Kagami Yukinoshita, that is, Yukinoshita Yukino's mother.

Just after a dinner party, the power and money transaction was quietly completed.

Sitting in the back seat of Rolls-Royce, Kagami's eyes showed a trace of exhaustion.

Although she is over forty years old and already a mother of two children, there is still no wrinkle in the corners of her eyes, as if she has escaped the years.

That beautiful appearance was once famous in Chiba, and even in Tokyo there was no shortage of powerful children to pursue her madly, but in the end, she still chose to pick a man to join her.

Even now, at the dinner, she is still the focus of attention.

However, Miss Kagami, who used to blush and be nervous when there were many people, has also become the ruler of the Yukoshita family that everyone needs to look up to, showing his style and treating people like a spring breeze.

Perhaps the appearance escapes time, but the heart eventually becomes old.

In this Vanity Fair, up and down, how can there be no reason to be old?

Kagami gently rubbed his eyebrows, and said a little tiredly: "Just by the way, go to Yukino's place to rest." "


The driver answered softly and silently started the engine.

The dark body merges into the traffic, and the little golden man in front of the car shines in the sun.


Itokoshi took a sip of black tea.

Yukino thought of his previous conversation with Ichika, put down the teacup, and hesitated for a long time before saying awkwardly:

"The birthday thing... There's no need to care so much..." Ito

smiled: "That's not okay, I said I wanted to surprise you."

Xue Nai picked up the black tea and took a sip gently, but she didn't dare to raise her head.

Last time, just the day before yesterday, the two of them, right on this sofa... K, kiss is coming....

Although only one down....

The curtains were blown by the wind, and the room suddenly became quiet.

Both had something to say, but nothing was said.

Itokoshi put down the teacup and got up slightly, as if to move towards Yukino.

Yukino panicked all of a sudden.

He won't want to kiss me again... Me I....

Yukino's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

However, Itokoshi simply got up and said, "I'm almost leaving, see you at school tomorrow." "

That..." Yukino was speechless, with a hint of confusion and reluctance in her eyes.

Shell teeth and fragrant tongues are faintly visible in the slightly open lips, like soft flesh and pearls in the shell of mussels.

Ito-koshi looked at the girl with a trace of pity, and his heart moved slightly.

Snow tongue banquet....

Itokoshi sat down again, leaned close to Yukino's side, and took her hand.

Yukino blinked her flustered eyes, her breathing a little disturbed.

"I..." "

Don't talk."

Itokoshi gently brought his face up, and his gentle gaze contained the girl's panic.

Remembering the touch of that night, Yukino's heartbeat accelerated a little.

Doing this kind of thing against the tutor at home, for the first time in more than ten years, Yukinoshita Yukino felt a sense of deviant stimulation.

It's like... The good girl skipped class for the first time to go to an Internet café.

Let's take a moment....

Yukino took a deep breath and closed his eyes as if a tourist before bungee jumping.

Ito slowly approached, carefully looking at the girl with her eyes closed in front of her.

The trembling eyelashes, the graceful curved nose, and every inch of Shengxue's skin are like angels that cannot be desecrated.

At the thought of kissing such a beautiful girl, a poison-like substance was secreted deep in the body, which flowed through the limbs and bones, and finally acted on the cerebral cortex.

We generally call it, satisfaction.



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