It is impossible for Gilgamesh not to react to Rin's words.

"Oh, you are such an arrogant cultivator. If that is the case, I will take a good look at how you can make me leave the battlefield!"

Gilgamesh really chose to join the battlefield because of Lin's words. However, Tohsaka Tokiomi on Vimalakirti was panicked at this moment and persuaded Gilgamesh.

"King Gilgamesh, please calm down. That was my daughter. She just had some immature thoughts. Please forgive me, King Gilgamesh!"

Tōsaka Tokiomi knelt on one knee and begged for Gilgamesh’s forgiveness.

However, this aroused Gilgamesh’s interest.

""She is your daughter? Hahaha, interesting, really interesting. She really came from the future? It's getting more and more interesting! Then, I will be even happier. Come on, let's see how you can make me leave?" I didn't expect that she would be the daughter of this boring guy Shichen.

Compared with Shichen's boredom, the other party seems to be more interesting. At least, she dared to disrespect me. Is she ignorant or relying on this guy Solomon?

This is Gilgamesh's inner thought.

"Solomon, do you think I should join in?"

This time, Gilgamesh directly exposed Goetia's identity, which surprised everyone. Before Goetia replied to Gilgamesh, others started to discuss.

Especially Tohsaka Tokiomi and Kenneth who was hiding in the dark.

As a famous magic family, of course they knew what this name meant.

"Solomon? Is this the founder of magic, Solomon?"

Tōsaka Tokiomi's face changed drastically at this moment. How did his daughter get in touch with Solomon? He himself couldn't get in touch with him....It has to be said that Tohsaka Tokiomi was a little envious.

Kenneth, who was hiding in the dark, also took a breath of cold air at this moment. If those guys in the clock tower knew that Solomon had appeared, there would definitely be a riot. After all, the current development of the Magic Association is getting worse and worse.

This is related to the consumption of the Great Source. If it is Solomon, the ancestor of magic, there should be a way to solve it!

It has to be said that the name Solomon did scare some people, even the servants.

"Haha, it turns out to be Senior."

The King of Conquerors Iskandar reacted in an instant. Hmm, isn't he from the same hometown as me? As for his Master Weber, he was so scared that he was stunned. But immediately, Weber's belief in magic made him ask Solomon loudly.

"Solomon Senior..."Have you reached the source?"

No one expected that Waver, who had always been regarded as a coward as Iskandar's master, would ask directly.

This scene made Iskandar laugh.

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad....Well, no, now I admit that you are my master. You have good courage!"

After Waver realized it, he broke out in a cold sweat. When did he become so brave?

However, Waver's question attracted the attention of many masters. The root is what all magicians are pursuing. If even Solomon, the ancestor of magic, has not reached the root, it will be a big blow to them.

Goetia just smiled and slowly spoke.

"The origin, talking about the origin in front of these workers, aren't you really worried about their boss causing trouble?"Gaetia said something that was hard to understand. For Alaya, the protector of human nature, anyone who reaches the origin is a disaster.

So in general, magicians are under the surveillance of Alaya. (Aoko mentioned this in the battle between Aozaki and Orange)

However, regardless of whether these people could understand or not, Gaetia continued to answer Weber's questions.

And, using direct means to answer

"This is not a place to touch the root!"

Goetia directly summoned the Temple of Time and enveloped everyone in it....Including Kenneth who was hiding in the dark, no one knew how he was discovered by Goetia. After entering the Temple of Time, the magicians' glasses widened immediately.

"This is...Intrinsic barrier?"

For a magician, such a thing as an inherent barrier is simply a dream come true. Unfortunately, no magician has it so far.

Even when King of Conquerors Iskandar showed his inherent barrier at the beginning, Irisviel was shocked. Of course, the King of Conquerors only possessed the inherent barrier when he was alive. When he was alive, this guy had no magical talent at all, not even as good as a certain Fake.

But then, everyone thought, this is the ancestor of magic, it is normal for him to have an inherent barrier.

At this moment, Sakamoto Ryoma and Demon God Souji, as the guardians, also looked extremely solemn. The opponent's strength was a bit beyond imagination.

"Gilgamesh, in the future, you still have one battle left for me. You didn't even let me wait, and you went straight away. So, come on, let's finish the battle that we didn't wait for..!"

Goetia invited Gilgamesh.

When Gilgamesh heard Goetia's words, he frowned and looked into the future....The way he died was a little unique. However, he still saw the future.

"Humph, originally I thought this Holy Grail War would be a bit boring, but now, come on, so that I won't be bored."

Gilgamesh obviously agreed.

As for the others, Goetia also smiled at this moment.


At this time, a large number of tentacle monsters suddenly rose from the ground. They were the Demon Pillars. Each pillar had the same powerful aura as the sea demon they just defeated. This made all the servants' faces change drastically, and they calmed down after hearing Goetia's words.

"I have no idea about you, and I don't intend to fight you. So, I've prepared an observation deck for you, and you can go out after the battle is over!"

After hearing this, the others temporarily gave up the idea of resisting. Of course, even if they wanted to resist, they didn't have the ability.

Especially the conqueror king Iskandar who was ready to take action before.

"Rider, can you open your inherent barrier?"

The King of Conquerors, Iskandar, shook his head solemnly and responded.

"No, inherent barriers are different from inherent barriers. You should know this."

Weber also nodded. Of course, he knew what the collision of inherent barriers looked like. Although he had never seen it, he knew it because of his rich theoretical knowledge. If two inherent barriers of similar levels collide with each other, a clear dividing line will be produced.

With the dividing line as the center, the two inherent barriers will confront each other and compete for the core magic elements of the world.

But now, the inherent barrier of the Conqueror King Iskandar cannot even be opened, which proves that the quality of this inherent barrier is very high. It can only be said that he is worthy of being the ancestor of magic, Goetia.

Goetia deliberately placed Illya, Shirou and Kiritsugu, Irisviel and Saber on the same Demon Pillar, and then placed Rin, Sakura, Medusa and Tohsaka Tokiomi on the same Demon Pillar, and as for the others, they were also separated.

Let Illya, Shirou, Rin and Sakura all fulfill their wishes.

However, Goetia was a little curious. If Tohsaka Tokiomi knew that his cabbage was taken by the pig of Emiya Kiritsugu's family, he didn't know what he would think.


The battle between Goetia and Gilgamesh has already begun. Originally, in the face of Goetia, Ryoma Sakamoto and Souji the Demon God were ready to attack together, but they were directly rejected by Gilgamesh. The battle between kings does not allow others to interfere. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Gilgamesh's huge treasure library was fully displayed at this moment. This was an invitation from the king. If Tohsaka Tokiomi did not let him use all his strength, he would probably be killed by him first.

Fortunately, Tohsaka Tokiomi still knew this at this time and did not stop him.

So everyone really saw the power of Gilgamesh. A large number of treasures shot out from the King's Treasure and attacked Goetia. This scene made the faces of the four servants in the battle extremely solemn. The sky full of treasures made these people's scalps numb.

Faced with so many treasures, Goetia did not mean to hold back.

Of course, I meant that I didn't hold back in this human state. If I showed my mercy, even with these few servants, they wouldn't be enough to fight. Goetia didn't want to show his mercy. The main reason was that it might attract the direct attention of Alaya in this world. It was better to keep a low profile. Although the other party couldn't do anything to me, I couldn't be too aggressive.���

Facing Gilgamesh's treasure bombardment, Goetia also performed magic. The same huge group of magic bullets collided with Gilgamesh's treasure at this moment. Although it could block the opponent's attack, physical objects have physical advantages. Moreover

, Gilgamesh can control these treasures into tracking missiles.

So ordinary magic is actually not very effective.

Then, the fifth magic appeared, and the blue magic circle was instantly unfolded, and at the same time it expanded directly in front of Goetia. The blue magic power instantly gathered in front of Goetia.

At this moment, all the people watching the battle felt that this was something completely different from before.

"This is...What is this?"Weber was a little unsure.

However, Tohsaka Tokiomi said incredulously:"This is...What about the last fifth magic?"

In fact, for them, this is just a guess, because few people have seen the real fifth magic, and even the nature of the fifth magic is not clear. They only know that the fifth magic is very destructive, but they don't know why it is so powerful. At this moment, as Goetia fired this huge magic cannon, the treasure projected by Gilgamesh was completely destroyed in an instant. Moreover, it is irreparable.


Gilgamesh was also extremely surprised. Although those treasures were just a drop of water to him, this was the first time that he returned to the treasure house with only some powder that could not be repaired. This surprised him.

"Hahaha, as expected, you are indeed worthy of a full-strength fight. In this case, let the old friend come out and take a breath of fresh air!"

After laughing, Gilgamesh unfolded the King's Treasure again.

At the same time, a terrifying weapon was taken out by Gilgamesh. It was Gilgamesh's most proud weapon, the Star of the Creation of Heaven and Earth, which is EA.

Even Goetia had to treat it seriously. In Uruk, Tiamat died because of this weapon.

So, Goetia also took out something of the same level.

Rhongomyniad, and it was the real Tower of the End.

To be honest, in terms of power, EA is actually the strongest.

After all, in terms of attack power, the Holy Lance is not even comparable to the Holy Sword.

EA is stronger than the Holy Sword (here In the state where all restraints are released, the Holy Lance and the Holy Sword are both released, but the Holy Sword is still stronger.

The restraint release of King Sargeras Holy Sword is different from the old sword, but it does exist), but now Gilgamesh's output is not as great as Goetia's.

After all, Gilgamesh here is just a servant. When facing the Lion King, Ra II, who is at the same level, had to crash into the pyramid to break the golden wall of the Tower of the End.

And now Goetia, who is stronger than the Lion King, is holding the Holy Lance.

This output is far greater than Gilgamesh holding EA.

But even so, Gilgamesh did not want to retreat at all. The dignity of the king did not allow him to retreat.

".Atoms mix and solidify, creating the stars that weave all things. At the time of judgment, tear the world apart with my sword of separation. Take it, the star that opened up the world of separation.��"

"Holy Lance, pull up the anchor! Beyond the sky, head for the earth. It is the wedge of light standing at the end of the world! The Lance that shines at the end!"


The attacks of the two collided instantly. EA was powerful, indeed terrifying. However, even if Tohsaka Tokiomi used the power of the Command Spell, Gilgamesh's output could not be compared with Goetia's. The Spiritual Base limited Gilgamesh's maximum output.

If you had a crown Spiritual Base now, you would still have a chance, but the gap between you and an ordinary Spiritual Base is too big.

"cut...It really is...It's interesting. You can even get this thing. You are worthy of it. Hahaha!"

Gilgamesh disappeared in laughter. The most powerful servant was defeated head-on by Goetia at this moment. As the guardians, Sakamoto Ryoma and the demon lady Souji both looked very solemn. How could the other party even take out something like the Tower of the End?

Isn't the Tower of the End still in Britain? Where did this Tower of the End come from?

Goetia did not feel any regret about Gilgamesh's exit. She had promised to fight Gilgamesh in the fifth world war, but she did not expect to complete it here. Goetia himself was also a little surprised about this.

However, I don't know if Kotomine Kirei will backstab Tohsaka Tokiomi now that Gilgamesh has exited? After all, there is no way to capture Gilgamesh.

""I told you, Senior Solomon is very powerful. A mere Gilgamesh is definitely no match for Senior Solomon!"

At this moment, Rin, who was with Toosaka Tokiomi, was talking to Sakura beside her.

As for Toosaka Tokiomi, his face was bitter at the moment.

But Rin continued to persuade him:"It's better to withdraw. With your father's strength and influence in the magic world, he should be able to withdraw safely. Anyway, there is no need to chase the Holy Grail. It's better to go for the intact Holy Grail!"

After his daughter told him shocking news, Tohsaka Tokiomi wanted to know more. But Rin didn't explain, since Tohsaka Tokiomi had no chance now.

After the battle, on the other side, Illya and Shirou Emiya got along well in front of Kiritsugu and Irisviel. Although Kiritsugu and Irisviel were surprised to see an extra son, Irisviel was relieved to find out that it was their adopted son after learning about the situation.

Afterwards, the conversation between Shirou and Kiritsugu about justice made Kiritsugu very sympathetic to this man called Shirou.

The Temple of Time dissipated, and everyone appeared by the river. Gilgamesh left the stage, and it was unknown who would defeat the King of Conquerors Iskandar. In any case, the world line was changed, but the result might not change much after Goetia left. Kiritsugu Emiya was a man with strong strategies, and his purpose was simple and clear, which was to destroy the Holy Grail.

It was not to defeat other servants, but to seize the opportunity to destroy the Holy Grail. Even if it turned into Altria vs Iskandar in the end, Goetia still had a high chance of success.

""Okay, don't worry so much, we are ready to leave."

After returning from the Temple of Time, Goetia also spoke to the two servants of the Guardian, the Demon God Souji and Sakamoto Ryoma. The two had been monitoring Goetia, and if there was no chance, they would really be ready to take action. After seeing Goetia say this, the two also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Goetia's words again surprised the two.

"Before you leave, you have to find something I left in this world, otherwise, the impact on this world will only be greater!"

What Goetia said was, of course, the Holy Grail that was thrown in before. Please give me flowers and evaluation votes.

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