"Saint...Holy Grail???"

"How is it possible?"

This time even Red A screamed out. What the Holy Grail War was all about was the Holy Grail. Now suddenly someone took out the Holy Grail right in front of them, which shocked their worldview.

"Don't make a fuss, Rin. I told you long ago that I can make the Holy Grail with my hands.

After getting Goetia's recovery, Rin Tohsaka suddenly remembered what Goetia had said in the group.

But even so, Rin Tohsaka still stuttered and asked,"Then...This can help...Will the wish come true?"

"No, in fact, this can only be regarded as a crystal of magic power...."

Goetia did not say the following words. If it was at another time, it could actually form a singularity, which is essentially an alternative method.

Goetia melted the Holy Grail into Matou Sakura's body, making up for Sakura's lost vitality. Sakura's body has greatly improved. Although the vitality lost in the past eleven years cannot be directly restored, it has helped to improve the situation.

However, Goetia still said

"The scars caused by the insects are slowly being healed by the Holy Grail, but the fragments of the real Holy Grail are still in Sakura's body. All the evil in this world is still affecting Matou Sakura's mind. In order to successfully heal this, perhaps the only way is to rely on the Holy Grail that can help people realize their wishes."

"To be more precise, it is to destroy the Holy Grail and solve this problem from the root!"

Goetia's words made Toosaka Rin a little overwhelmed.

Since the Third Holy Grail War, after it ended, the Holy Grail was contaminated by Angra Mainyu, so it was no longer the Holy Grail that could help others realize their wishes in a good way. The current Holy Grail can still help you realize your wishes.

However, it does not care about the process.

For example, if you want world peace, without humans, the world will be peaceful. Therefore, the current Holy Grail system has been completely distorted.

Goetia told the nature of the Holy Grail, and this was the first time Toosaka Rin heard it. Red A was not surprised.

"Okay, take her back with you. Remember, take good care of her!"

Gaetia said to Shirou.

Sakura really needs a lot of psychological comfort now. Although she still can't change her nature of being easily occupied by Angora Mainyu,...Goetia left a bait, a bait for Angora Mainyu, the evil of the world.

Angora Mainyu has appeared in both the Rin and Sakura lines.

The only difference is who is the host. In the Sakura line, it is of course Matou Sakura, and in the Rin line, it is Illya...In the Rin line, Gilgamesh dug out Illya's heart, and then connected the Greater Holy Grail through the Holy Grail. The black mud that gushed out was actually Angora Mainyu.

To appear, it requires the existence of a host.

And now, Goetia has melted the Holy Grail into Sakura's body. There is no more suitable host than the Holy Grail. Moreover, there is a lot of magic in the Holy Grail. With Angora Mainyu's nature, it is impossible not to swallow it.

At that time, there will be a chance to distinguish it from Sakura.

However, Goetia did not tell Rin Tohsaka and others about this.

Because Rin Tohsaka now also needs time to accept what happened today. Her sister is also caught in the Holy Grail War and even affected by the Holy Grail. So next, Rin Tohsaka also needs to consider future plans.

The next day, no, in fact, on the day when Shirou Emiya brought Sakura back to the Emiya mansion, Shirou Emiya confessed to Sakura.

As the HF line developed, at this moment, Sakura must be relieved because of Shirou's confession. This is also one of the reasons why Goetia asked Rin Tohsaka not to contact each other for the time being.

"Oh, by the way, recently, I may need to help Illya!"

"What does it mean?"

Although in the original work, it was Zouken Matou who wanted to get the real Holy Grail of the Einzbern family, that is, the Heaven's Grail Illya, but now Zouken Matou has been killed by Goetia, and this should not have happened. But, it's not just Zouken Matou who needs it.

In fact, Angora Mainyu also needs it.

Devouring each other, this is the core essence. In the original work, Illya finally sacrificed herself because she needed to enter the Greater Holy Grail system and compete with Angora Mainyu to let Angora Mainyu completely leave Sakura's body.

Illya is really miserable. Not only does FSN have a total of three lines, but she just doesn't have a strategy for her own route (Jia Lian Huazhong, Illya even complained about this), you can even see Illya in Illya's movie version!

"All the evil in this world, that is, Angra Mainyu, may attack Illya. As long as Illya dies, no one will be able to threaten him from within the Greater Holy Grail System.."

After learning the general reason from Goetia, Rin Tohsaka also decided on her own plan, and she must not let Illya be attacked.

Red A was more determined. She was her sister, so she couldn't just leave it alone.

In fact, it was indeed developing as Goetia expected. There was no movement on the second day, but three days later, the black mud began to attack Illya. The battle between Hei Dai and Hercules in the original work still happened.

With all the magic power increased, Hei Dai completely suppressed Hercules and even killed Hercules.

Hercules was directly swallowed by the black mud, which means that the black mud can also summon Hercules, but from the current point of view, one Hei Dai is enough. The strongest Hercules is not its opponent, let alone others.

In the original work, Gilgamesh was no longer its opponent after this thing swallowed Altria and Hercules. In addition to this guy, he didn't pull out EA when he met and directly delivered food to others.

For this battle, both Toosaka Rin and Emiya Shirou arrived.

This battle was extremely brutal. Goetia did not try to stop it, but only saved Toosaka Rin, Emiya Shirou and Illya at the end. All other servants died in the battle. Yes, even Red A was taken away. Moreover

, just like the original work, when Goetia rescued Emiya Shirou, Emiya Shirou was seriously injured and one of his arms was gone.

Therefore, Red A cut off his arm and gave it to Shirou.

When Goetia arrived, Toosaka Rin was obviously very angry.

"Why...Lord Solomon, why didn't you come earlier!"

Obviously, Rin Tousaka still minded that Goetia didn't make a move earlier.

Goetia just shook his head.

"In order to completely solve the Greater Holy Grail, first of all, the Greater Holy Grail must appear. As the key to the Greater Holy Grail, it is also very necessary for the Lesser Holy Grail to enter the final stage. I think you should know the conditions!" Goetia asked Toosaka Rin in return.

After hearing what Goetia said, Toosaka Rin also figured it out.

However, the departure of Red A still made Toosaka Rin a little sad. Because she already knew the other party's identity.

Although it is incredible, the other party is indeed the future of Shirou Emiya. Generally speaking, the summons are the heroic spirits of past history or well-known legendary figures, but this is the first time that the future person has been summoned.

In order for the hole of the Greater Holy Grail to be opened, more than five servants must be defeated and their souls must be absorbed by the Lesser Holy Grail. Therefore, this is why Goetia did not stop this war. Reason. If Goetia rescues them every time, the end will be delayed indefinitely.

In this way, all the evils in this world will only grow bigger and bigger, so it is better to let the final moment of the Holy Grail War come now. Now, Altria, Hercules, the Cursed Arm (because Zouken Matou was crushed to death by Goetia, he also withdrew without his Master), Red A and the souls of Cu Chulainn and Medea have been absorbed by the Holy Grail.

Next, it is the last step, and the Greater Holy Grail system can be activated.

However, because the Lesser Holy Grail (Sakura) created by Zouken Matou is compared with the real Lesser Holy Grail (Illya), , there is still a little gap. Therefore, there is a gap in the function of absorbing the souls of servants. Therefore, when connecting to the Greater Holy Grail, which is the third method, it is still struggling.

After all, it has not yet eaten Gilgamesh and most of Fuyuki City like in the original work.

However, Goetia gave it a choice, that's right, it is the Holy Grail that merged into Sakura's body. There is also a lot of magic power in it for him to grow.

Now, for Angra Mainyu, there is only one last goal left, and that is to kill Illya.

A large number of monsters with tentacles are attacking Goetia. At the same At that time, Kuroda was also there. She could restrain herself from killing Shirou, but killing Illya was the order of Angora Mainyu, and she could not refuse.

Goetia certainly could not let Illya be killed.

So, this time Goetia did not hold back. Facing Kuroda with infinite magic power, Goetia slowly raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In the stunned eyes of Toosaka Rin and Illya, the black-handed Altria disappeared directly, and at the same time, the black-handed monster with tentacles that was summoned also disappeared.

This scene made the two extremely stunned, not only the two of them, but also Kuroda who was about to disappear

"how come...So?"

The only servant still alive now is Medusa. The others, including Altria, are actually out of the game. As for Hedai, it's just that all the evil in this world is the fragment of the Holy Grail, so he can be summoned again as a thug.

Therefore, Goetia doesn't have to worry about anything. He directly launched the Anti-Summoning EX

, thus destroying the summoning technique from the root. Toosaka Rin and Illya were also shocked by this.

However, even if Hedai is out of the game, Angora is obviously not jealous. That huge magic power is enough to summon other servants again. Out, this time, even all the devoured servants were summoned out. Heida, Hercules, Medea.

It is worth mentioning that Cu Chulainn and Red A are not included in this list, because their souls only flowed into the small Holy Grail according to the process of the Holy Grail War, and their bodies were not swallowed by the black mud.

But even so, the reappearance of these three people made Toosaka Rin and Illya look ugly.

Goetia smiled slightly.

Snapped his fingers again, and then the three servants disappeared again. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"It's useless. No Servant can stay without my consent."

Goetia said, and the Holy Spear appeared in his hand. This time Goetia was ready to keep the other party.


In front of the real Holy Spear, no matter how well Angra Mainyu could recover or how strong the black mud was, it would all be destroyed by one shot. Now, the other party finally got scared. The man in front of him was indeed stronger than he could imagine. He even possessed something like the Tower of the End.

Angra Mainyu was ready to retreat.

However, this time, Goetia vowed to leave something behind.

"Listen, the primate of all things declares in the name of my manifest order (qing) that everything (not.) is correct (SANE) and the order (five) collapses here (timelesswords)"

A cyan magic circle appeared from under Goetia at this moment, and cyan flames began to burn from the black mud.

Just as the words were chanted, the order was collapsing, and the burning started directly from the spirit particle aspect, and the black mud was being burned out.

Angra Mainyu finally felt scared. This was magic from the same source, and he couldn't resist it. No, even the entire true third law couldn't resist it. Because the fifth magic itself was born for destruction. So at this moment he wanted to escape directly. Moreover, he was still cutting off his tail to survive, and he was not going to take these black muds���

But Goetia is not satisfied[]

".Spit out that girl, or I will chase you to the end!"

If it was before, it would be impossible, because he and Sakura are already one, and he would not show up without Sakura. But now it is different, Goetia gave him a bait, and he bit it without hesitation.

The Holy Grail is his best choice.

Originally, Sakura's role was to be a container, but now, the Holy Grail is obviously more suitable than Sakura.

Therefore, Angora Mainyu decisively abandoned Sakura. Even without Sakura, he could still find other hosts. Although this would temporarily lose his mobility, after all, without his body, Angora Mainyu has not been able to act on his own. But it is not that there is no solution. Hei Dai was summoned again, carrying a Holy Grail, and fled from here.

And Goetia did not chase, but caught Sakura.

Toosaka Rin and Illya hurried to Goetia, as did the weak Emiya Shirou


"Don't worry, she is fine now. Although her body will be very weak, she has completely gotten rid of all the evil in this world. Let's go back first!" Goetia explained, and at the same time, she opened the space rift.

The group reappeared in the Toosaka Mansion, and after seeing a few people, especially when he saw the seriously injured Emiya Shirou, Bazette also hurried to help.

Fortunately, Goetia is still good at healing magic.

It took a while, and the injuries of several people were completely stabilized.

Sakura also woke up, and then saw Emiya Shirou and Toosaka Rin, but at this moment, she would not fall into jealousy. Without Angora Mainu on her, Sakura (ahem) is still a very gentle and restrained person.

Especially after Emiya Shirou explained what happened before, Sakura was a little ashamed of wanting to kill her sister because of jealousy.

However, with Shirou's enlightenment at this moment, Sakura quickly came back to her senses. Then she said sorry to her sister Toosaka Rin, but Toosaka Rin obviously didn't care

"From now on, your life is no longer in danger, so Shirou, you can take Sakura away from the Holy Grail War temporarily."

Gaetia said

"That's right. Leave the rest to me and Lord Solomon."

"And me!"

Illya and Rin Tohsaka spoke one after another.

But Shirou shook his head and looked at Goetia.

""Thank you very much for saving Sakura, but I don't want to quit. Besides, if I quit now, Archer will laugh at me!"

Emiya Shirou smiled bitterly and shook his head. Tousaka

Rin didn't care about this, but said to Sakura:"You need to rest now, so, for the time being..."

Originally, Toosaka Rin wanted Sakura to quit, but Sakura refused.

"No, I'm not going to back down this time. This is something I started, and I'm going to fix it....I want to be with my senior, and I am the only one with a Servant!"

After Sakura finished speaking, Medusa appeared beside her, obviously representing Sakura's will.

In the end, Toosaka Rin really failed to persuade her, so she had to let Sakura participate. However, Senior Solomon was there, and he was very reliable. Although Archer was lost, saving her sister was good news for Toosaka Rin. In

Fuyuki Church, Kotomine Kirei felt that the surrounding environment was a bit strange. When he came to his senses, he suddenly found that there was a golden object lying on the table in front of him. It was the Holy Grail. Although he had touched it once, he was also happy to see it again. Kotomine Kirei slowly touched the Holy Grail. At the moment he touched the Holy Grail

, Kotomine Kirei did not notice that a black shadow had entered Kotomine Kirei's shadow..

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