The time in the world of all the people in the Moonlight Tavern passes at the same rate

When Lelouch took Red Moon Karen to visit the Storm Mecha combat power exercise, various things also happened in Overlord.

Different people do different things at the same time, which makes for different lives

About Lelouch after he took possession of the Moonshine Tavern, the changes he brought caused Senak in the Overlord world to change the fate of the kingdom

You know, if Old Bone hadn't learned about the magical place of the Moonlight Tavern from Senak, the kingdom would definitely have embarked on the same fate of being destroyed as the original

But now that Old Bone knew about the Moonlight Tavern, he had the idea of recruiting Senak and then cultivating Senak to become his own agent in the Moonlight Tavern

What happened to Senak during the time that Shatia controlled with mind control magic, Senak has no memory

In Senak's opinion, he has been dealing with all kinds of things in the kingdom in the office area today

Just as the nerves in his mind were tensing and preparing to deal with the war sent by the Demon Guidance Country, Senak was surprised to find that the army of the Demon Guidance Country had withdrawn

Subsequently, the prime minister of the Demon Guidance Country, Yaerbed, also issued an armistice announcement

"This war has ended here, I believe that everyone who has lost more than thirty cities in a row already knows the consequences of insulting our Demon Guidance Country


Looking at the armistice spoken by Yalbed, who was too beautiful to describe in words, Senac finally breathed a sigh of relief

"However, the culprits who plundered our grain wagons and trampled on the flag of my country, I hope that your country will leave them at our disposal


The old king would never be able to use the lives of his subordinates to calm the anger of the Demon Guidance Kingdom

But Senak, knowing that Jaerbed had arrived with armistice papers, locked his father in his room

So this meeting and conversation can be left to Senak to handle

"I don't have any problems."

It was very cost-effective to give up an idiot nobleman in exchange for the last remaining royal capital of the kingdom and the safety of Enayul, so Senak directly agreed to Yalbed's conditions

Satisfied with Senak's unhesitating answer, Jaalbed was very satisfied, and when Yalbede finally planned to leave, she reminded Senak after thinking that Lord Anzi seemed to have plans to bring more of the world under her rule through this second prince

"I advise you, there are too many incompetent nobles in your country."

"In order to prevent them from making any trouble, I advise you to learn from the Blood Emperor to clean up the nobles in the kingdom."

Although the kingdom suffered heavy losses this time, at least it did not directly destroy the country as in the original book

The time it took for the Overlord Demon Kingdom to declare an armistice with the kingdom in Pajalbed had already brought Lelouch's world into the second day

On this day, the news that the Knights of the British Empire Round Table were defeated by an unknown body in the island nation made headlines around the world

The myth of the undefeated Knights of the Round Table of the British Empire was completely shattered last night

As the news spread, a number of organizations in various countries expressed concern

The headquarters of the island nation rebel front in the mountains of Narita made a proposal to try to unite the unknown mech

And Shamna of Gilkestein scoffed after learning the news

For her, who has been granted miraculous abilities by the VV Sect Leader, in addition to the number one knight, who also has GEASS, the other knights of the Round Table she has a way to deal with



It is set here that the battle between Lelouch and the Knights of the Round Table takes place at the same time as the time when Senak of the Overlord world was taken by the old bone

This section of Overlord ends, and the mecha station battle in Tokyo is also over

As for why you wrote the plot of the Overlord world when writing about the battle against the Knights of the Round Table


In the later machine battle plot, I felt that the writing was too watery

It's just that I used three of the other class skills given by the system to fight the Knights of the Round Table on the Storm Mech, and I actually wrote the plot in three chapters

After thinking about it, instead of writing like this, it is better to write the plot of the Overlord world in transition

As for the deleted machine combat content, let's write it in the language of other characters later

Then highlight that the author's writing is really average

That's the level of writing

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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