"This is called the art of touching fish!"

Sanjiu blinked and looked at Itokoshi with adoration.

Although I don't understand what Yuejun is talking about, but it doesn't matter, he is so powerful!

May covered her face: "What kind of crooked theory are you..." She

has always been serious, it is difficult for her to accept that touching fish is an art, this kind of crooked reasoning....

But...... This unorthodox temperament is very consistent with the boy five years ago.

May's mind added another point to the possibility of speculation.

Itokoshi closed the sliding door of the classroom, took out the key that Yukino had given him, and locked the ministry.

"Okay, let's go!"

Ito-koshi followed by five girls and walked towards the teaching building.

At this time, the campus has gradually deserted and is no longer noisy, like the lonely night sky where fireworks have passed.

Descending the stairs, Ito-etsu unknowingly fell to the back of the line, walking side by side with the slow-moving Sanjiu.

"Why is it so slow?" Ito-koshi looked at the graceful side face of the girl next to him, and whispered with a smile.

Sanjiu glanced ahead, like a vanguard scouting the enemy, and after retracting his eyes, he said softly: "I'm sick~

" "Huh?" Ito frowned lightly: "Are you uncomfortable in any way?" "

As a healer, even he can't see the symptoms....

Itokoshi's heart couldn't help but sink.

Sanjiu glanced at his nervous face and couldn't help but grin:

"I'm sick... A disease that will die if you don't kiss


At the end of the words, the girl's voice was soft and sticky, like the seductive singing voice of a banshee, which made people's hearts beat faster.

"This is a terminal illness-" Ito-koshi was stunned for a moment, then chuckled, "You have to take medicine every day!" "

Every day?"

"Yes, they all said that it is a terminal illness, so take medicine every day and forever."

"That... Do you also have to take medicine today~"

Obviously taking medicine, the girl seems to be eating sugar, and she laughs sweetly.

At the corner of the corridor shrouded in dusk, Sanjiu slowly closed his eyes, and his hands hooked the boy's neck, getting tighter and



"You've arrived too! How long have you been waiting? May

walked out of the teaching building, only to find Mai Jino already waiting at the door of the teaching building.

Today's rehearsal for the drama has not yet begun, Mai is idle, and is pulled by Erno to guide their singing and dancing rehearsal.

Although Mai has always said that she is an actress and cannot sing and dance rap and the like, there is such a famous senior, and the enthusiasm of the team members during rehearsals is unprecedented, and the effect is excellent.

Erno looked at May who came over, tilted his head and looked back, and asked with some doubt, "What about Sanjiu and Yuejun?" "

May turned back, the original team of six people plus two little girls, but now there were two less.

Little Rem stood at the end of the line, in the standard maid position, holding chocolate and vanilla in both hands.

Standing in place, her blue eyes reflecting the sunset in the sky, like a delicate figure of a life-size girl.

"Rem-chan, have you noticed where the two of them went?" Kazuka asked.

Rem thought for a moment and said, "They... Go to heal! "

“...... Cure? May

and Nino looked at each other.

What the little maid is thinking about now: this is an infectious disease, and now she also has a terminal illness that will die if she does not kiss!

When you go back, take your medicine!

At this time, Itokoshi and Sanjiu walked out of the teaching building.

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