Bringing his wife and children to the classroom, Sanjiu was standing at the door of the cooking classroom, sticking his head out and looking around.

In the classroom, there are also many girls, all of whom have come to learn to make pancakes.

Itokoshi put down the chocolate and vanilla and instructed Sanjiu and Reim, "Be careful not to let them go near dangerous places like stoves." "

Uh-huh!" Sanjiu nodded obediently.

At the end, Itokoshi added: "Remember not to feed them the pancakes you made... Rem makes it to eat! "

Especially what Xiao Sanjiu made, don't eat it..."

Ito-etsu didn't say this, but Sanjiu subconsciously felt that something was wrong, and he had to puff up his face.

But she thought about it again, as if she really couldn't eat it....

Never mind!

Come on and practice and strive to make edible pancakes today!

Sanjiu swung his fist to cheer himself up.

At this time, the girls in the room also gathered around, and saw two cute little girls carved in pink and jade at the door, and suddenly couldn't help but flood with maternal love....

So cute!

They looked at Rem and Itokoshi, who were standing on the side, and suddenly realized that this was the foreign aid invited by Ito!

It is worth mentioning that Rem is wearing civilian clothes today, not maid clothes.

First, such costumes can be a little strange, of course, they can be seen everywhere on the day of the school festival.

The second is a little bit of possessiveness, Ito-etsu doesn't want others to see Rem Kawaii's little maid form.

Ito-koshi nodded at the three Jiu and them: "If you don't understand anything, just ask, Rem is a professional!"

Then, he rubbed the cat lady's head again: "Then I'll go first, you guys are obedient here~"

Chocolate and Vanilla nodded together, in unison, and shouted playfully:

"Well, goodbye dad!"

Goodbye Dad....

The women raised their heads in amazement, forgetting what they wanted to say for a while, and just stared blankly at the young man's fading figure...



"Chairman, aren't we going to start the meeting yet?" A boy with glasses said.

Yukino raised her hand and looked at her watch, it was already seven minutes later than the usual meeting start time.

Yukino let out a vague sigh, "Hmm... Then..." At

this time, the back door of the classroom was suddenly pulled open, and a handsome teenager appeared.

"Sorry I'm late!"

Xue Nai immediately showed a relieved smile and said softly: "It's not late, it's just right!" "

The surrounding executive committee members silently looked down at their watches, and I smiled and did not speak....

Itokoshi found his seat.

Easy to find, the only empty spot left is your own.

To his surprise, this time the seats were different from the last time, as if they had just been changed.

This was arranged by Yukino just now, in order to delay the start of the meeting.

Next to him are Kazuka, Yotsuba, and May, who all belong to the prop group and are responsible for making billboards and other things.

This is also Yukino's deliberate arrangement, so that they can freely arrange their time on the day of the campus festival.

All that can be said is... The big wife is so strong!

Itokoshi sat down in his seat.

Yukino's cold gaze seemed to be casual, and after seeing Ito-etsu sitting down, he coughed lightly:

"Then, today's meeting, begin!"


grace unique to Lord Yukishita... Hey, hey, hey....

Ask for a free generation for love~

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