This is a trick used by Ito Koshi yesterday, and it was learned by this niko today.

However, learning is not at all like ...

Ito-koshi stretched out his hand and tickled Sanjiu, who dodged while laughing.

But the two of them are sitting on the sofa at this time, where can the little white rabbit escape?

Sanjiu was forced into a corner, unable to retreat, and he almost had no strength to laugh.

"You spared... Spare me..."

Itokoshi stopped at this time, and while no one was paying attention, he kissed Sanjiu's face.

Sanjiu quickly propped up his head and looked around, and after making sure that no one saw it, he breathed a sigh of relief and lay back on the sofa again.

Ito-koshi doesn't care what bad things Sanjiu did, he will tolerate everything about her anyway.

Just find a reason to bully her.

Tired of playing, the two sat on the sofa, and Ito Koshi gently ruffled Sanjiu's hair with his fingers.

Some girls have poor hair quality, poor feeling, and split ends at the ends.

But Sanjiu's hair is like silk, and it feels indescribably good.

Sure enough, the two-dimensional beautiful girl feels good no matter where she touches, has no flaws, and is the most perfect!

Ito pulled a handful of hair and brought it to his ear and sniffed.

A light and elegant fragrance, soft and delicate, just like the girl who has always paid silent attention to you in her memory, lowering her eyebrows and burying all her love in her heart.

Sanjiu saw Ito smell her hair, pinched a pinch and put it on the tip of her nose.

Nothing nice to smell like?

Seeing Ito-koshi's intoxicated look, Sanjiu tilted his head in bewilderment.

Then her eyes suddenly widened, and she reached out to block:

"Hey! Yuejun, don't put it in your mouth! "


Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and sugar, young and unworried, has always been wanton and frivolous, the time of youth is always so easy, and always so easy to pass.

Ito-koshi was in a daze in class, touched Sanjiu's little hand after class, and went to the ministry to have lunch at noon.

After school, I rehearsed the play, went to the committee classroom to help Yukino squeeze her shoulders, and then went home with a group of beautiful girls.

Then night raided by Ram and Rem ... Ahem, this is not important.

In short, if it weren't for Itokoshi's good physical fitness, it is estimated that he would have been sleepy in class these days.

In the laughter and play with the girls, time slips away like a white horse, and the hourglass of time does not know when to turn.

Finally, the school festival came.

Early in the morning, Ito-etsu woke up early in rare times to greet the girls at home.


The wooden door was pulled open.

"Get up! Get up!

"! Don't look! The voice of anger and corruption, this is Nino who is changing clothes.

"Don't look~" Soft and sticky, this is Sanjiu.

"Yuejun come in, why are you staying at the door?" Luo Sleepy Ichika chuckled.

May, who had just taken off her pajamas, directly picked up the pillow and threw it over: "Don't go out yet!" "

As for Yotsuba... Still sleeping soundly, the nightdress slipped off, revealing a large area of white greasy.

Itokoshi looked around, took the pillow that May threw over, and said with a grin: "I'm here to remind you to get up, today is a school festival." "

!" All the women looked at this faceless guy and said coquettishly.

"I can't go yet, by the way... It's very white~"

Before the women could react, Itoki threw the pillow in, closed the door and slipped away.

Immediately after, the voice of shame resounded in the corridor.

Shitaba's body shook, and he suddenly opened his eyes: "Astringent wolf? Where are the astringent wolves? "


have to stay up late again today, hard college sacrifice, there will be two chapters

later to ask for a free power generation for love~


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