After the train started, everything was normal.

Soon, a ticket inspector began to check tickets. This ticket inspector gave people a gloomy feeling, but there was no ghost aura on him. Therefore, even the Flame Pillar Rengoku Kyojuro could not find anything abnormal.

The same was true for the three little ones. Although they had strong intuition and felt that something was wrong, they didn't know what was wrong.

At this time, Goetia felt that Kocho Shinobu poked him.

"Lord Goetia, that person..."

Obviously, Shinobu Kocho had discovered something. With her fairy eyes, she was much more perceptive than the others. As for Goetia, Goetia could tell that the other person was special. This train inspector was not a ghost, but a real human.

However, he was obviously controlled.

This was controlled by the blood demon art, Nightmare, one of the lower celestial beings, who could erode dreams. In terms of ability, it was still very troublesome. He directly hypnotized this train inspector.


Goetia stopped Shinobu Kocho from saying anything.

"Now is not the time to alert the enemy, and there is no way to rescue him unless we find the true form of the demon!"

Goetia's words reached the ears of Shinobu Kocho, who nodded. In the end, this information was not told to the other people. Because Rengoku Kyojuro is not a person who keeps secrets. If the three iron-headed kids, especially Inosuke, knew about it, they might chase after him directly.

In the end, he accepted the ticket inspection calmly.

The speed of the train also increased at this moment. It seemed that everything was normal and there was no uneasy factor.

On the train that had just started, there were still a large number of passengers talking, and it was not deserted. Taking advantage of this time, Goetia also thought of something.

"Shinobu Kocho, I have to tell you some not-so-good news."


"There is too little magic power in your world, and if you use the magic eyes without magic power, it will consume your vitality, so it is better to use the fairy eyes less or not at all. After all, you are not like me, who can draw magic power from the environment."

After hearing what Goetia said, Kocho Shinobu was also surprised. Is there such a saying?

Seeing the surprised Kocho Shinobu, Goetia continued to explain

"The magic eye is actually a kind of magic, so it must use magic power. But you are obviously not a magician...."

Now Kocho Shinobu understood, but despite what Goetia said, Kocho Shinobu quickly made up her mind.

Kocho Shinobu shook her head.

"This fairy eye is indeed very powerful and can help me kill more demons. So, I will not give it up."Faced with hatred and life, Shinobu Kocho finally chose the former. She was relatively weak to begin with, and if she lost the fairy eye, she felt that her chances of winning against Douma in the future would be even smaller.

Therefore, she rejected Goetia's proposal.

Goetia was not surprised by this.

Goetia only discovered this after entering this world. As for the worlds of the other group members, there is no such crisis. Aqua already has magic power, and Gensokyo is about the same. Not to mention Syndra, the magic power of Valoran is actually not much different from that of Type-Moon.

As for the modern worlds, Goetia has not been there, so she is not clear.

Shinobu Kocho is worried about the arrival of the Dharma Ending Age, so there is this crisis.

As the successor of the Magic Eye, Goetia still has to solve it.

"Well, in that case, let me think of a solution!"

"Eh? So it can be solved?"

Goetia was speechless for a while, and Shinobu Kocho couldn't help but said:"Then I'll leave it to Goetia-sama!"

Her expression of trust in Goetia made Goetia not know what to say.

In fact, this matter is not difficult, but it is mainly to solve the problem of magic power. In this world, although the magic power is drying up. But at least there is still a little bit, and it has not reached the point where the mystery disappears completely. Goetia estimated that after solving Muzan and the world entering the modern era, it may be the case that the mystery disappears completely.

As for now, although the great source is weak, it still exists.

As long as you get the source of magic power, it is not difficult to solve this problem.

For example, just add a conversion magic to the magic eye. Convert the vitality of the great source in the surrounding environment into your own magic power.

"I will solve it for you after this is over!"

After hearing what Gaetia said, Kocho Shinobu couldn't help but say

"Lady Goetia is really reliable. That goddess Aqua can't compare to her at all!"

In a certain world, Aqua suddenly sneezed, and asked if she had a cold.

After that, Goetia and Kocho Shinobu chatted about everything to kill time. Now, the ghost obviously hasn't shown up yet. On the other side, Rengoku Kyojuro and Tanjiro were chatting heatedly. The

Flame Pillar Rengoku Kyojuro felt that this boy named Tanjiro was very much to his liking.

So, the Flame Pillar soon became Tanjiro's big brother.

With Rengoku Kyojuro's personality and generosity, in fact, as long as you know more, you will know that this person is like this. Always full of enthusiasm, and Tanjiro is always optimistic, so it is normal for the two to get closer.

As for the two iron-headed kids , had fallen asleep.

Agatsuma Zenitsu resolutely completed the task assigned by Kocho Shinobu, so Inosuke had not been able to escape. Perhaps he was tired and fell asleep directly on the table in front. Agatsuma Zenitsu fell asleep while holding Inosuke.

The situation of the two was not unique.

As time passed, the night fell into the deep night.

At this moment, all the humans on this train felt an irresistible sleepiness, even the Flame Pillar Rengoku Kyojuro.

Not long after, everyone fell into a deep sleep.

Rengoku Kyojuro had no way to resist this sleepiness, and the same was true for Kocho Shinobu.

So soon, everyone on the train fell asleep. Only Goetia was left...And Nezuko whose box is heavy

"Finally, I can't help but make a move!"

Goetia smiled. This kind of illusion was the first time for people in the native world. But for Goetia, it didn't work at all. But, looking at Kocho Shinobu who fell asleep and lay directly on her shoulder, Goetia was also surprised.

Goetia didn't remind Kocho Shinobu that she had discovered some abnormalities before, but she was fooled so easily.

Regarding this point, if Kocho Shinobu knew what Goetia was thinking, she would definitely refute it. With the big guy here, she is completely relieved. So, she was fooled.

At this moment, a line began to attack this side and slowly wrapped around the wrists of the Demon Slayer Corps.

The rope of dreams, a rope specially made by nightmares, has the special ability to invade the dreams of the people tied with the rope. As long as the user ties one end of the rope to the target's wrist If you tie the rope to a certain end and the other end to your hand, you can fall asleep and invade the other person's dream.

If you use the Nichirin Sword to cut the rope, the rope user who is not the owner of the dream (that is, the person who invades the dream of others) will lose consciousness forever.

Because of this side effect, it is obvious that this ghost does not need to risk entering other people's dreams by himself, but to control other people to enter the dreams of the Demon Slayer Corps members, such as the conductor who was controlled before.

At this moment, a young figure crawled out of the box.

It was the young version of Nezuko. At this moment, Nezuko looked at her brother who had fallen asleep, and found a strange line on his wrist. She couldn't wake him up no matter what she did, and she was a little anxious. Fortunately, she saw Goetia who was also awake, and then came to Goetia.

She pushed Goetia's arm, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen!"

Goetia raised her hand and touched Nezuko's head, and then comforted her.

Then, Goetia was ready to take action.

The blue flame directly enveloped the people in the Demon Slayer Corps. It didn't take too long for everyone to wake up from their sleep.

"I am...What happened?"

After waking up, Kocho Shinobu muttered. But then, she immediately remembered that she was going to catch a ghost, and she immediately figured it out. She was tricked. On the other side, the Flame Pillar, Tanjiro and others also reacted instantly. After seeing her brother wake up, Nezuko was relieved.

Tanjiro also touched Nezuko and thanked Nezuko for waking him up.

But Nezuko pointed at Goetia, and Tanjiro knew who woke him up.

"Thank you very much, Lord Goetia!"

"You're welcome!"

Goetia used the fifth magic to destroy the so-called dream from the essence, or more precisely, to destroy the blood magic of the evil ghost. At the head of the train, Nightmare spat out a mouthful of blood. In addition, the lines on their wrists also disappeared.

"Damn, what's wrong with these guys? It seems that the only way to merge is to force them!"

Originally, he wanted to use dreams to delay the Demon Slayers, and then completely merge himself with the train, swallowing all those humans into his stomach and digesting them. But now, the Demon Slayers woke up early, so he had to force it.

On Goetia's side, everyone felt a vibration. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"What is this?"

At this moment, the train was surrounded by flesh walls, like the mouth of some creature. Seeing this, ordinary people might spit out their dinner. However, most ordinary people were in a coma, so they didn't see it for the time being.

Similarly, there was no chaos.

At this time, the Flame Pillar had already set out, and so did Tanjiro and the other two, and began to move towards the head train.

""Mr. Goetia, and Miss Kocho Shinobu, I'll leave these ordinary people to you. I'll go kill that ghost!" The Flame Pillar said to Kocho Shinobu solemnly.

Kocho Shinobu wanted to say something, but the Flame Pillar had already flown away, and so did the three little ones. Nezuko stayed with them.

Goetia also comforted them.

"Don’t worry, this ghost is not an upper moon, it’s just a lower moon!"

After hearing what Goetia said, Shinobu Kocho heaved a sigh of relief. At least the one she encountered now was not the upper-rank one who killed the Flame Pillar. But from the side, just the lower-rank one was already so powerful. They all fell into the opponent's trap and were almost wiped out.

Therefore, Shinobu Kocho's face became much more solemn.

As for Goetia, he didn't know what Shinobu Kocho was thinking at the moment. Instead, he was concerned about Zenitsu Agatsuma just now.

Goetia had clearly released these people from the dream, but why didn't Zenitsu Agatsuma wake up? It seemed that he had entered a strange state.

Afterwards, Goetia and Shinobu Kocho took Nezuko to protect the ordinary people in these trains. Because the ghost chose to forcibly merge the train, the surroundings of the train had been completely swallowed by the flesh wall at this moment, and a large number of tentacles began to attack humans.

At this time, some humans had already woken up because of the pain. Then, it caused panic.

Shinobu Kocho directly used tentacles to cut off these so-called attacks. Goetia did the same, and he rarely tried his swordsmanship.

In this regard, Shinobu Kocho really couldn't help it.

"Lord Goetia, you really don't know how to use a sword?"

"Yes, I didn’t lie to you!"

"I...Forget it, Lord Goetia, is there any way to solve this situation?"

Kohiko Shinobu cut off several tentacles, and Nezuko on the other side also

"These things will still appear even after being killed. The most important thing is that they will continue to appear before their main body dies. Even the fifth magic is not suitable. If you want me to ignore the humans here, I can do it."

Hearing this, Kocho Shinobu also sighed and had to protect these ordinary people one by one.

But at this time, Nezuko came to Goetia, holding Goetia with one hand and pointing to the outside of the train with one hand.

This made Goetia think for a while, and then his eyes lit up.

"Thank you, Nezuko, for coming up with a good idea!" Goetia said, stroking Nezuko's head.

"any solution?"

"There are too many people, and the defense will always be missed, so we just need to transfer these people outside the train."

This is why Nezuko pointed outside the train.

Don't mention it, Kocho Shinobu immediately thought of Goetia 187 after hearing it, but he can transfer through space rifts.

"but...We have to move those people one by one...."

After all, some people haven't woken up yet.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Isn't it easy to wake them up?

The blue flame ignited by the fifth magic began to burn the entire train. Soon, these ordinary people woke up directly, and then there was chaos. After all, with such a terrible scene in front of them, it is inevitable that they will panic. Fortunately, the

Demon Slayer Corps was there, and this group of people immediately calmed down under the call of Shinobu Kocho.

Then, Goetia opened a huge space rift.

All the ordinary people walked in. When they came out, they were already outside the train. Everyone on the train had left, leaving only an empty train, which was swallowed by the demon.

After this group of people were safe, some of them also showed a smile of surviving a disaster.

"What should we do now?"

"I will stay here to look after these people, Lord Goetia, I will leave the Flame Pillar Rengoku Kyojuro in your care.

Goetia nodded, then opened the space rift and prepared to catch up with the train. The train had not stopped yet, so in such a short time, a long distance had been pulled away. At the same time, Nezuko suddenly rushed over and hugged Goetia.

""Lord Goetia, Tanjiro is over there, you should take Nezuko with you!"

Goetia nodded, then walked into the space rift with Nezuko.

When he appeared again, he was on top of the speeding train.

The battle at this moment has entered its most intense moment, but it is obvious that the Demon Slayer Corps has the upper hand. After all, with the pillars here, plus the three little ones, especially Tanjiro who uses the Sun Breathing Technique, this lower-rank demon can't do anything.

But seeing that his life is in danger, he wants to escape directly.

This ghost is called Nightmare, and he is still very decisive. He couldn't beat him, so he directly left the train. After the entire train lost human control, it began to deviate from the track. The three little ones and the Flame Pillar jumped down directly, and Goetia did the same with Nezuko.

However, Goetia blocked the opponent's escape path.

Looking at the person who suddenly appeared, Nightmare's pupils shrank, and then he made a direct move.

"Heavy pressure!"


Nightmare fell directly to the ground, and was suddenly attracted by a huge gravity. Even a ghost would be affected.

However, Nightmare was obviously stronger than the previous ghost, and he was slowly standing up at this moment. But the Flame Pillar would not give this opportunity, and suddenly attacked here. Goetia shook his head and withdrew his magic, otherwise the Flame Pillar would be crushed.

At this moment, Goetia sensed something and turned his head.

He saw a big tree was thrown directly over, and Goetia casually produced a magic bullet and blew up the tree. The Flame Pillar took this opportunity to shoot directly at Nightmare's head.

Nightmare, the lower-rank ghost, died completely under the sword of the Flame Pillar.

The person who came was extremely angry.

"Damn bug, who told you to kill it?".

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