The situation changed dramatically all of a sudden, and even Red A and Rin Tohsaka were stunned.

Originally, Hercules attacked Goetia directly, which made Rin Tohsaka a little worried. But unexpectedly, Senior Solomon used a space magic to go to the master of the Berserker and caught him. It was so simple, and he won. What

Rin Tohsaka is most worthy of attention is to suppress her opponent in magic. The magic she released was completely ineffective against Senior Solomon.

Those magics hit Senior Solomon, as if there was no damage, which surprised Rin Tohsaka.

As for Red A, he had a preliminary understanding of Goetia's strength at this moment. But this was also greatly beyond his expectations. He wanted to use Berserker to see Goetia's strength, but he didn't expect that Goetia would catch Illya in an instant. Not only these two people, Altria had a serious face at this moment. Sure enough, the previous feeling was right. This guy is very strong.

Only Shirou Emiya looked confused, but when he saw Goetia catch the little girl, he thought the battle should be won, which was good for them.

But...The battle is not over yet.

Although Goetia has captured Illya, Hercules has not given up and wants to take Illya back. Fortunately, Goetia is not the kind of person who threatens the servants with Illya. Otherwise, as long as he makes a move to kill Illya, Hercules will not dare to act rashly.

For example, what a certain insect did to the couple in Ryutoji!

At this moment, Illya has no ability to resist Goetia. Her magic is completely ineffective against this person. She can only rely on Berserker, but soon Illya found that even in the face of Berserker's surprise attack, the other party can still dodge smoothly with her. It's very comfortable, just like the difference between the two.

Illya finds this unbelievable.

Not only Illya, but also other spectators.

Not to mention Shirou Emiya, who can't understand the battlefield, Rin Tosaka, Red A and Altria are all shocked at this moment. What did they just see? I saw the big Berserker rushing towards Goetia, but Goetia easily dodged him. He was even overwhelmed by Goetia's magic. In the end, Berserker couldn't even touch Goetia.

On the contrary, Berserker himself was bombarded by Goetia's magic and looked very embarrassed. This is because this person is Hercules, and his body is extremely strong. If there is another person, such as Red A, he may be seriously injured.

"Is the senior so strong? Is he really just an ordinary human?"

"Don't joke, how could it be human? The magician completely suppressed the servant, and you told me that it was a human in this situation?"

As a guardian, Red A obviously knew the difference.

Only Altria was observing the battlefield carefully, wondering how this battle would end. After all, she was just a girl who lived alone in the castle all year round, and there was nothing she could do at this moment.

As for Goetia, she frowned at this moment.

Illya's identity is still very important, especially when knowing that the development of this world will eventually move towards the HF line, it is still very necessary to use Illya as the existence of the White Holy Grail.

So, at this moment, Goetia thought about it.

In an instant, a violent aura broke out, and he no longer held back.

In fact, for an opponent with great patience like Berserker, everyone is a headache. The main reason is that the damage you hit is not a big deal to the opponent. Moreover, not only is he very patient, he also has a strong recovery ability. This kind of servant If he qualifies, it must be terrifying.

Of course, he can also be said to be a professional at taking beatings.

In the original work, Hercules fought with Gilgamesh, Artoria, and Heida. Except for Artoria, he was beaten on the other battlefields. Although there were many counterattacks, the impression given to people after a normal battle was that he was beaten and resistant.

At this moment, although Goetia was not in close combat and did not have as many treasures as Gilgamesh, he also had his own way.

Holding Illya in his left hand, he took out a golden spear in his right hand. Facing the attacking Berserker, Goetia poured his magic power into the holy spear, and then shot Hercules.

Hercules was directly whipped away. At the same time, Goetia changed from whipping to stabbing, and a powerful light cannon shot out from the holy spear and attacked Hercules directly.


It caused a huge explosion.

Fortunately, the Emiya family is still in the suburbs. Although it is also a town, it is far from the center. There are still a lot of open space here. However, there will be a gas leak tomorrow.

After Goetia took out the Holy Spear, Artoria clearly felt familiar and recognized it in an instant.

"Lungominiad??? How is it possible?..."

This holy spear, she had used it in Camlann Hill, how could it appear in the other party's hands, who is the other party?

After the Age of Gods, the mystery of the surface faded, and a large number of dragon species and fairies began to return to the inner side of the world. At that time, there was a period of time when the passage to the inner side of the world was opened, and it was the holy spear. At the same time, that period of time was in the era when Artoria lived.

So it is normal for Artoria to have used Longomyniad. Moreover, it was this spear that stabbed Xiaomo to death. (I don't know whether it is true in other worlds, but in the FGO world, when Xiaomo arrived in 1.4, Dr. Roman said that it seemed to be this one)

Not to mention, even Red A was shocked when he saw this holy spear.

As a guardian, he knew the true identity of this thing very well. And now Goetia has activated this holy spear with magic power, how can it be fake.

The Tower of the End has been pulled out? Never heard of it?

Anyway, after Goetia took out the holy spear, the two servants were shocked.

The explosion subsided, and what appeared in front of everyone at this moment was Berserker, who had lost his life. Seeing this, Rin Tohsaka breathed a sigh of relief. They had won.

But before they could be happy for long, Berserker's aura became active again. Hercules was resurrected.

This scene shocked Rin Tohsaka and Shirou Emiya.

"How can it be..."

"Don't be too surprised. The effect of the twelve trials is that unless you kill him twelve times in a short period of time, you will never be able to defeat him. It is worth mentioning that the tricks you have used will not be effective!"

Goetia completely revealed the information about Hercules' resurrection.


Toosaka Rin and Emiya Shirou both gasped.

However, Gaetia then spoke to Illya again.

"I think you'd better ask him to stop. I don't mean to kill you now!"

Illya was a little surprised when she heard what Goetia said, but after thinking about it, she nodded.

"Berserker, stop, don't fight anymore!"

After hearing Illya's voice, Hercules stood there straight, completely motionless. Although Hercules lost his mind, he still obeyed Illya's request. The bond between Hercules and Illya is higher than imagined.

There is a joke that in Fatestrangefake, Hercules (Alcides) has a deep obsession with Gilgamesh, which may be the reason why Gilgamesh killed Illya in the UBW line.

So, when Illya spoke at this moment, Hercules stopped directly.

And Goetia also let go of Illya

"Well, this battle ends here. Many people have been watching it. It's only the first day, and you want to decide the winner?"

Goetia said.

This is actually Goetia's fault. In the original work, Illya came here just to test. If Goetia hadn't said something about Emiya Kiritsugu, Illya wouldn't have lost her mind for a short time. Moreover, because Goetia saw the future, she didn't plan to kill the master and servant at this moment.

Others didn't know Goetia's thoughts.

So, Illya had a complicated expression at this moment.

""Big brother, why don't you just kill me?"

Goetia looked at Illya deeply and said,"Now is not the time."

The only one who can suppress the evil of this world in the Holy Grail, Angra Mainyu, is Justisia, who is also the Holy Grail. So, in this line, Illya can be said to have his own mission. Of course, this mission also depends on whether he is willing to do it. However, after contacting Shirou Emiya and understanding Kiritsugu Emiya's regret, Illya will change. After

Goetia let Illya go, Toosaka Rin and others did not object.

Just watch Illya return to Hercules and then be taken away by him.

"Phew, the battle is finally over!"

Looking at the ruins around his house, Shirou Emiya didn't know what to say.���For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

The group returned to Emiya's house again.

At the same time, Shirou also asked directly

""Tosaka, who was that person just now? Since you participated in the Holy Grail War, as an ally, can you tell me the information of that little girl?"

Toosaka Rin shook her head and said,"I don't know her exact identity, but she should be a participant of the Einzbern family, one of the three great families. I don't know anything else, but, senior, you should know, right?""

""Yes. I know something about the identity of that child."

Gaetia looked at Shirou Emiya, then secretly looked at Red A and then at Altria.

"Eh? What are you looking at me for?"

0Please give me flowers

0Shirou is puzzled

"That girl is your sister!"

Goetia finally revealed Illya's identity. This shocked Toosaka Rin, but in fact, only Toosaka Rin and Shirou were shocked. Everyone else seemed to know.

Altria actually retained the memory of the last Holy Grail War.

The way she became a Servant and participated in the Holy Grail War was fundamentally different from other Servants.

Other servants, after their original bodies died, went to the Seat of Heroes to become Heroic Spirits (out of the timeline), and then became Servant in the form of clones and were summoned to the battlefields of various Holy Grail Wars. After the Holy Grail War, the clones disappeared, and there was no contradiction in the memories of the original bodies of the Seat of Heroes.[]

At the moment before her death, Altria made a contract with the restraining force Alaya and became a Heroic Spirit. Her body was summoned to the Holy Grail Wars of each era in turn. (Not out of the timeline) After the Holy Grail War, Altria returned to the moment before her death.

Repeat the above"summon-return" cycle. Until a Holy Grail War, Altria was enlightened (the Fate line) and went to Avalon.

At the end of the Fate line, Saber gave up this belief, accepted the reality and died peacefully. Since the Holy Grail was not used, the contract of the restraining force was not established, and the soul was not owned by the restraining force and returned to Avalon. Merlin saw that King Slow gave up his obsession and happily kicked Fufu (Cathy Palug) off the tower.

Therefore, Altria has always participated in the war in her body, so she also has memories of the past.

In the last Holy Grail War, as a servant of Kiritsugu Emiya, she certainly met Illya, so she also knew Illya.

There was no surprise at all about the information Goetia said.

After all, she had already guessed that her master's last name was Emiya.

After telling Shirou about the relationship between Illya and Emiya Kiritsugu, Shirou was stunned. He had never expected that Kiritsugu actually had a daughter. (Illya and Shirou both called Emiya Kiritsugu's two children by their first names....)

After figuring out this situation, Shirou was in a dilemma.

This had nothing to do with Gaetia and the others. Gaetia and Rin Tosaka were ready to go back.

"Want a ride?"

After opening the space rift, Goetia said to Tosaka Rin

""Is it okay? What kind of magic is this? Can I learn it?"

Toosaka Rin's eyes lit up and she asked in a familiar manner.

Sure enough, what those people in the group said was right. Senior Solomon did have the strength to sweep the Holy Grail War. The strength he just showed was very easy. Now, Toosaka Rin is very confident about her journey to the Holy Grail War.

And now, in addition to holding on to her thighs, what Toosaka Rin has to do is to learn more magic from Solomon.

The ancestor of magic, such a big plug-in is here, wouldn't it be a shame to not use it?

In short, the first night of the Holy Grail War passed like this.

When Goetia woke up the next day, he turned on the TV, and it was broadcasting the news. A gas leak occurred somewhere in Fuyuki City. Goetia took a look and found that it was where the battle took place yesterday. It can only be said that the Holy Grail War is indeed being carried out in secret.

It is worth mentioning that after learning the news, Matou Sakura came directly to the Emiya family. She still cares about Shirou's safety. However, there is also a lot of sorrow between her brows. Compared with the other two lines, Emiya Shirou takes better care of Sakura. It is this gentleness that makes the world The boundary is developing towards the HF line. Sakura Matou, who has low self-esteem, is also full of choices in her heart.

In Sakura's heart, the evil of this world, Angora Mainu, is also affecting Sakura's character.

All the participants in the Holy Grail War are not clear about this yet.

The evil of this world, Angora Mainu, is fundamentally different from Goetia, who is also evil.

Goetia, as a beast of mercy, belongs to human evil. However, it is the existing compassionate love that is transformed into evil. But Angora Mainu is different. It is just pure hatred, and it manifests as"what the world has to offer." The evil of

Goetia cannot be refuted by humans and must be acknowledged.

However, the evil of Angra Mainyu has been refuted by Gilgamesh.

In the last Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh was bathed in the black mud that flowed from the Greater Holy Grail. The black mud communicated with Gilgamesh inside the Holy Grail. Gilgamesh was spared from the spiritual pollution of the black mud due to his strong self.

In the curse of the black mud's denial, Gilgamesh admitted the existence of sin. Facing a series of questions about sin from the black mud, Gilgamesh said,"The king admits it, the king allows it. The king bears the whole world." This answer made the black mud fall into self-contradiction, and it failed to pollute Gilgamesh and spit it out. Gilgamesh therefore obtained a new body through the black mud. Through this incarnation, Gilgamesh became able to manifest without consuming magic power.

However, even Gilgamesh could not refute the evil of pity that transformed from human love into human evil.

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