For them, Mai Sakurajima, who debuted and became famous as a child star, is as far away as a star.

Ito-koshi doesn't have that feeling like them, isn't Senior Sister quite approachable?

He shouted directly: "Senior Mai! The

name seemed like an unspeakable taboo, and when Ito-etsu shouted out, the atmosphere of the class was sluggish.

Many people looked at Itokoshi at the back door of the classroom with unspeakable eyes, speculating about the relationship between the handsome teenager and Mai Sakurajima.

Of course, it may also be unrelated.

Every year, new students entering the first and second year of high school, and even senior students, will pretend to be passing by during a certain class and secretly come to see the legendary Mai Sakurajima.

Among them, there are many people who think that they are amorous and take the initiative to come forward to talk

, but without exception, they will be repelled by Mai Sakurajima's indifference thousands of miles away.

In the eyes of some shady people, this teenager will be no exception, and he will even be disgusted by Mai Sakurajima because of his first name.

And yet....

Mai Sakurajima turned her head in some surprise, and her face was a bright smile that she had never seen before.

That smile was like a clear rainy sky.

At this moment, many people really understand why Mai Sakurajima can thrive in the entertainment industry....

It's beautiful....

Both boys and girls can't help but sigh in their hearts, or appreciation, or sourness, or jealousy....

Mai Sakurajima stood up, her long legs swinging under the hem of her uniform skirt, stride length and cadence... It actually seems a little... Eager and nervous?


That Mai Sakurajima, who can talk eloquently in front of all kinds of media, actually looks a little nervous in front of an ordinary teenager?

The person who noticed this suddenly had some doubts about life, and couldn't help but wonder about the identity of this teenager.

Plutocratic son? Heirs of ministers?

Mai Sakurajima stood in front of Ito-koshi, her posture graceful.

Looking at the junior brother who was half a head taller than her in front of her, Mai asked slightly unnaturally, "Why are you here?" "

To outsiders, she is the cold Mai Sakurajima.

But in fact, the more Ito knows, she is just a girl who occasionally talks about herself shy.

Ito said a little excitedly: "I thought of a way!"

"You mean..."

Mai noticed the searching gaze in the classroom, thought for a moment, and grabbed Itokoshi's hand.

"Let's talk about it somewhere else!"

Then, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Mai Sakurajima took the hand of the unknown teenager.


Holding hands... Let's go!!


to talk nonsense about a penny.

This book... It is the only book that has achieved good results in the year since I wrote the book, and it is also the sustenance of my spirit.

Two of my favorite things, novels and anime, come together in this way.

I love it, dasuki!!

When I first started writing this book, I was happy every day, and at the beginning, I didn't think about whether I had grades or not, and I was full of enthusiasm to find illustrations and write whatever I wanted.

This also appeared at the beginning, the plot that was criticized by many people, and I tried to modify it as much as possible, but it was still a little unsatisfactory.

Maybe the next book will be better, I told myself.

But I don't have much time left....

Well, it's not about to die, it's about to go to graduate school.

[It will be after the end of this book!] This point should be emphasized, not to let the eunuch run away! At

the end of this book, I will embark on a journey day and night again... Some reluctant, a little hesitant.

This book condenses my hard work, and when I write it, it is as if I am the male protagonist in the story, in that beautiful world, I have encountered heartbeat after heartbeat.

It's like... It was another part of my life....

Although looking back, there will still be many places where the writing is inadequate, but isn't this life?

During the college entrance examination, because of a low-level mistake, I missed my ideal university, and because of a misunderstanding, I became a stranger to my best friend ever since.

Life will be, but novels will not, at least my bad novels will not (laughs)

read my own novels, I will always think, what is this written about!

How did you write that? The knife will not be issued, the daily life is all yy, it is simply the worst novel!


I love it.

Thank you for liking it.

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