At this time, the ghost who was ambushed at the exit jumped out violently, and the effect was overwhelming!

If Sanjiu was the beginning, it is estimated that he would scream in fright now.

But now Sanjiu saw the ghost wearing black cloth strips and miscellaneous makeup painted on his face, he didn't hold back and laughed....

"Hahaha..." The

ghosts were all stupid.

What are you laughing at?

The next moment, there were footsteps in the Yongdao behind him again, and the ghost quickly hid back, ready to find the field.

Sanjiu looked back and saw a couple hugged by a princess.

Ay? Why should I use it too?

Sanjiu's little face blushed, and then he struggled to get off Ito-koshi.

The Yong Road is a little narrow, and if you hold it by the princess, you will definitely not be able to get by.

Itokoshi put Sanjiu down and pinched her little face.

This kind girl is like this, always thinking about others, and sometimes hurting herself and suffering silently.

Ito Yue quietly looked at the "couple" who came over.

Once, after they parted from life and death, they understood each other's intentions.

In the end, not even a word of confession was spoken.

Arima looked at Itokoshi, who was standing at the exit, slightly startled, and then nodded slightly, which was regarded as thanking them for making way.

Sanjiu saw Kaoru Miyazono shrunk in Arima Kōsheng's arms, and the haggard look looked like a seriously ill person.

Let Sanjiu think of his mother, and couldn't help but sniff.

Ito Koshi patted the top of Sanjiu's head, and the girl looked over and said, "Don't worry, I'll be back!"

Sanjiu tilted his head.

Back to what?

Come back to the haunted house again?

Sanjiu wasn't so afraid of the haunted house anymore, so she nodded.

Wherever Yuejun wants to go, I will follow!

When the two pairs passed by, Ito suddenly stretched out his hand and patted Arima Koyo's shoulder.

A green glow flashed on his palm, and in an instant, it spread to the two people who were holding him tightly.

"What's wrong?" Arima asked politely.

Ito Yue said with a smile: "It's nothing, just to remind you that some words, it's better to say it early!"

Kaoru Miyazono could feel that the boy had been watching her as he spoke.

"If you think about waiting until it's over, I'm sorry, you won't be over!"

Itokoshi Riddler said with a smile.

Arima Koo and Miyazono Kaoru in his arms looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

What a weird person!

"If there is nothing to do, we will go first, and we will visit a lot of places today!" Kaoru Miyazono said with a smile.

She sneaked out of the hospital, so take advantage of it today!

After all...... There may not be such an opportunity in the future....

"Well, no hurry, the sun is just right, take your time."

Arima glanced at the riddler again strangely and walked towards the exit for no apparent reason.

When he was about to reach the door, Sanjiu seemed to have thought of something and opened his mouth to remind him.

"Whoosh~" The

black cloth ghost jumped out violently, and Arima Kosho stumbled in fright, and the two fell backwards.

Sanjiu covered his eyes, a little afraid to look.

"Go ahead!"

Kaoru Miyazono stepped firmly on the ground with both legs.

I don't know why, the legs that were not conscious just now are now full of vitality.

Arima Kosheng, who fell to the ground, couldn't help but get up and watched this scene blankly.

Kaoru Miyazono looked at his stupid look and stretched out her hand towards him with a smile.

Arima Kosei stretched out his hand to cover it, and as soon as the girl made a force, he finally stood up.

Ito-koshi suddenly smiled happily.

Tears of laughter flowed out.

At this time, the sun is just right, the wind is passing through the forest, and we are young!

recycle old blades, one generates a pound for love~ ask

for a gift 〈( ̄) ̄)〈

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