....

In the future, I will leave a psychological shadow, I don't know if it will not be sniper....

Mad San kept flashing, looking for flaws in Mai.

She never gives up, this is her paranoia and her pride!

Mai was almost injured by Mad San several times due to her unskilled use of strength.

Mai whispered softly while holding the pink giant hammer:

"Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you, it's just acting..." Madzo didn't

speak, just stared at Itokoshi on the ground, who was also looking at here.

Mai followed her gaze, stunned, and then smiled slightly:

"Do you like him too?"

Mad San turned his head sharply to look at the rabbit girl in front of him, and frowned:

"What are you talking about?"

Mai blinked her eyes and continued to wave the hammer: "Isn't it? Then why do you keep your eyes on him?

"I didn't..."

Mad San was slightly stunned.

Due to her mind wandering, a void appeared in the defensive cover in front of her.

Mai hurriedly lifted the hammer, which avoided hurting Madsan.

"What's wrong with you?" Mai asked floating in mid-air.

Mad San did not speak, his eyes were distant and confused, and there was no banter smile on that delicate face.

In a daze, it looks inexplicably distressing....

Mai looked at Mad San and realized that what she said just now seemed to have pierced something...


Does Madzo like Itokoshi?

I don't like it, but I hate him very much.

Hate that he is so nice to all the girls.

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