Suddenly, Tanaka let out a sigh: "The boys' school is all men, it's too hard, this is called youth!"

"Who says it isn't! Boys' School I #¥#@¥@¥! "Zhongbang also cursed."

Xiu Ze took a sip: "That's it, I'm so lonely that I'm about to get the foundation!"

As soon as the words fell, the air suddenly quieted, and Tanaka and Tadabang silently opened the distance between them and this friend.

Iinoyako appeared again and looked at the three boys with a frown: "I don't know how to repent, right?" You three, come with me to the office!

"What class are you in?"

Xiaomiko really took out the record sheet this time, originally thinking that they didn't plan to calculate for their first offense, but they turned out to be so arrogant!

Strict punishment must be meted out!

As soon as he looked up, the figures of the original three boys had disappeared.

In the distance, three galloping figures could be faintly seen.

"Hey!" Komiko stomped her foot.


Ito-koshi didn't know that these three actually mixed into the school, otherwise they would have to get to know each other.

After all, not everyone can do such a thing as stealing their sister's underwear and being discovered....

Xue Nai parted in front of the teaching building, touched the heads of the two cat women, and said gently: "Mother went to work first, you guys have to be obedient here!" Ito

was almost blinded by Yukino's maternal brilliance.

It seems that Xiao Xue Nai likes her daughter very much!

How about we build one another day?

No, make a platoon!

Hey, hey....

Yukino glanced at the smirking Itokoshi, and his eyebrows were full of amorousness: "I'm leaving!"

"Slow down! Child her mother~"

Yukino glared at him, nodded to everyone, and turned to leave.

"The performance is at five o'clock in the afternoon, let's have free time in the morning, what you want to play, I will treat!"

If nothing else, the money still has more than a million.

Sanjiu dragged Ramrem away, and they were going to prepare the class pancake stall.

Nino went to rehearse the afternoon singing and dancing performance, she was not as big as Itokoshi, and she still walked around the stalls leisurely in the morning.

The thought of performing in front of the whole school made Erno feel nervous and excited, just like the feeling when he kissed that guy.

May is going to eat all the school stalls, and Yotsuba is going to help a friend's club.

Ichika originally wanted to stay here, but was pulled away by May.

The reason is that she buys too much food alone and is seen by others, embarrassed....

Once she spent it, she could say that it was sold to two people, but in fact, all of them entered her little belly.

May thought about it and brought the chocolate and vanilla again.

One is that she thinks Ito-koshi will not take children.

The second is that there are four places to buy food in this way, and no one will feel strange no matter how much she buys....

Ito turned his head and saw that only Mai-senpai was left.

He just wanted to smile, but saw Senior Mai smile and say to him: "I appeared in this kind of group activity that can also be participated in by other schools, do you want to cause a riot?"

Ito smashed his mouth: "Okay... I walk around by myself.

Mai opened her hand and smiled lightly, "It's so pitiful... Is it okay for my sister to give you a comforting hug? "

Why do you want to be my sister both?" muttered Ito-koshi.

I take you as a wife, you even want to be my sister!

But calling Mai sister can get a hug, and it's not a loss!


Itokoshi, this dog thing is still holding and not letting go!

Joke, a sister, hold for at least two and a half hours!

——————Thank you for the cameo in "The Daily Life of a Boy's High School Student" and Komiko ~

Ask for a free power generation for love~|・ω・')

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