In the cooking classroom, two kittens sit on chairs in good manners, playing a game of you shoot one and I shoot one.

The childish voice has never been polluted by this gray world, with color, like a heavenly sound.

It's how wonderful it feels just to hear it!

Under the tutelage of Ram and Reim, the girls can already make pancakes that taste good.

They chatted while stir-frying pancakes in the pan.

"Hey, you say, are Chocolate and Vanilla really Ito-san's daughters?"

"It's impossible to think about it!" A girl waved her hand.

"That's adopted? Why else call him daddy? Someone questioned.

"It's not old enough to adopt... It's a little strange, though, and I've heard that Ito he... It's an orphan! The tone was frivolous, as if he was telling some kind of joke.

"Really (Maji)?"

The girls' reactions were varied.

Some people felt a pity in their hearts, and some people chuckled a few times in their brains, as if they had heard something funny.

There is always a shortage of such people in the world, who take pleasure in the suffering of others, and a dark pleasure arises in the heart when they see the originally happy people unhappy.

You ask them what's so funny, it says you're sick, and I'm not laughing at him, as for being so on the line?

Therefore, the childlike child needs to be protected, and the self-adult needs to be eliminated.

But that's only a minority after all.

The world is not good, but it is not so bad either.

Miura Yuko glanced at the girls who were laughing just now with cold eyes, and walked over:

"Is it funny?"

the girls suddenly trembled, but they did not dare to speak again.

"Hey, didn't I ask you? Isn't it funny!

"No... It's not funny..." the girl at the head said with a crying voice.

Miura raised his hand and wanted to slap her, but thinking that there were still children there, he snorted coldly and went back.

Miura is not a kind girl, she just looks at these people unhappy, so she teaches a lesson.

She's not a good person, but she's not bad either, just like the world.

But one thing is good, she likes children, especially little girls.

She served the freshly fried pancakes, cooled them a little, cut them off and tasted them.

The taste is not bad....

She divided the pancakes into small pieces with a dinner knife, carried the plate, and walked to the corner where the two cat wives were.

Chocolate heard footsteps and immediately turned her head to see a blonde sister coming, and she shouted:

"Hello big sister!"

Miura smiled: "Hello guys! Would you like to eat some pancakes that my sister just fried?

Chocolate subconsciously wanted to agree, but thinking of his father's previous words, his little face suddenly became tangled.

"Dad won't let us eat here." Vanilla said milkily.

Sanjiu, who noticed that she was here, came over and said like a mother: "Yumiko, if they eat too much here, they won't want to eat when they go home!"

"Oh, so... Just eat a little, okay? "Miura clasped his hands together, please, please.

Chocolate also learned her look, two small fleshy hands together, but the fingers were not aligned.

Sanjiu was embarrassed for a while before he said with a bitter little face: "Okay... Just eat a little!

"Eh!" Miura and chocolate high-fives in celebration.


Is it really Saturday, why is it so cold...

Fish to cry Liao ε (┬┬_┬┬) 3

beg for a free generation for love~

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