After visiting his eldest wife, Ito took a look at Sanjiu's situation.

Walking down the stairs, I turned around and came to the cooking classroom.

Before I entered the door, I heard a burst of exclamations from inside:

"Reim, you are amazing!"

"Is Remchan's father a cook? Why is your cooking so good?

Rem shook his head: "No, my cooking skills are only because I practiced since I was a child, and it was taught to us by the maid elders." "

Chief maid?"

Rem nodded, and then said with a slight smugness: "I am Brother Yue's exclusive maid!" "

Still a fiancée!

"Brother Yue..."

The group of girls who were studying cooking around Rem couldn't help but look at each other.

Itokoshi, there is even an exclusive maid?

What does his family do!

At this time, Ito-koshi just pushed the door and entered, and said with a smile: "How are you doing?" Sanjiu

, who was wearing an apron, was kneading the dough intently, heard a familiar voice, and immediately raised his head in surprise, his turquoise eyes seemed to be shining.

"Yuejun, you... What are you doing here? "

Sanjiu feels that his current self must be very embarrassed, he accidentally sneezed when he was with him before, and now he is ashen...

Sanjiu quickly wiped his hands on the towel next to him, staring at the teenager at the door with some embarrassment.

Ito-etsu couldn't help but feel a little distressed when he saw some flour attached to Sanjiu's hair on his face.

He stepped forward, picked up a wet towel and wiped Sanjiu's little flower face, and said softly:

"Look at you, you have become a little flower cat!"

"Hehe..." Sanjiu smiled coquettishly, her eyes shining.

Ito-etsu knows that this kind of light can only shine when you pursue your dreams without distraction.

He also had the time when he first started writing novels in his previous life.

That pure love, especially touching.


Don't move, I'll help you wipe it well."

Sanjiu closed his eyes, and the feeling of the wet wipes rubbing his cheeks was a little cool.

Yue Jun's strength is really gentle, so comfortable...

"Okay!" Ito-koshi threw the wipes into the trash and looked at Sanjiu, "What about the pancakes you made?" Let me taste it!

Sanjiu blinked, and suddenly looked weak: "That... Yue-kun, Rem sauce has a good job there, if you are hungry..."

Ito shook his head and looked serious, "I'm going to eat you." "


The female students around looked admiring: Your Excellency is not Beiye?

Immediately afterwards, Sanjiu brought out a plate of black burnt cakes, which looked like coals coated with some butter

... Sanjiu covered her face and said, "Actually, Yuejun, you don't have to force it..." She

also knew that she was not doing well, no, it was very bad.

Other girls can look at it a few times and at least make it look like it can be eaten.

But even if she did it several times and practiced it repeatedly at home, but... But it's still like this....

Maybe I really don't have talent....

Sanjiu bit his lower lip, his nose was sour, and he couldn't bear to shed tears.

Ito took the plate, broke a piece, and threw it into his mouth.

Ok, no poison....

Ito Koshi finished eating the black cake in two bites, and Sanjiu didn't even have time to stop it.

"Yuejun, you... Dumb jio cloth? Sanjiu asked very confidently.


there's another chapter in the evening.

Ask for a free generation for love~

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