Itokoshi's confession continued to spread through the microphone, echoing in the packed gymnasium, and could not be calmed down for a long time.

Yukino stood on the second floor, taking deep breaths to try to calm herself, but her eyes were still dark for a while.

Is that his plan?

Although it was quite outrageous to have a hunch, I still didn't expect it to be so outrageous....

Sanjiu hid behind the curtain, and when he heard his name, he couldn't help but snicker a little in his heart.

Then he couldn't help but puff up his face and whispered in his heart, Yuejun who spent his heart....

Erno even stood up directly from the stool, clenched his hands into fists, and gritted his teeth:

"This guy... This guy..."

May blinked, wondering if he hadn't rested well in the past few days, and had hallucinations....

However, when she looked at Ichika Shiba who was equally shocked, she realized that all this had really happened!

Yang Nai, who was originally sitting on the bench with his legs folded, suddenly swiped his butt and fell to the ground firmly.

This is comparable to the pain of breaking the melon's butt mound, and it directly hurts so much that tears overflow from the corners of her eyes.

All the audience unconsciously widened their eyes and looked like they had seen a ghost.

"This guy... Yaga? "

Groove, this young man... Groove!

"Who is he?"


today, I don't know if Mai Sakurajima will be forgotten."

But Ito-koshi is definitely famous in the whole school, not only the whole school, but even the entire high school circle of Chiba through friends from other schools!

"Have you heard? When there was a boys' campus festival in Sowu Gao, he stood on the stage and confessed to many girls at once!

"Really fake? How many? "


"Wow, fierce man!"

This explosive event will definitely be passed on by word of mouth, and may even evolve into an urban legend.

According to legend, if ten girls confess at the same time at the school festival...

Through this explosive event, the range of cognitive magnetic fields is expanded.

Is this Itokoshi's last trick?



I only confessed nine of them just now!

Say yes is ten, not one can be less!

Ito took a deep breath, and in the terrified gaze of the castle patrol, he held the microphone again:

"Tokisaki Madzo!"

The noise of the scene was sluggish.

Isn't it, big brother, you're still coming?

Itogoshi looked at Yukino on the second floor and shouted with all his strength:

"I like you!"

"I like Sansan's double ponytail, I like your skirt and boots, I like your perverse personality..."

I like the look in your eyes that look at me with disgust..."


A dark enchantment suddenly enveloped the entire campus.

The light of day is blocked, and dusk is like blood!

"You, think, die!"

Tokisaki Crazy San appeared on the stage at some point, and the floating figure was like a flower on the other side under the spotlight!

At this time, that cute and well-behaved little face was full of anger.

She originally hid in Yukino's body, watching this confession farce and shouting out, and even wanted to open a watermelon to hold it...

As a result, the next moment, the spearhead turned on her!

What was said... And so... Unforgivable!

Tokisaki's madness almost reversed!

She raised her hand, clenched the flintlock gun that appeared in her hand, and pointed it at Itokoshi in the center of the stage.

the audience looked at the beautiful girl in a gothic dress floating on the stage, holding an antique flintlock gun in her hand.

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