My father remarried.

The plump stepmother is a little arrogant and domineering, and she always has nothing to find fault with me.

My stepmother had two good-looking daughters, humiliated me all day, and didn't allow me to call them sister...

It's so annoying, to protect my freedom and dignity.

I decided to start a home-owning battle!

The first step in the battle ....

Just put on crystal shoes.

- "Cinderella"!

"So... Am I a stepmother?

May looked at her outfit for a while before arriving at this somewhat devastated answer.

Ichika and Yotsuba looked at each other and understood that their roles were the eldest sister and the second sister.

The two cat ladies turned their heads backwards, trying to make the wings behind them move, but the result was really slowly fanning, faintly flying into the air!

Ito took a look at his white wings and smiled, "In this way, chocolate and vanilla are magic elves!" "

As for why the magic elves changed from one to two... It doesn't matter.

After all, there are five of the four bosses on campus, why can't one elf become two?

Itokoshi's costume automatically changed into that of a prince, wearing a sword and colorful gemstones.

"Then I am the prince, and Rem is the maid next to the prince?" Ito thought as he touched his chin.

But why is there an extra maid outfit?

Thinking of the five new blank cards obtained this morning, Ito Koshi had a faint answer in his heart.

"Okay, put your clothes away."

As Ito-etsu's words fell, the clothes that were originally worn on the girls suddenly disappeared.

Magic... Nature is intelligent.

The only question is... Where did the original clothes go!

"Ugh!" May clasped her hands to her chest, her face turned crimson, "Close your eyes quickly!" The

coolness of her clothes disappearing made her suddenly feel ashamed to explode, as if she dreamed that she suddenly woke up without clothes.

Except for the kitten lady's clothes, the rest of the people's clothes are all gone!

Including Yukino and Sanjiu and Nina's!

Sanjiu's reaction slowed down by half a beat, and after the teenager's gaze swept over, he covered his face with a blush after realizing it.

"No... Don't look! The girl's voice was soft, almost coquettish.

Xuenai also hugged his chest with both hands, under strong shame, he glanced around, and couldn't help but give birth to a trace ... Low self-esteem....

The girl's long hair was scattered in front of her, hanging down nine ghosts, and the snow-white between the gaps was thrilling.

She glared at Itokoshi: "Don't hurry up and change back!"

Ito Yue coughed lightly: "I really didn't mean to..." Erno

said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, quickly change back!" Ito

, a patient with advanced "procrastination", realized that it would be impossible to delay any longer, so he quickly whispered: "

Change the original clothes back..." It

seemed that there was a system delay, and after three seconds, the original JK uniform reappeared as a bright light.

The black and white JK uniform is fresh and gentle, highlighting the vitality and beauty of youth.

However...... With a strong memory, Ito-etsu could not forget the beautiful scene, and every inch of detail was clearly visible.

When the eyes reached the girls in uniform, they saw a different picture.

It's like the legendary supreme realm in the rivers and lakes - there is a code in the eyes, and there is no code in the heart.

There is clothes in the eyes, but there is no clothes in the heart.

Do you know that you have no clothes, you are with your son, you are in the hand of your son, you are old with your son, you have something to rely on, and you have little to support....

Under the strong visual impact, Ito-koshi was already a little delirious and began to read poetry indiscriminately....

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