This casual remark from the Earth Will almost made Goetia fail to react.

So it was for this, but the life energy that flows out from other worlds is indeed of great benefit to the Earth's Great Source. So it is understandable that he wants this thing. But, this thing can only be obtained from other worlds.

Under normal circumstances, it has to be obtained from planets where the Great Source is in a state of circulation.

If it is also a planet with exhausted Great Source, wouldn't it just kill that planet?

Only recycling and sustainable utilization is the way to development.

"I will definitely bring it back if I have a chance, but it's hard to say. Moreover, that doesn't solve the root cause. Now it is still in a state of great resource consumption. As long as this state does not change, the situation on Earth will remain the same!"

Gaetia spread her hands and said the essence of the matter.

Gaia also knew this.

But this is not a solution, human reason is compiled again, that's it.

It's just that there is still no hope now.

"I know that too, but it seems that there is no sign of it now. Maybe it will take a longer time. However, I am glad that you said that."The white-haired Lolita smiled. If she had known that Gaetia was such a person, she should have helped him. It doesn't matter what the human reason is.

However, what Gaia didn't know was that Gaetia, who had not comprehended the joy of life and had not merged with the soul of the alien world, was also an unstable factor for the planet. Therefore, even if Gaia had helped Gaetia before, the result might not be what Gaia expected.

"That's it. I'm leaving. Go and do something quickly, such as teach that fake UO apostle a lesson. Let them feel the pressure of your evil as a human being."

After saying this, the white-haired loli left directly.

On the throne, Gaetia's mouth twitched.

However, at least Gaia is currently worthy of"three, one, seven" trust, mainly because the two of them are not in an opposing environment.

It was Alaya who asked Gaia to come to him, which made Gaetia a little confused. Gaetia didn't believe that Alaya had lost control of the situation now, and this was just the beginning. As for Gaia coming here, well, helping Alaya to pass the message is one thing, but more importantly, it is hoped that Gaetia can get those life energies.

Since Gaia has mentioned it, it would be better for Gaetia to go and take a look.

Goetia has not yet encountered the three apostles of Urgamari, Rasputin, Ashiya Michiman and Senko Muramasa. However, the actions of this group of people have already begun. Rasputin was seen in the Oros Lostbelt.

As for the other two, they have not taken any action yet.

Thinking of this, Goetia thought of the British Lostbelt. I don't know if Senko Muramasa has entered Britain. Maybe I can ask him next time I go there.

However, even so, Goetia has no plans to leave the Temple of Time at the moment.

Because...In the group, they have already started preparing to enter the new world.

Goetia is still very interested in this and wants to see which world this is.

【Kato Megumi: Are you all ready? I am ready. I am a little excited and a little nervous. Finally, I am going to meet you all!

【Lai Yueang]: I'm OK here

【Kocho Shinobu]: I have no problem with this.

【Misaka Mikoto]: I’m ready too

【Goetia: Remember to start the live broadcast. I want to see where this world is. Maybe I can help you.

【Kato Megumi: Eh? Can Goetia-sama's clairvoyance see it?

【Goetia: Not now, but I can try after you guys get there.

Even if the clairvoyance can't see, we still have those memories. Hopefully it's a familiar world.

After these people were ready, the rest of the group started paying attention. A new world is always something to look forward to.

It didn't take too long for the live broadcast to begin.

At this point, the rest of the group finally saw the faces of these people.

【[Sindra]: Huh? Is this Misaka Mikoto? She looks too young.

In the live broadcast, everyone finally saw these people. Among them, Misaka Mikoto's childishness really made people pay attention. Even Kato Megumi, who had met in person, was the same. Kato Megumi even exclaimed:"Eh??? You are Misaka Mikoto? How old are you this year?..."

"14 years old!

This age really shocked a lot of people.

"This is too young, and she is two years younger than Kanao!"

Shinobu Kocho was a little surprised at this moment. The key point is that after a few months of familiarity, she already knew that Misaka Mikoto was a strong person who could be a whole army. She was so young, but so strong. This was outrageous.

At the same time, Shinobu Kocho was a little envious.

However, at this time, Misaka Mikoto instinctively wanted to try whether her superpowers were still there, and then...Something that shocked everyone happened. Misaka Mikoto directly emitted a strong electric current.

""Huh? ? ? Didn't you say that the ability doesn't work?"

Lai Yueang was shocked. How could he still use his ability? He hurried to try it, and then found that some of his abilities were completely ineffective. On the other side, Kocho Shinobu also tried to use the breathing method, but it didn't work either. However, Kato Megumi, who downloaded Misaka Mikoto's superpower at level 3, also used her superpower at this moment.

"What's going on? ? ?"

They could only ask for help from the big guys in the group. Goetia was also a little surprised at this moment. He could use super powers? Wait......

Goetia thought of something.

In the world where Misaka Mikoto lives, there are people with superpowers and people on the magic side.

However, strictly speaking, those superpowers do not seem to belong to the magic side, but to the technology side.

The superpowers developed by Academy City are a major breakthrough in the theory of quantum mechanics.

Through"reality that belongs only to oneself", that is, through the reality observed through deliberately distorted calculation functions and judgment abilities, the probability of the extreme microscopic world changes unnaturally, thereby creating certain phenomena.

On the surface, it is"mnemonics" or"recitation", but in fact, it is to inject drugs into the vein (drug administration), to apply electricity to the skin with electrodes (physical stimulation), or to input rhythms through headphones (hypnotic suggestion), in this way, artificial superpowers are developed.

So, this is actually technology? ? ?

This guess really surprised Goetia.

Then, Goetia said what he speculated, and it opened everyone's eyes. It even got the affirmation of Misaka Mikoto.

"Yes, that's true. I also took drugs when I was a kid...."

Is it possible?

"Can I get that drug? I want it too...."

【[Goetia]: Forget it. Without a set process, the success rate is not high.

Well, after learning the truth, Leyue had no choice but to accept it. However, even so, Misaka Mikoto's superpowers are enviable. This is probably the reason why the chat group recommended the two of them. In short, with two more people who can use superpowers, it will be much more certain for the next exploration of this world.

Of course, in this world, there is a WHYMAM that emits petrifying rays and relies on electromagnetic waves to find strong people, so Goetia told the two of them that it is best not to use superpowers too frequently, and even if they use them, they must hide and move to avoid being discovered by a parasite.

Leyue, who accepted the facts, then observed the surroundings. In this regard, as the only male, he is still more reliable.

"Is this really the world of technology? Why are there only forests? Where are the cities?"

Looking around, Lai Yueang felt that the game was strange.

After hearing Lai Yueang's words, the other three people who were reminiscing about the past finally came to their senses. They all looked around, and as Lai Yueang said, it was all forests. Lai Yueang even climbed up a tree to see farther.

"You must be kidding me!"

Lai Yueang screamed in disbelief after climbing up the tree.

"What happened?"

Below, several people also hurriedly asked what happened

"It's all trees, which means there's no city here! Isn't it a world of science? How come we're in a primitive forest?"

Not only this group of people were very surprised, but even those who hadn't been there were also surprised.

The live broadcast actually saw the surrounding environment before Lai Yueang and others, and it was indeed all forest. It didn't look like a world of science at all, which was really strange.

【Goetia: Anyway, let's go for a walk and take a look around.

After seeing Goetia's comments, the group of people in the live broadcast also started to move.

Soon, they made a discovery.���, many stone statues were found....They were stone statues of humans. This scared the group of people. Each stone statue looked very similar to humans.

"What's going on..."

Lai Yueang said speechlessly, and the other three girls also looked unhappy.

These stone statues, why do they look weird?

However, Goetia in the chat group felt a sense of familiarity when she saw these stone statues. Soon, Goetia finally figured out where this familiarity came from. This was a memory in the soul of the young Jiang Fan. Thinking of this, Goetia finally understood where this world was.

However, at this moment, Goetia's mouth twitched. This world is indeed a world on the scientific side, but the timeline is wrong.

【Goetia: I roughly know what the world you live in is like....Aqua sighed.jpg

Goetia's speech undoubtedly surprised everyone.

"Lord Goetia is still so reliable. Is that clear now? Did the Clairvoyance see anything useful?"

Kato Megumi finally breathed a sigh of relief. At least she was not as confused as before.

Raiyue Ang and Kocho Shinobu looked much better.

Misaka Mikoto was surprised. Is this the boss? He really looks very reliable.

【Goetia: This world is a bit complicated, but it can indeed be considered a technological world. I will keep it short....

Afterwards, Goetia told the truth about this world.

The new world discovered by the chat group this time was called Stone Age in Goetia's memory. Yes, it is also an anime........

This world was illuminated by a mysterious light one day, and all humans in the world were petrified, forming the stone statues that the four people just saw. Then, more than three thousand years passed before someone recovered from the petrification.

After more than three thousand years, the traces of human civilization obviously disappeared.

This is why Le Yueang and others arrived at a forest. It took Goetia a long time to explain the situation of this world to the dead. After all, it is still very time-consuming to send all of them in the form of barrage.

"But is it really scientific to be able to petrify all the people on Earth?"

The question Kato Megumi asked went straight to the point.

No matter how you look at it, it seems outrageous. Although it is not as serious as Goetia's direct destruction of mankind, the difference is not much. Now human civilization has disappeared, leaving only these stone statues.

"I'm worried that we won't be petrified too...."

In response, Leyueang said he felt a little guilty. There was no way to revive here. Moreover, according to Lord Goetia, turning into a stone statue was not death....This is really being trapped here, how uncomfortable it must be!

【[Goetia]: It shouldn't be that case. Look around here now to see if there's anyone awake.

This surprised the four again. Awakened people? (To read the wild novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The four quickly began to search in the forest.

It should n't be when the protagonist Senku hasn't woken up yet, what's the point of letting them go there? Besides, isn't this world just an ordinary world? What's there to explore?

The only thing that's a bit suspenseful is the WHYMAN who can emit petrifying rays.

But that seems to be in outer space, and they can't reach it.

So Goetia speculated that this time point might be related to Senku.

This is indeed the case. Soon, the four really found someone. Moreover, there were three people, one of whom was wearing a grass skirt, and the other was a little better, with a hemp skin and green hair. The last person was burly and revealed a murderous aura.

Seeing these three people, Goetia was finally sure.

""Huh? ? ? There are still people awake!"

Dashu exclaimed in surprise.

But the other Senku was puzzled. The other person was the second person resurrected by Senku, Shishio Tsukasa. The three of them represented intelligence, physical strength and power respectively.

When they met here at this moment, Shishio Tsukasa immediately became alert.

There was no way, no matter how you look at it, there is a huge purchasing power between Lai Yueang and the other three, because the clothes on Lai Yueang are all new, and the fabrics are not comparable to those worn by Senku and the other three.

"Finally, I see a living person again. After reviving from that stone statue state, the world has become like this."

Lai Yueang stepped forward to negotiate. This was Goetia telling them that it was better to pretend to be revived from a stone statue. After all, Dashu himself revived alone. Although the clothes on the four people were a bit strange, how could there be such clothes in this timeline?

But Senku and the other two did not ask directly.

In this way, the two groups of people joined forces, and in this forest, they were more secure.

At least, Dashu thought so.

In this way, the four people began to explore this world, which was a true 5.0 exploration.

With the current situation, for these people, it is completely the Stone Age. If this is not exploration, what is it?...

At this time, Goetia still didn't understand the meaning of the chat group asking him to explore this world, so he clicked on the mission area.

【Goetia: Damn it, the mission has changed.

Goetia's words attracted everyone's attention.

"Mission progress: 1. Build a village, or join a village. (Not completed) 2. Develop civilization and enter the Black Iron Age (Not completed)"

【Goetia: Why is it a farming type of mission? ? ? It's completely different from last time

【Sindra: Maybe it has something to do with the fact that this world is a technological world?

The other people in the group also felt troubled at this moment. The first task was fine, but the second task was very troublesome. This world is now in the Stone Age. If you want to enter the Iron Age, it usually takes a long time.

So, this world will take a long time to explore?

【Water Goddess Aqua]: Haha, these four are so unlucky.

【Goetia: It’s not that bad. I can come back anytime.���and...I don't think it will take too long.

Goetia's words made Aqua feel that this guy had a bad history.

【Ichinose Honoki]: Now is the Stone Age, and there is still a Bronze Age between the Iron Age. Lord Goetia, you may have made a mistake!

【Goetia: No, I'm not wrong. You'll know when the time comes.

Normally it does take a long time, but with Senku, Goetia thinks we'll soon be in the electric age.

On the other side, the four people in this new world also saw this mission. They are all modern people, and they obviously understand how difficult this mission is. Although Goetia said it won't take too long, it's a bit timid.

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