Rem blinked, let go of his hand, and pushed back, "It's Ram... Ram asked me to join me..."

Ram nodded: "I think the master likes this!"

Ito Yue coughed lightly: "I mean to say that the quilt is hot... You guys go ahead, I don't bother!

Rem and Ram looked at each other and saw the smile in their sister's eyes.


Brother Yue is not BT!

...... Right?


Early in the morning, May opened her eyes in a daze and yawned as she dressed.

Suddenly, the afterglow from the corner of her eyes noticed Sanjiu.

Sanjiu lay on the bed, sleeping soundly with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

How do you say that smile?

Only...... It's very rippling!

May couldn't help but scratch Sanjiu's nose with her finger and said with a smile: "What dream does Miku have, laughing so happily?"

Sanjiu muttered indistinctly: "Don't move, stinky brother... Sister Sanjiu is going to be on top... Hehe..." May

couldn't hear what Sanjiu was saying, only heard a sister Sanjiu.

She shook her head and smiled, "What about sister?" Sleeping in bed, and talking in dreams...


May got dressed and looked at the watch, it was still early.

The girl tiptoed out of the room, closed the door, and glanced softly at her sisters lying down.

"It's true, it's obviously my sister, but it's not easy at all..." After

a while, the alarm clock rang, and Erno pressed the alarm clock irritably, pulled up the quilt and covered his head.

"Hmm~" Ichika stretched, took off her nightdress, and began to change her clothes.

The spring sun is bright and warm, well, white eyes....

Erno waited for a while before taking a deep breath, jerked the quilt off, and prepared to get up.

When he put on his shirt, he saw that Sanjiu was still sleeping, and stretched out his finger and poked Sanjiu's face: "Hey, Miku, don't sleep!" "

Sanjiu's skin is very good, and a shallow pink and white mark will appear with a light poke.

"Hmm..." Sanjiu opened his eyes, and in a daze, he saw Er Nai and was suddenly shocked.

Sanjiu stammered, "Ernai... You you you are also here! Where did Yukino sister go?

"Why are you weird?" Er Nai touched Sanjiu's forehead suspiciously, and pasted his forehead again: "No fever either?"

Sanjiu realized that he was just dreaming just now, and now he has returned to reality.

Sanjiu suddenly blushed and stood up: "I'll go to the bathroom!" Then

he left in a hurry.

Er Nai tilted his head while wearing a skirt: "What's wrong with Sanjiu?" It's weird to wake up in the morning! "


The fat times washed last night have already dried, and Sanjiu hid in the bathroom to change and come out.

I wanted to wash and replace it, but now everyone is up....

Just throw it into the dirty clothes basket.

Simple Sanjiu must not have imagined what would happen to the clothes thrown into the dirty clothes basket...

Of course, it was thrown into the washing machine and washed off!

What to think!

However, Ito has always felt that such a trivial matter as washing clothes can be done by himself.

So, the laundry was all left to him.

Happiness is created by hard work!

No middlemen to earn the difference!

Sanjiu was about to go back to his room to change his uniform, but when he passed Itokoshi's room, the ghost made a mistake and stopped.

"Hmm... I just went to see if Oudoudou woke up! Wouldn't do anything else!

Sanjiu glanced around, then quietly opened the door and entered the room nervously.

Well? How are Rem and Ram here?

Sanjiu blinked.


Last night it was good late, and the yellow fish were almost broken....

Whining...... Ask for a free power generation for love ~~

(*^ω^*). ♡

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