"You mean..." Mai

, who was pinched by the tail, blushed, and immediately understood the deep meaning of this.

Without waiting for Mai to finish speaking, Tokisaki Ryozo in mid-air had already launched an attack.

[Engraved Emperor One no Bomb! ]

Ichino-Bullet - The time of the hit target is accelerated, and teleportation can be realized.

The next moment, the audience saw that the floating gothic girl on the stage raised her flintlock gun and pointed it at her head.

Under the gaze of the audience, bang -

fire burst out, and pitch-black bullets penetrated through the temples.


Some timid girls cried out in fright.

On the corner seat, Zhongbang pushed Xiuze next to him: "Xiuze, did you see it... "

Well, it's so cute..." Xiu pushed the glasses holder, ignoring that the beautiful girl had just given herself a shot.

For male high school students, the world is chaotic and needs to be saved by them.

Ultraman beats little monsters every day, lizardmen are gradually eroding human society, and Atlantis underground is awakening mysterious powers...

There are many weird things, is there still a cute beautiful girl with a double ponytail who can take a headshot?

Tanaka stood up slowly, his hair and clothes swaying slightly by the wind that came from nowhere.

He didn't know where to pull out a Kamen Rider mask: "The time has come to need me..."

"Actually, there's a secret I've been hiding from you for a long time..." Tanaka put on a mask, "I'm a masquerade to fight death!"

After saying this line of the middle two, Tanaka, who was wearing a mask, shouted and rushed towards the stage!


"Sayunara~" The

next moment, pull the trigger!

However, there are people who are faster than her.

Ito-koshi saw Mad San appear beside him, and stretched out his hand without thinking.


Mad Three's bullet got stuck in the body of the gun!

Ito smiled apologetically: "Sansan, you are too strong, you can't play without cutting!" Mad

San said coldly, "Don't call me Sansan!"


A faint to undetectable pink glow appeared on Mad San's fair face, and she almost gritted her teeth and said,

"Where did you put your hand?!"

Ito looked down.

Just now, I stretched out my hand to use [Deterioration] in a hurry, but I didn't notice that my palm was on the steamed bun.

Subconsciously... Definitely not intentionally....

Itoko subconsciously squeezed with his hand....

That feeling is as exciting as touching an electric door!

"Yi! Rattan! Exceed! "

Tokisaki Panzo gasped, almost crying!

Why did I encounter such a BT!

What are you afraid of?

Afraid you don't want her?

No, I'm afraid you don't want to face!

Mad San, as the royal sister of the royal sisters, should not have been so angry, but I don't know why, it was so angry with Itokoshi!

His confession, his apologetic smile, his mess...

All of this is so tiresome!

"Mud pills are spicy!"

Madzo bit his bright red lip flap and turned the muzzle of the gun towards Itokoshi.

At this time, Mai also reacted, realizing that Madzo was going to hurt Ito Echigo.

The protective desire of the royal sister for Ito-koshi made her subconsciously strike and throw the giant hammer in her hand back.

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