That's right, if Sanjiu is the eldest sister-in-law, then Ito-koshi is the eldest brother.

If Yukino is the eldest sister, Itokoshi is the eldest brother-in-law!

The people in the class also felt like they were meeting Itokoshi for the first time, and their eyes were filled with various complicated emotions such as shock, fear, appreciation, and idiot.

Hearing Itokoshi's complaint, a girl immediately came out consciously:

"Sanjiu, you rest for a while, and then change us."

Ito took Sanjiu's soft little hand and walked to the shade of the tree with a smile.

After the executive committee members carried the group of bad guys away, Ito turned his head.

Sanjiu was looking up at his small face, his beautiful eyes were looking at him with affection, and when Ito turned his head, he lowered his head in panic as if he had been broken by a heart.

Ito's heart moved, and he said in Sanjiu's ear: "I'll take you to a place."

"But..." Sanjiu looked at the pancake stall with some hesitation in his eyes.

Ito-koshi also looked over, and the girl who was setting up the stall hurriedly said:

"Sanjiu, you go, you have been busy just now, now it should be a rest!"

Ito Koshi pinched Sanjiu's little face: "Just go play for a while, there are still Rem and Ram here, it will be fine..." The

hot breath sprayed on Sanjiu's little face when exhaling, and with the coaxing of the surrounding classmates, the girl blushed and was held by the boy and left.

"Did you see that? Just Ito he... What a man!

"See, I'm not blind... It's really safe! "

The girls in the class seemed to know this boy who had been unknown for a year for the first time.

I don't know what happened, but Itokoshi gave the impression of being withdrawn and introverted in his freshman year of high school, often writing small H texts secretly by himself.

In his second year of high school, the famous beautiful girl Yukinoshita took the initiative to invite him to join the department, and he had unclear relationships with many girls, and Mai's senior sister also had an extraordinary relationship with him.

And the girls around this guy are better looking than the other!

This is the most infuriating!

Someone in the class wanted to go and talk to Itokoshi, took out the mirror and looked at himself, and dismissed the idea....

As the saying goes, when looking for a partner, you can't just look at other people's appearance.

Look at your appearance, too....


Carrying a school bag, Arima Kobu walked alone on the streets full of fallen leaves.

He just went to the classroom to sign in, and now he is not in the mood to participate in the campus festival, and he plans to buy a copy of Keluli Hospital to visit... She.

Some trees are really strange, flourishing in autumn, even surviving the winter, but in early spring they begin to lose their leaves.

A fallen leaf swirled and fell, and Arima Kobuo suddenly stopped.

He looked at the silhouette under the plane tree with some stunnedness, his lips moved, he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.

the original blue-and-white hospital gown on the girl was replaced by the original uniform, and she raised her head and stared at the fallen leaves in fascination.

Suddenly, the girl turned her head as if she noticed that someone was watching him.

Seeing the teenager staring at her blankly, she smiled:

"Friend A!"

It's all like ever.

It's just that the girl's blonde hair is as bright as the sun, and at the moment it is a little boring and dull, as if it has been extracted from the color.

Arima Gongsheng suddenly had a sour nose, forced himself to endure his emotions, and tried to say naturally: "Why are you here?" Looking for Wataru-kun? "

This fool!

Gong Yuanxun blinked, and a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth: "Yes, it was originally!" "

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