They are also executive committee members, and there are a lot of things to prepare for the school festival.

Yukino said softly, "I can coordinate the work and give you more time to rehearse." In addition, on the day of the campus festival, there are not many people needed, so you can concentrate on acting in dramas. At

this time, not only Ito crossed, but everyone silently looked at the queen under the snow at the end of the long table.

Yukino blinked, and a slightly shy cold voice sounded: "All said... Don't look at me like that..."

Mai Sakurajima looked at Yukino and said seriously, "Thank you!

Itokoshi: "We can choose a familiar fairy tale to perform, so that the rehearsal time does not need to be too long."

May nodded: "Actually, we can also rehearse after we go home, and we will not delay the task of the executive committee." "

Uh-huh!" Yotsuba nodded, then felt that something was wrong there, and turned his head to look at May next to him: "Go home?" Rehearse?

Yihua covered her mouth and smiled: "The home that May said, which home?"

May blinked, and suddenly blushed as if he had eaten a large mouthful of chili: "I..."

May was speechless for a long time.

Because before she found out, she subconsciously said to go back to that ancient mansion!

Ito Yue smiled: "Okay, it's so decided, I'll stay at my house for the past few days, and I'll go back from school this afternoon to pick up clothes."

Sanjiu nodded quickly, and Er Nai on the side covered his face with a straight face.

Er Nai sighed and said, "San Jiu and I may not be able to participate in the drama, I want to perform, and San Jiu will sell pancakes at the stall... However, we can take care of the clothes for the show.

Ito Yue nodded: "It's okay, the number of people should be enough, it's really not good..."

Ito-etsu looked at the [Withdrawal Probability Improvement Card] in the system's backpack, and estimated that if he drew a few more times, he would be able to make another shot.

When the time comes, count the previous shot, and you can synthesize to summon Ram!

Mai Sakurajima stood up, bent down slightly, and bowed: "Thank you, thank you very much!"

Xiao Sanjiu next to her quickly helped her up and smiled gently: "Mai Xianbei, don't pay attention to it, you are our senior sister, we will definitely try our best to help!"

Mai Sakurajima nodded emotionfully.

Wandering and lonely, she suddenly felt like she was part of the collective, as if... Found home!

Mai looked at the girls at the long table, and a warm current suddenly surged in her heart.

That's nice.

She thought.


It was another leisurely afternoon, the only difference was that Ito flipped through the textbook.

Kirisu Jindong noticed this scene and immediately nodded with satisfaction.

Her efforts have paid off!

Now this problem teenager has begun to take the initiative to learn!

She looked at Sanjiu on the side again.

Sanjiu also listened to the class very seriously, on the one hand, because it was her favorite history class.

On the other hand, it was because she always felt that Kirisu-sensei would look at her from time to time during class, and she didn't know if it was her own illusion, but she was a little nervous for Xiao Sanjiu.

Just now, Kirisu-sensei seemed to look at me again....

Up in the air.

Sure enough, I still listened to the lecture honestly....

Kirisu Mafuyu immediately felt very relieved to see these two students on the right track.

It's good that they can recognize the most important thing at this stage, not fall in love, and concentrate on studying!

Then, the students of Year 2D suddenly felt that today's Kirisu teacher was in class... Extra passionate!

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