"It's okay, Sanjiu has made great progress, and you should be able to master the method of pancakes before the school festival starts."

"That's good." May nodded.

I kind of want to go to the cooking class and rub something to eat....

No, no, no! There is still work to be done!

May asked, "Can we get to work now?"

Yihua took the orange juice soda, unscrewed it and took a sip: "Yuejun, we have to start doing it quickly!"

Itokoshi handed the other two bottles of soda to Yotsuba and May, who pushed back before accepting.

He waved his hand: "Don't worry, just leave this little thing to me!" Believe it or not, I can do it in a minute?

May almost spewed out a mouthful of salt soda, and looked at Itokoshi with a puffed face: "Okay, don't be poor, let's start quickly!" "

Ito shook his finger: "May-chan, you don't know anything about true power!"

"You guys go out first, and then come in a minute."

Ichika and Yotsuba glanced at each other, tilted their heads in unison, and then walked out with a puzzled May by the arm.

"Let go of me! You wouldn't really believe it, would you? Feed!

Closing the door, May folded her arms and puffed out her cheeks: "I'll see what he can do in a minute!"

Yihua suddenly pursed her lips and smiled: "As soon as May comes across something related to Yuejun, it becomes extraordinarily real!"

May: "Huh? I didn't! I've always been like this, okay!

Yotsuba followed and nodded: "Indeed, it feels like May is always aimed at Yuejun, how to say it... I feel like I'm wronged! "

Whatever you say..." muttered May, no longer speaking.

The Ministry of Service sat at the end of the corridor, and she walked to the window and looked at the darkening sky, her eyes fascinated.

In fact...... She also felt a little strange....

Obviously it was just a trivial matter inadvertently, and she wanted to say the opposite to Ito, as if trying to get his attention...

It feels like a bear kid pulling a girl's hair... Silly....


Thinking of the previous speculation, May had an uncontrollable emotion in her heart.

For five years, the figure of that boy has been in her heart, like an ignorant first love, beautiful and pure.

Dimensional Yue....

Itokoshi ....

Is it really you?

If it's you... Why not recognize us?

Will there be another group of such cute quintuplets under the sun?

Just when she was in a daze, a minute passed like a white horse and passed in a hurry.

"Come in!" The boy's voice sounded in the twilight-soaked corridor.

May took a deep breath and turned to walk towards the ministry.

"How? Are you ready to ask us for help? All said don't be stubborn... Belch! As

she got closer, May saw Ichika and Yotsuba covering their mouths and looking into the room with a surprised expression.

"It won't... Right? May stepped forward quickly and looked inside the door.

In the ministry, the originally chaotic wooden signs and various decorations required them to spend a lot of time and energy to make props.

At this moment, it is neatly placed on the wall according to the imaginary fruit style.

It was as if the classroom had been cast by magic, and suddenly a few days later, all the work dust had settled.

May suddenly opened her mouth wide and looked at the smiling teenager blankly:

"You... How is it done? "

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